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Relevant Curriculum Area/s EYLF/ELAs: Physical

Experience Topic: Physical Education to work around the
circuit and complete all fitness tasks with emphasis on fine
motor, coordination, teamwork and special awareness.

Date: 19/11

Rationale: I choice these certain experiences as over my PED

days I was gaining knowledge of the previous gym lessons, the
childrens likes and interests towards certain activities. I also
wanted to introduce some team bonding experiences (passing
the football, the ball stick catcher) as some children on play
with their friends and not other children in their class.

Duration: 30 minutes

Age range: preschool to

year 2

Experience Outcome/Objective(s):
- Provided opportunities for children to connect their prior knowledge from home (if
they play sport outside of school).
- Children improve on their coordination, teamwork and fine motor skills
- EYLF outcome 1 (children have a strong sense of identity) and outcome 4 (children
are confident and involved learners).
- Demonstrate knowledge growth over the lesson through the set tasks.
- Children transfer and adapt what they have learnt from one context to another.
Pre-requisites (prior knowledge, skills, etc.) children need no previous knowledge to
participate in this experience, as this lesson is all about introducing new elements and
teaching the children how to do them.
Preparation and Resources:
- 3x footballs
- Skipping ropes (both individual and group)
- Fine motor blocks
- Skittles and a ball
- Tennis balls and the sticky catcher
- Trampoline
- Protective floor mats
- Hurdles
- Track runners
I will need to prepare what Im going to set up in the gym the previous day, to make
sure the school have all the equipment I need to my lesson.
I will have to come in earlier than normal as I need to set up the gym in the morning
before school starts.
ACTIVITY PROCEDURE: diagram on separate page
Introduction/Focusing Activity: children will be
brought into the gym in a line (through the primary
school) and they will walk in and sit down near the
door in a group. While I have them sitting down, I will
run through each element of the circuit, each time
bringing a new child out of the group to help me

Before class started I was setting
up the gym area, my educator
came and told me that the
preschool children were actually
meant to be doing gym with the

demonstrate in front of the class.

Once I have finished demonstrating, I will separate
each child into groups. Each group will have their
own element, as some teachers need to
supervise/help with some activities.
Experience development: children will only have a
short time with each activity, this allows children to try
each element and not get bored of them. A few
activities will be teacher supervised, helping children
(skipping, throwing the football, obstacle course).
Student will be praised with positive reinforcement
when they are doing the right thing. If a child isnt
doing the right thing, they will get warnings but if they
keep persisting then they will be removed from gym
time. Each rotation will be changed when the whistle
Conclusion: the lesson will end once all groups
have participated in every activity. Once the final
whistle blows, children will stop and line up at the
door. The equipment will actually be left there for the
whole day so all years can use it.

kindergarten children. I had to

quickly change my plans about
group size and the children that go
together. In the end both classes
did really well in going through each
obstacle activity.
The preschools behaviour was
probably better due to the
kindergarten children being with
them. Children werent
inappropriately throwing balls at
each other which I was kind of
With two classes put together, it
gave us another teacher to work
with to look over one group of
children and assist them when


children are at least trying to do these experiences.
Photos are attached on the back.

Further development/follow up: I noticed that the children where most enjoying the
running ladder, using their quick feet to run through them. So for next week, I will ask the
children to play a game called fruit salad. This way they will have to listen and concentrate
while playing this game while also using their quick feet again.

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