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Katie Cervoni

App log
Elaboration Likelihood Model
This model is a persuasive method of communication working through
central and peripheral communication patterns. This focuses on the changing and
understanding of attitudes and a persons perspective on topics, situations and
events. This is done by encoding and decoding your central (speaking and sharing)
and peripheral (nonverbal) communication. It is important to associate non-verbals
with verbal communication. Make sure they match, or at least align with one
another when looking to persuade and communicate using this method. Also be
aware of the receivers non-verbal communication and their receiving of your
conveyed messages.
This method of communication is very similar to the lessons and topics that
we are covering in my Persuasion course this semester. For me this connected with
the idea of ethical persuasion but also in authentic or genuine persuasion. I would
want to make sure that my verbal message is well conveyed because if I am going to
share it I want it to be heard, and hopefully adapted. This can be done by aligning
your non-verbal and verbal communication and being aware of your receivers
attitudes toward your communication.

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