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Katie Cervoni

App Log 3
Ch 10 Uncertainty Avoidance
Uncertainty Reduction Theory describes the actions and steps we take to
reduce uncertainty or newness between individuals upon their first meeting. This
drive to reduce uncertainty can be explored in three facets, the incentive for getting
to know the individual, the extreme difference from the individual to oneself, and
the possibility that you will see this person again.
When taking intercultural communication that semester, I learned that I have
a low uncertainty avoidance. This simply means that I do not feel as much of the
awkwardness during introductions or first meetings. I like to sum this up with the
phrase strangers and just friends I havent met yet. Meeting new people is exciting
to me, I love to talk to and get to know others. Winning others over or WOO is my
top strength and I see that in my life often. I find it easy to relate to others, and to get
to know them well. The only aspect of the Uncertainty Reduction theory that I see
differently is the possibility of seeing a person again and that being an aspect of
reducing uncertainty. When getting to know others, I am intentional, not by choice
but more by nature. I can reduce uncertainty and see the person once, but I
remember them and what they say, it holds a weight with me.

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