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Summer Semester 2006

Day Start End Section Instructor Instructor email Room

M 5:00 P.M. 5:50 P.M. 521 CB 1.106
Matt Openshaw
T 5:00 P.M. 5:50 P.M. 522 SOM 2.903

Office Hours
Monday: One hour after class and by appointment.
Tuesday: One hour before class and by appointment.
Office location: GR 2.822

The social statistics lab is created to encourage discussion of the lectures in the social statistics
class and to provide assistance to students for questions on homework problems. Although
homework assignments will not be turned in or graded, they will be the primary basis for the

There will be a separate grade assigned for the lab session. Your grade is solely dependent on
your attendance and your non-stop presence in the classroom. Leaving during the lab session
will result in an absence for that lab session. The grade in the lab is worth one hour and will be
recorded separately from your class grade on the grade report. Final grades will be determined
by the professor of the class, given the class rolls received from the Teaching Assistants at the
end of every lab session. Make sure you sign in for every class.

Please arrive on time and stay from beginning to end to get credit:
A – Attend 11-12 lab sessions (minimum 90% of class time)
B – Attend 9-10 lab sessions (minimum 75% of class time)
C – Attend 7-8 lab sessions (minimum 58% of class time)
D – Attend 5-6 lab sessions (minimum 40% of class time)
F – Attend less than 5 lab sessions (less than 40% of class time)

Any questions about homework assignments must be asked of the teaching assistants first
BEFORE the professor will provide more detail about them. Teaching assistants will not have
access to the exams before the exams are given.

The requirements for this class are:
(1) to be registered for SOSC 3305.521 Introduction to Social Stats during the Summer term.
(2) to be respectful of the TA and others during lab session discussions and homework

There is no separate text book required for this class. Please remember to bring your
calculators to all lab sessions.

Other stuff
Remember to turn off any electronic devices that may interrupt your colleagues during class
time. If you need any accommodations for disabilities, please notify the instructor as soon as
possible. Also, review UTD’s policy on academic dishonesty as it will apply in this class.

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