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, ,

: ,
XI, 11, 1996; . 1 -392.
Balkan, Anatolia, Near East (Neolithic Transformation - Some

1.- : 1/ , . , ; 2/ - -,
; 3/ , ; 4/
, . , ; 5/ .
; 6/
, . , ; 7/
Map 1. - Pottery distribution: 1/ Balkans Anza, G.
Bacilui, Starcevo; 2/ Greece Proto sesklo, Sesklo; 3/
SW Anatolia Kizilkaya, Hacilar; 4/ NE Mediterranean
Yarmukian, R. Shamra, Mersin; 5/ N. Mesopotamia
Proto/Early Hassuna; 6/ Iran Yanuktepe, H. Firuz,
Siyalk; 7/ Transkaspia / Jeitun

, . . " Ex Oriente lux..."

, ,
, . ?
, ,

! " ".
. [1]
, , ,
? "...
; ;
, ; ,
;..." (1. . 3, 18-19).
, ,
, ?
: "... ,
; " (1 . 1, 29).
, , ; "
, , " (1 . 9,
3). ,


, .






, .
20 ,

, ,

(, , ),


. ,
, .
, ,
. ,
. ,
. ( . 1979).

( 1979).
. ,
(, 1988). ,




- ,

(rigger 1968),
. ,

, . , [2] -
( 1978; . 1978, 1980, 1985; Dumitrescu 1983;
1972; Mogosanu 1983, 1988; - 1993; Tringham
1971; Boronean 1973; . 1975).
, -
( 1980).

( . 1985),

- " wave of advance "
(Ammerman - Cavalli - Sforza 1971: - 1993)
"stop-and-start " (Barker 1989; Zvelebil 1989)
(Zvelebil - Zvelebil 1988).


(Redman 1978; Trigger 1968).
, -

. ,
(Bailey 1981),
. "
(Schoeninger 1981). ,
, "
" "Broad Spectrum Revolution" (Flannery 1969),
(Edwards 1989).


(Redman 1978).
(Mellaart 1975; Flannery 1969).
, "
" (Redman 1978).
. ,
- 18.000 - cca
10.000 . (Hole 1984).
! (Hole 1984). ?
(7.200-6.500 . .), (6.500-6.000 . ),
/ (Rollefson 1989).
" "
(Mellaart 1975; Bader 1989;
Redman 1978; Kenyon 1960, Hole et all. 1969; Braidwood 1971).
VII . . .
. ,
- .

--- ( - 1979) (Prendi

1990; - 1993). -

- ( . 1985;
. 1975; Brukner 1975).

, ,
- I
(, ),
- .
, , . ,
caprovidi (Bknyi 1976, 1988).
- ,
( 1981; 1992; - 1993). ,
(Balomey 1966),

- (Bknyi 1974, 1988).

- 5
: - , III, V, ( 1988) ( 1985) ,
. 9
: , ( 1988),
- ( 1974), - (), ( 1986),
I (Bknyi 1976), , (Bolomey 1966),
- (Bknyi 1992)

: . 216 - , 5 . 103 -
11, . 33 , 4 (Boessnek
1960). -

, .
, ,
. ,
, .
caprovida - ?

, - ?

: ",
" (Bknyi
. . . .

(1969: 37), . .
" European Economic Prehistory (Barker 1989; .
97), (Redman 1978).

(Carciumaru 1973, 1978),
"exotic cerealia, emmer and bread wheat" into an environmental and substistence
system pre-adapted for them" (Barker 1989; 253-254).[4]
( 1969; 101).

, .
. "white ware",

(. 52). ,
: - , V (. 53). (. 54), - I (. 55)

( ?)
, - ,

( . 1979).
. 50 IX . 46 VI.
- .

(. 49).
" " (. 51).
(. 46)
I (. 44) - (. 45)
- .
, - ,
, ,

(Trigger 1968). ,

- ,

. ,
. ,
, .

. ,
"" . ,

. ;
(. 5 ),
(. 1 )
(. 7 ).

, , ,
. ,
, ,
. , .
. ,

"" ,
. !

. ,
, , 1967.

. :

Ovis sp. . tradelaphus, . argaloides, . cf. ammon, . cf.

orientalis, . ammon orientalis (Barker 1988). ,
, (Cole 1967).

Tr. dicoccum (Barker 1989: 252253; - 1993: 147).
(Barker 1989: 252: Hansen - Renfrew 1978),
(Carciumaru 1973, 1978).

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. - .
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SCIV- Studii si cercetari de Istoric veche.
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WMBH - Wissenschaftlichen Mitteilungen aus Bosnia and Herzegovina,
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1. : 1969, . 46,3
2. : 1969, . 46,4
3. : 1969, . 46,9
4. : 1969, . 46,7
5. : Wijnen 1979, fig. 3,11
6. : 1969, 16/II, 1
7. : Kirkbride 1972, p. X, 4
8. : 1969, 18/I, 3

9. : Mellaart 1970, p. LIX, 3 . 49,15

10. : 1969, . 46,10
11. : 1969, . 46,8
12. . : 1969, , 73,6
13. . : 1969, , 73,2
14. :Mock 1976, . 48,5
15. : Gimbutas1974, . 1,8
16. -: Nica1987, . 1,8
17. : Mellaart 1975, fig. 134c
18. : Kirkbride 1972, . X, 1
19. : Kirkbride 1972, . X, 3
20. : Mellaart 1975, . 80,3 . 3
21. : Kirkbride 1972, . X, 10
22. : Mellaart 1975, . 154, 2 1
23. : Brentjes 1968, 3 2
24. : Brentjes 1968,111,1 34
25. : Mellaart 1975, . 134
26. : Heurtley 1939, . 117g
27. : 1979, . XLI, 10
28. : Mock 1976, . 58,2
29. : Mock 1976, . 58,3
30. : Mock 1976, . 57,2

31. : Gimbutas 1976, . 24,5

32. : Heurtley 1939, . 141
33. : Voigt 1983, . 98
34. : Voigt 1983, . 24,1
35. : Voigt 1983, . 98
36. : Voigt 1983, . 981
37. : Gaul 1948, . XI, 4
38. : 1956-57, . 57
39. : , 1988,
40. -: Nica 1987, . 16
41. : Heurtley 1939, . 141
42. - : Nica 1976, . 1,3
43. : Gimbutas 1976, . 25
44. : 1979, . XIII, 2
45. -: Nica 1992, . 1,5
46. : Mellaart 1970, . 59,10
47. : Brentjes 1968,111, 1 1
48. : Karamanski 1975, . V. 1
49. : Theocharis 1973, . IV, 7
50. : Mellaart 1970, . XLVI, 1
51. : Redman 1978, . 6-6
52. : Mellaart 1975, . 28

53. : Wijnen 1979, . 3,10

54. : 1969, . 46,9
55. : Gimbutas 1974, . 16
56. : 1969, . 54,4

Sl. 1 - 18. Fig. 1 - 18

Sl. 19 - 43. Fig. 19 - 43

Sl. 44 - 56. Fig. 44 - 56

Balkan, Anatolia, Near East

Neolithic Transformation - Some Inquires
Author's orientation is to raise some questions tied with the topic in the title from the
SE European archaeological point of view. Several critical comments on (lie, up to
data, research methodology, investigation strategy, as well as scientific theoretical
elucidation on the Neolithic of Balkans are disclosed. The author also presents current
scientific theories and hypothesis on the phenomenon of "Neolithic Revolution"
regarding the archaeology of SW Asia. A short review of the relationship between SW
Asia and SB Europe, on the genesis of Neolithic, with accentuated inquires about the
biogeography of progenitors of domesticates, generate questions:
- What the interpretation of different breeding strategies of Balkano-Carpatian cultural
complex (cattle, pig) and Balkano-Anatolian one (caprovides) might be?
- How can one explain the presence of hornless sheep within the Anzabegovo cultural
group, as well as Balkano-Carpato-Pannonian cultural complex but for Early
Neolithic Greece?

Regarding the developed pottery Neolithic the author offers a brief comparative
analysis of the three groups of painted earthenware, widely distributed from Balkans
to Transcaspia (fig. 1-43, 47, 48), resulting in isolation of 7 cultural entities (text
chart). This generate the question:
- Within the developed-classical pottery Neolithic, aside the current tendencies for
fixing the particularities, is it possible to recognize some mechanisms for establishing
a wide fan of relationships through a Grand territory?
The goal of author's questioning is to trace for enlightening relations between SE
Europe and SW Asia, that was never one-way direction.
Translated by the author

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