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Interested in Marketing

Inquiry into Disciplinary

Interested in Marketing
Flores, Kimberly
University of Texas at El Paso

[Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of
the document. Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the
contents of the document.]

Marketing is studies the behavior of consumers to determine who would buy a product and
where it would sell better. It requires psychological, cultural, business, as well as art and design
knowledge. Marketing is often mistaken with just sales and advertising but even though they are
really similar they are not the same. UTEP employs six marketing staff members, including
assistants professors and a lecturer. Marketing is part of the College of Business and
Administration. The building is located off the of Rim Rd right behind the University Library.
I choose this discipline because I got interested in it during the orientation presentation by the
College of Business Administration. My position in this discipline is of a prospector. What got
me interested in marketing was that it studies psychology, sociology, and culture. In order to
decide if marketing might be a possibility for a major I decided to conduct a research project on
it. In this project I hoped to find out more about the culture, community, individuals, said and
unsaid rules, and how to make the transition from being an outsider to an insider easier in the
discipline of marketing. The data that were collected to answer all of these doubts were collected
through interviews with marketing faculty, surveys to students, site observations, and analysis of
marketing documents.
The research questions (appendix A) were develop to distinguish what collected information
collected was valid to the study of marketing. The primary research question (appendix A) is
asking for all the things that a beginner in marketing needs in order to go from an outsider to an
insider in the discipline of marketing, and therefore what it takes to succeed and have a voice and
credibility within the community.
The secondary research questions (appendix A) look for the type of individuals that are
interested in marketing (appendix A) how far must a student be involved in activities that relate
to marketing, gain experience, and what should a student be looking for in order to excel in the
community of marketing and business after graduation. The tertiary secondary research question
is not only looking for the information about the courses but at the skills that a student acquires
after successfully accomplishing the course or courses. The fourth secondary research question
concentrates in the community that exists inside marketing. This question looks for who are the
individuals that hold power in the community, what type of community it is, who forms part of
the community, and how to be accepted by it.
Literature Review/background
This research project is an inquiry into disciplinary. It is classified as an ethnography, which is
the study of a particular group or community through recollection data about their culture, and
daily behaviors. Ethnographies are often used in the social sciences, and it is argued that in order
to fully understand a community or specific group the researcher needs to look at the bigger
picture and understand the culture that was created within that community or group. This
exploration is associated with the idea that to understand an environment, the behaviors of the
individuals that are in that environment are key to understanding it in a more profound way. The

searches that I will to perform study the discipline of marketing at a cultural level, such as what
kind of skills, ideas, behaviors, individuals, and community form part of marketing. However in
order to avoid bias results, the triangulation strategy will be implemented. Four research methods
will be used for this project interviews, surveys, document analysis, and site observations.
Triangulation is the use of at least three different research methods with the intention to obtain
more precise results as possible.
This project explores the community inside the discipline of marketing, the individuals with in
the community, in what ways to succeed in this career, what academic courses are needed to
complete the career of marketing. My questions explore marketing in a cultural and academic
approach such as, what makes marketing what it is? What are the interests/behaviors of the
people with in the discipline? What kind of community is held in marketing? What classes are
taken in the major of marketing? What takes to be successful in the career of marketing? It is not
to my knowledge that any other person has ever attempted to perform and investigation such as
mine about the discipline of marketing, this type of project is quite new in the university.
Data method selection: There are four types of data that where needed for this project document
analysis, interviews, surveys, and site observation. Four research methods, triangulation, will be
used in order to avoid bias results at the end of the research. Document analysis gives insight on
the style of writing that is specific for the discipline of marketing. Interviews offer more detailed
answers, unlike surveys. Interviews on professors give data on the views and information that
professionals in the discipline possess and can help for future reference. However, surveys unlike
interviews are easier and faster to collect information, and provide a general impression on the
characteristics that are part of the community of marketing. Surveys by students give information
on who is mainly interested in marketing, career planning, and what needs to be done as a
student. Site observations give evidence on how individuals that are into the marketing
community behave in their natural environment here in the university.
Data Coding: I separated my data in three different categories. These categories were developed
with the guidance of my research question. The first category is the skills that are unique for the
discipline of marketing and are needed to succeed in the field. The second category is the
individual characteristics of the individuals that are part of the discipline of marketing. The third
and final category is, what kind if community is held inside marketing.
Data collection:

Interviews: I have conducted two interviews, a marketing professor, that preferred to go

by the alias, Marketing Professor. This professor has allot of experience in the field of
marketing. He has a PhD in marketing. Teaches marketing at level of junior and senior,
and he is an active writer of the discipline. The interview took place in his office. It lasted
about an hour, and the general discussion was about how to be successful in marketing as
well as what contacts to have. The other interviewee is Denisse Olivas, she is a bachelor
graduate from UTEP, and a marketing lecturer. She has guided allot of students by
teaching about marketing. The interview took place in her office. It lasted thirty minutes,

and the general conversation was about how marketing combines many different
disciplines, how it can go with many disciplines, and how it is evolving with the changes
in technology.
Survey: The surveys took place online. I personally handed the link to the survey to
marketing students that I encountered in campus. The target population was students.
Their views and opinions about marketing offer a generalized view of the characteristics,
ideals, and community structure that are part of this discipline. Twenty five survey links
where passed. The total surveys that were responded were fifth teen.
Documents: Marketing 3302- Costumer Behavior syllabus by Dr. Fernando Jimenez, the
headings and subheadings are set apart by the way they are placed, like a list. This
document is used to guide students in the class Marketing 3302. It listed what they will
learn and what is expected of them throughout the class. I choose this documents to have
an understanding of how marketing classes are as senior are, what is expected of them,
and what there is to learn. The second document is called Im majoring in
Marketing by the Career Center of UTEP. This document looks like a list. It contains a
set of resources as a sub heading, internship opportunities, student organizations,
professional organizations, online resources, major related jobs, and related occupations.
This document is used by students to get information on being successful students and
professionals. I chose these documents because it offers an opportunity to get valuable
Site of observations: The site that I observed was a classroom with a lecture room style. It
is located in the college of business number 312. I was seated in the fifth row near the
window. The people at this site included about thirty students, one marketing professor,
and a graduate speaker already working on a marketing career. Students where attentive,
and the speakers were very clear and passionate about what marketing is. The second site
that I observed was the Student Organization Fair. This site observation lasted about
twenty minutes and was done on the College of Business lobby. During the fair I
observed five representatives of the American Marketing Association. These five
students seemed approachable, had a good presentation, convincing, and seemed serious
about marketing. I was waiting for my turn to hear more about this association and I also
talked to two of the representatives.
Through the data collected for this investigation it can be concluded that marketing is for
extroverted and highly analytical individuals characteristics that are needed to succeed as
well as that in order to have a voice inside marketing is important to research to have an
understanding of the consumer population, have the right contacts, and experience. My
results were separated into three categories what skills are needed to succeed, what makes
an ideal student, and what kind of individuals and communities are part of marketing.
This categories were decided through a data coding assignment,
The results for the first category, what skills are part of the discipline of marketing, were
a person in marketing needs to be analytical, and have knowledge in psychology. These
skills are needed because in order to attract people to a product you need to know those
people better than they know themselves. One of my interviewees, Denise Olivas, said

that sometimes people dont know themselves. It is also necessary to have good people
skills, as shown by the results of the surveys and the comments made by the interviewees.
In a marketing career communication skills are important; this is supported by the
surveys. Students answered that the skill of communication is most important. An
individual needs to be able to communicate information freely. This skill is also
important to obtain contacts that are something crucial in the field of marketing. Contacts
come in handy because they offer new opportunities. One of the interviewees, Marketing
Professor, said is important to have a large well cultivated network. Another crucial skill
that is needed is creativity. The creativity to be able to find work with a marketing team
in order to called it an internship and gain experience. As well as the creativity to learn
and be able to implemented in the real world. Creativity to be able to sell any product by
adding to the knowledge that the public already has about it, in order to convince them to
buy it.
Another important skill is how to be an ideal student, according to the interview with
Marketing Professor is a student that is interested in the topic, looks for things outside
of the classroom, and thinks ahead, seeks the future. An ideal student according to Denise
Olivas is a student that excels, take time to study and understand, apply what they learn in
class to the real world, convey information clearly, and understand the logic and course
and theories. Part of being an ideal student is also being responsible enough to get
internship, constantly for part of activities that relate to marketing in order to get contacts
and experience. Having a good connection with professors is also important. Professors
are valuable recourses, and, according to Denise Olivas they can offer guidance.
The results of the individuals and community that are part of marketing are extroverted
and introverted. Marketing individuals are people oriented but like to research and work
alone. They are also a highly analytical community, this skill is needed in order to attract
the attention of consumer, and to recognize who are potential consumers are, and where
they are. Also according to the survey results about the most important skill
communication was considered the most important one. Being an extrovert is useful to
make contacts, that according to the interviewees, who have to different opinions about it,
contacts are important. However, according to Marketing Professor having a large
number of contacts is important, According to Denise Olivas a large number of contacts
is not necessary only the right contacts. From the site observations it can be deduced that
people in marketing are outgoing, and approachable people. The community of marketing
is also adapting to the changing of technology. Digital marketing is becoming very
popular and the community is adapting by developing strategies for marketing digitally.
Overall marketing by itself is enough to have a good career and job. Marketing jobs can
be found in large firms and small firms that are currently experimenting with marketing.
And the marketing community is also helping the government, by helping develop
regulations that protect the public, such as the elderly, from buying products that they
dont need, and helping market government related topics. However, the possibility of
making it useful in other fields is very possible. It also combines allot of different
disciplines, such as computer science, art, business, etc.

Marketing is a culture with different faces. This is a community that is mainly focused on
the public but this knowledge is mainly developed by individual thinking and
researching. Throughout this research I learned that the culture of marketing is full of
opposites. It offers way more opportunities that I could have imagined, by itself is enough
to get a good career, but it also fits well with many other disciplines such as computer
science, art, music, literature, etc. it can also bring opportunities in big and small
companies, and in the government.
The skills that are unique to this discipline such as being an extrovert, communication,
analytical, learning, and researching skills are essential in marketing. Students are new to
these subjects. They need to find with in themselves the motivation to be active in the
discipline of marketing, get experience, contacts, be curious, and study hard to
understand how what is being learned in the classroom applies to the world around them.
Marketing doesnt require a minor or major. So it is important for students to learn every
skill in the courses and to be able to choose them carefully.
The goal for this inquiry was to introduce students to a discipline. The people who would
benefit from the results of this project would be high school seniors and sophomores as
well as incoming college freshmen. This was accomplished through the process of
writing. While writing an individual can reflect on what was learned. This project also
teaches how to be a learner. As well as where to look for the right resources, who to ask
and how to be able to use that information.
There are some areas that the project doesnt explore. For example, the different views
that are hold in different geographical areas. How effective are the programs of each
discipline. The constant changes that are slowly taking place in the community of
marketing today. Especially since business, organizations, and other disciplines are
finding what marketing is about as well as the benefits that it provides. Also, with the
constant change of technology marketing seems to be changing as well. An example is
marketing strategies for the web.


Appendix A

Primary research question:

What kind of people are into marketing, what does it take to succeed, what does it take to
have a voice with in the marketing community?

Secondary research questions:

What are the skills, attitudes, habits, interests, and ideas of a person who is interested in
What role organizations, extracurricular activities, and internships play in succeeding in
the career of marketing? Are they important?
What academic courses/ classes, level of education, actions, majors, and minors are
recommended for the discipline?
What kind of community is held inside the discipline of marketing? Who holds the most
power? What takes for a person to go from an outsider to an insider?

Appendix B
Site Observation 1
Students are attentive

People in marketing seem to be

Professor doesnt mind much

interruptions by cell phones
Guest speaker speaks clearly

People into marketing seem


Are good speakers

Extrovert traits

Site Observation 2
5 people
Dressed in bussiness attire
Smiling and answering questions
Shaking hands

People in marketing seem

Appendix C

When did you start to get interested in marketing?

Did you look up to someone in marketing? Perhaps a mentor?
What kind of people are marketing students?
What is the ideal student?
Is it necessary to get a minor?
Is it important to get and internship, participate in activities, or be part of an
7. Are internships in marketing rare?
8. What kind of experience is important?
9. What is the best career to follow?
10. Is it important to have contacts?
11. What is the world of business?


Appendix D
Interview Proposal
Flores Kimberly
Sent:Wednesday, October 15, 2014 8:09 PM
To: Frankwick, Gary L
Hello Dr. Frankwick,
My name is Kimberly Flores, Im a freshman here at UTEP, and I would like to know if you would
be willing to be interviewed for a research project Im working on. The projects name is Inquiry
into Disciplinarity for my class of Rhetoric and Writing Studies 1301, this project is
about collecting information about a discipline that we are interested in, and about the
individuals that take part in that area of study. The discipline that I choose is Marketing, and I
would like to ask you some questions about it and about your personal experience in the field.
If you are willing to meet me, Id be willing to meet you during your office hours or at whatever
time you are available.
Thank you for your time.

Thank you for the note and your interest in marketing. I should have time today at 11:00 or at
about 3:30. We could also meet next Wednesday at 2:30. Just let me know what time works for

RE: Interview
Frankwick, Gary L []
Sent:Thursday, October 16, 2014 4:10 PM
To: Flores, Kimberly []
I put you on my calendar for Wednesday at 2:40
From: Flores Kimberly []
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 12:30 PM
To: Frankwick, Gary L
Subject: Re: Interview

Dr. Frankwick
Thank you for replying, I can meet you next week on Wednesday about 10 minutes after 2:30,


let me know if that is not an inconvenient.

Thank you again for your time, and have a good day.


Appendix E
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 9:15 PM
To: Olivas, Denisse
Subject: Interview Proposal

Hello, Ms. Olivas

My name is Kimberly Flores, Im a freshman here at UTEP, and I would like to know if you would
be willing to be interviewed for a research project Im working on. The projects name is
Inquiry into Disciplinarity for my class of Rhetoric and Writing Studies 1301, this project is
about collecting information about a discipline that we are interested in, and about the
individuals that take part in that area of study. The discipline that I choose is Marketing, and I
would like to ask you some questions about it and about your personal experience in the field.
If you are willing to meet me, Id be willing to meet you during your office hours or at whatever
time you are available.
Thank you for your time.
From: Olivas, Denisse <>
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 8:04 AM
To: Flores, Kimberly
Subject: RE: Interview Proposal
Hello Kimberly,
Sure. I have helped other students in the process as well. So far I am open Tuesday and Thursday of
next week from 9:30am-11am and from 1:30 to 4pm.
Let me know if this works for you.

Denisse Olivas
From: Flores Kimberly []
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 12:28 PM
To: Olivas, Denisse
Subject: Re: Interview Proposal

Hello Ms. Olivas

Thank you for replying, I can meet you next week on Thursday at 1:30.
Have a good day.
RE: Interview Proposal
Olivas, Denisse []
Sent:Friday, October 17, 2014 8:17 AM
To: Flores, Kimberly []
Ok, I will put you down for Thursday at 1:30pm. My office is located in COBA 234

Appendix F


Appendix G

Appendix H







Appendix I




Appendix J




Appendix K








Appendix L








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