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Iron God Fitness

Be a god. Stay fit like a god.

12 week #staydevfit workout program

Over view of the program.

First off this is my first lady program that I have made so I am trying a few different things with it. The first thing you will notice I will
be having you doing upper and lower body days with light bodyweight days as well. Second of all you will also see as you progress
into the program that the rep ranges will change this is because you get different results essentially with different number of reps for
a example:
1-5 reps = Strength
6-12 = Hypertrophy
12+ = Endurance
In addition to that don't be afraid to lift heavy because in the program you will be. Studies have shown that men and women do not
need to train differently in certain ways.
A few things to keep in mind:
1. Always warm up and stretch before training.
2. Form over weight!!! Always make sure you have your form down pat. Don't sacrifice your form for weight... NEVER.
3. Do warm up sets!!!
4. Have fun :)
Weeks 1-4
During weeks 1-4, you will be lifting in the 8-12 rep range. What this means is that you want to complete at least 8 reps and if you're
feeling like a true beast hit 12!!! Keep in mind when you're going for reps around 10-12 your really want to make sure you squeeze
the muscle that you're working on. Really also try to focus on that mind to muscle connection. On a side note try to keep your rest in
between sets around 50 seconds. If you had a bad set take a little longer get your mind right and kill it! :)))
Monday Upper body day (A)
Bench Press 4 sets8-12 reps
Incline Bench Press 48-12
Bent over rows 48-12
Lat pulldowns 48-12
Dumbbell shoulder press 48-12
Dumbbell lateral raises 48-12
Straight bar pushdowns 38-12
Dumbbell curls 38-12

Tuesday Lower body day (A)

Squat 48-12
Deadlift 48-12
Leg press 38-12
Leg curls 38-12
Calf raises 58-12
Cable kickbacks 38-12
Finish off with abs at the end
15-20 minutes on the bike going at a good pace.
After biking complete this three times.
10 pushups
10 burpees
10 sit-ups
10 squats

Thursday Upper body day (B)

Dips 48-12
Tricep rope extension 48-12
Dumbbell lateral raises 48-12
Straight bar curls 48-12
Pull ups 48-12 reps
Dumbbell shoulder shrugs 48-12
Friday lower body day (B)
Deadlift 48-12
Leg press 48-12
Lunges 48-13
Legs curls 48-12
Standing calf raises 58-12
Finish off with abs
On Saturday repeat what you did on Wednesday instead of biking you can run or do some type of cardio. On Sunday take the day
off or if you want to go to the gym and do some little stuff.
Weeks 5-8
During weeks 5-8, you will be lifting in the 6-8 rep range. What this means is that you want to complete at least 6 reps but no more
than 8 reps for each set. You may think this is getting heavy but just wait till after these weeks!!! As I said before men and women
can train fairly similar. Now its time to get fit!!! Weeks 5-8 let's get em!!!
Note: for rest take around 65-90 seconds of rest make sure your mind is always there as well :)
Monday Upper body day (A)
Bench Press 4 sets6-8 reps
Incline Bench Press 46-8
Bent over rows 46-8
Lat pulldowns 46-8
Dumbbell shoulder press 46-8
Dumbbell lateral raises 46-8
Straight bar pushdowns 36-8
Dumbbell curls 36-8

Tuesday Lower body day (A)

Squat 46-8
Deadlift 46-8
Leg press 36-8
Leg curls 36-8
Calf raises 56-8
Cable kickbacks 36-8
Finish off with abs at the end
15-20 minutes on the bike going at a good pace.
After biking complete this three times.
20 pushups
15 burpees
20 sit-ups
15 squats
Thursday Upper body day (B)
Dips 46-8
Tricep rope extension 46-8
Dumbbell lateral raises 46-8
Straight bar front raises 46-8
Straight bar curls 46-8
Pull ups 46-8
Dumbbell shoulder shrugs 46-8
Friday lower body day (B)
Deadlift 46-8
Leg press 46-8
Lunges 46-8

Legs curls 46-8

Standing calf raises 56-8
Finish off with abs
On Saturday repeat what you did on Wednesday instead of biking you can run or do some type of cardio. On Sunday take the day
off or if you want to go to the gym and do some little stuff.
Weeks 9-12
During weeks 9-12, you will be lifting in the 4-6 rep range. What this means is that you want to complete at least 4 reps but no more
than 6 reps for each set. If you cannot complete 4 reps, then the weight is too heavy and you should decrease the load.
This phase of the 12-week program is going to be very challenging. Keep pushing and remember why you started. Come on gotta
#staydevfit woooo :)))
NOTE: On this phase you want to be resting for about 2 minutes after each set. Reason is because when you are lifting heavy you
want to rest a little longer so you can push close to the same weight. And most important it will prevent you from getting hurt!:)

Monday Upper body day (A)

Bench Press 4 sets4-6 reps
Incline Bench Press 44-6
Pec fly's 4 sets 15 reps each
Bent over rows 44-6
Lat pulldowns 44-6
Dumbbell shoulder press 44-6
Dumbbell lateral raises 44-6
Straight bar pushdowns 34-6
Dumbbell curls 34-6

Tuesday Lower body day (A)

Squat 44-6
Deadlift 44-6
Leg press 34-6
Leg curls 34-6
Calf raises 54-6
Cable kickbacks 34-6
Finish off with abs at the end
15-20 minutes on the bike going at a good pace.
After biking complete this three times.
30 pushups
20 burpees
50 sit-ups
50 squats
Thursday Upper body day (B)
Dips 44-6
Tricep rope extension 44-6
Dumbbell lateral raises 44-6
Straight bar front raises 44-6
Straight bar curls 44-6
Pull ups 44-6
Dumbbell shoulder shrugs 44-6
Friday lower body day (B)
Deadlift 44-6
Leg press 44-6
Lunges 44-6
Legs curls 44-6
Standing calf raises 54-6
Finish off with abs

On Saturday repeat what you did on Wednesday instead of biking you can run or do some type of cardio. On Sunday take the day
off or if you want to go to the gym and do some little stuff.

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