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Gerald Mobley

Whats Real?
Would fame change who you are? Stevie J has Grammys, a popular TV show and a
beautiful wife. His social media sites help give him an identity to the outside world. Stevie J has
two main social media sites he chooses to use which are twitter and Instagram. This is where he
uses both tweets and pictures to allow a glimpse inside his crazy life. Being a well-known
celebrity you would think both names for these sites would be the same but that is not true. His
twitter name is @hitmansteviej and his Instagram name is @hitmansteviej_1. The names are
very similar but different because his Instagram has an underscore and a one at the end. This is
probably because someone had already took his twitter name. When exploring and trying to get a
better idea on the man behind the tweets and pictures you see a lot of the values that a lot of
regular person have. Family, loyalty and fame are constant themes across both his social media
platforms. Can Stevie J keep his identity the same across different social media or will it change?
Stevie Js twitter is where he makings tweets about what goes on in his life talking about
life on the road, music and whats on his mind. While on his Instagram he posts pictures of
performances, clubs and money. Something remains the same no matter if its twitter or
Instagram and that is family. Stevie J keeps family a central theme across both social platforms.
Therefore I found it interesting on how no matter what platform it is he includes tweets that
shout out his kids on twitter. Stevie J posts pictures of family vacations with his wife and kids.
Examples below are tweets and pictures on Instagram and twitter of family and himself.

This means that no matter how big he has come he has not forgot what is truly important to his
success. This is crucial because this shows that he has not let the fame go to his head and forget
what is truly important to him. Also something that was interesting to see on both social
networking sites was the fact he provided his booking information. You notice that in both bios
he makes sure to provide this information. This is important because of the media outlets that he
uses. Both twitter and Instagram both only allow limited information to be provided. So if he
chooses in that limited space to make sure it is well known how to book him that means it is
really important to him. Below you can observe the similarities in the bios.


you can see that on both twitter and Instagram he promotes his events like going to the club or
performances. Simply meaning that his business and building an empire is equally as important
as family. Stevie J has constant similarities across his twitter and Instagram which shows that the
person he says he is no matter what the social media is.

For all the similarities that can be seen in Stevie J social media profiles there are
differences to go along with it. On both twitter and Instagram you are allowed to have profile
pictures but Stevie J choose to have two different profile pictures. His twitter picture or his
twitcon is shows him looking down at people like he is in a club but on the other hand on his
Instagram is a picture of himself posing being out and about like at a photo-shoot. This is
important because Stevie j runs both of us social media sites so it is strange that he choose to
portray him in two different lights. Examples of these different profile pictures are provided

Instagram ^

Twitter ^

Another significant difference that I noticed was the fact that on Instagram Stevie J had a more
focus on himself on Instagram than on twitter. Examples of this are the onslaught of selfies. In
contrast on twitter there are more pictures of him with family than him alone. Also something
interesting I noticed is that Stevie J usually gets involved with more conflicts on twitter than

Instagram. This means that you will see are fights and sub tweets on twitter rather than
Instagram. Therefore it is clear to conclude Stevie J is human because he has differences not
everything is exactly the same he provides variety.
In conclusion a lot can be gathered in examining anyones profile you will notice that not
everything is perfect. This is part of being human and providing insight into a world that is not
our own. Stevie J is a lot of things he is a father, a producer and a TV personality but one thing
remains the same and that is family. No matter if it is Twitter or Instagram you will see pictures
of his children. But just like family is a common theme along those social media profiles there
are themes that are different. Stevie J has different profile pictures and different ways on acting
depending on the site. At the end of the day the unique aspect in examining his twitter and
Instagram is the fact he is the one who controls both. This means he makes the decision to have
differences and similarities which means all the power is in his hands not a public relations
person. This is uncommon for celebrities who are so worried about being themselves but Stevie J
is real. Faults and success are all part of human nature the fact that Stevie J is proud to be himself
should be celebrated. To conclude, social media has changed many lives and who people are but
Stevie J is who he is on social media by keeping his Twitter and Instagram truly authentic.

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