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has applied or is applying for a job? What kind of job?

has been interviewed? How did it go?

does a lot of overtime? Why?
has a part-time job? What hours does he or she work?
has been promoted recently? What to?
gets stressed all the time? What does he/she do about it?
has just retired?

Concerning the first question, the matter of fact I do. I know a person, that fella is my girldfriend.
She applied during the whole month of october for several job position. Well, She studied Spanish
and French Philology, whereupon She sent petitions firstly to those companies and jobs related with
her studies. Actually, She was kind of lucky cause she had an interview two weeks ago and it went
magnificiently. It went so well, that the owners of the company decided to hire her. Hence, She has
been working for two weeks in a security company which exports security components and
products abroad .
On the other hand, regarding the levels of stress and the quantity or amount overtime, so far, neither
the former nor the latter have appeared. I mean, of course the possibility of getting stress or working
more hours that the contract conditions requires is there, but I think that neither elevated stress lever
nor doing a big amount of overtime is gonna become a regular part of her job time.
Changing the subject, She does not have intentions of getting some sort of promotion, but It is to
gain as much experience as She can in order to enrich her curriculum and learn as much as she can.
Doing that, She is convinced that in the medium term she is gonna be able to reach an stronger
position in the labour force market and getting that stronger rank She will be capable of choosing
better labour conditions. I do not think is gonna be like that cause I think the collective labour
agreements are the key in the correlation of forces favorable to the workers. But that is a completely
different theme in relation with the objective of this recording.
To end up this recording I have to speak about if I know somebody who is retired. Actually, I do.
That person is my father. He used to work like a collier and if you work in that, obviously You work
in a colliery. He got the retirement some kind of thirteen years ago, so perhaps this retirement does
not fit exactly in the framework of the last question, but it was the only case that I knew regarding
somebody who was already retired.

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