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LAN 475 Materials Portfolio

Jackie Space

Information-Gap Activity for Beginning Level

Content: Students will participate in an information gap activity to practice speaking skills using the new
vocabulary about food.
Level: Beginner

Time: 5-8 minutes

ACTFL Standards:
1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and
exchange opinions.
1.2 Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics
1.3 Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
4.1 Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied
and their own.
Previous Knowledge:
- How to conjugate traer
- Question words
- How to form questions
Learning Objectives:
- Students will become familiar with food vocabulary
- Students will become familiar with traer, and its irregularity in the first person singular form.
Communicative Objectives:
- Students will be able to ask who is bringing a type of food.
- Students will be able to answer who is bringing a type of food.
- Students will be able to express that they are bringing a type of food (in first person singular form)
Evaluation: Students will be able to successfully complete the information gap activity.
Materials Needed:
- Student handout
- Required daily student materials: vocabulary list, pen/pencil
- Include more food options if students seem to quickly grasp the concept
- Include the names of the food underneath the pictures if students struggle to produce the language
Instructor Guidelines:

Pass out student worksheet.

Ensure that each pair includes one student with an Estudiante A worksheet, and another student with
an Estudiante B worksheet.
Walk around the room during the activity to ensure students are staying in the target language and using
the verb traer.

Student worksheets below.


LAN 475 Materials Portfolio

Jackie Space

Estudiante A: The International House is looking for volunteers to plan a picnic. Your Spanish teacher
has so kindly volunteered two students from class to organize the event: you and your partner.
Everything has been planned, but theres just one tiny problem: each of you have in some way damaged
the list of food that everyone has agreed to bring. Using what each of you have left of your lists, take
turns asking each other questions and answering each others questions to piece together the
information to recreate the master food list!

Estudiante A: Quin trae el ceviche?
Estudiante B: Marco trae el ceviche. Quin trae














LAN 475 Materials Portfolio

Jackie Space

Estudiante B: The International House is looking for volunteers to plan a picnic. Your Spanish teacher
has so kindly volunteered two students from class to organize the event: you and your partner.
Everything has been planned, but theres just one tiny problem: each of you have in some way damaged
the list of food that everyone has agreed to bring. Using what each of you have left of your lists, take
turns asking each other questions and answering each others questions to piece together the
information to recreate the master food list!

Estudiante A: Quin trae el ceviche?
Estudiante B: Marco trae el ceviche. Quin trae













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