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Describe and explain some specific activities you might do to develop a

positive climate where students will feel like valued members of a

learning community.
Some specific activities that might be done in order to develop a positive climate where students feel like valued
members of society are Four Corner activities, Table Topics Discussion Webs, and various other opportunities
for students' opinions to be heard and appreciated. I will also take the time needed in order for me to learn

about my students backgrounds, interest, and learning style. This will allow me to create an
environment that is conductive to each individual student. I will allow time for the students to learn
about each other in order to gain an appreciation for the diversity they bring to the classroom. I will
strive to always remind them of how boring it would be if we were all the same and how important
being a unique individual is. I will also teach my students that everyone has strengths and weaknesses
and that we all learn differently. When they are working in teams, I will encourage them to take
advantage of the strengths that each other has in order to produce the best possible results. The most
important thing that will be used in my classroom is a ZERO tolerance for anything disrespectful,
hurtful, or intolerant of diversity. I will not tolerate any form of bullying, teasing, or other put down
behaviors. For me, these are some of the most important factors to include in my classroom
management plan and philosophy. In the classroom, there are going to be certain behaviors that need to
be addressed. When situations unavoidably arise, there is one imperative rule that teachers should
follow, and that is consistency. Although, different situations should be handled accordingly, teachers
that favor some while alienating others will be seen as an inconsistent and inconsiderate teacher.

List the 3-5 behavioral expectations or rules for all students in your


Be kind.
Be respectful.
Be courageous.
Be open.
Be positive.

List the hierarchy of consequences that you will follow when

infractions of the rules occur in the classroom.

Hierarchy of Consequences
First Offense: The first offense will include a verbal warning. This is done so that the students
has another chance to prove that they can correct their behavior on their own.
Second Offense: The second offense will include a write-up on the student and their behavior. A
note will also be sent home to the parents/guardians for a conference.
Third Offense: The third offense, they will be sent out of the room to another classroom or to the
principals office.
Final Offense: The students final offense will include a trip to the principals office and either
suspension or detention and in extreme cases, expulsion.

List the types of intrinsic and extrinsic reinforcements that you will utilize in the classroom.
Intrinsic Reinforcements:
Since intrinsic reinforcements are reinforcements that is done internally. In other words, it is something we do to
to ourselves. We do something for the enjoyment of it. Examples of intrinsic reinforcemtns that will be used to

help recognize students who follow the rules and routines to encourage appropriate behaviors is students
completing work to make themselves feel proud and to not hear their parents, teacher, or principal fuss at them
for refusing to do work.
Extrinsic Reinforcements:

Extrinsic rewards should be large enough to encourage and small enough that a student will not do it
only for the reward. In my classroom, extrinsic rewards will include computer/ipad time for those that
do their work and follow directions. Students will also be given a classroom ticket that they can turn in
at the end of the week for prizes like candy, chips, pack of pencils, erasers. It will also be set into place
that if the whole class can get 100 tickets, they can get a pizza party.
Object 1

Non-Instructional Routines and Procedures

Attendance will be taken during the morning time. A checklist will be kept and if a student is
there that day, I will say their name and the students will apply here. In my classroom, students will have an open
restroom policy, which means that if they ask me to go to the restroom, they will be allowed to go whenever they
need to. However, after breakfast, lunch, recess, and activity, students will go as a class. One girl student will go
the girls restroom and one boy will be allowed to go to the boys restroom. I will pick and choose who goes
when. Homework is to be turned in every morning along with their agendas in the agenda box. I will check the
homework and give back to them at dismissal time. For those students that finish early with their work, they will
be asked to read a book of their choosing or work on any other uncompleted work that needs to be done. They
will not be allowed to work on homework unless it is something they did not do and are making up. Whenever
students enter the room first thing in the morning they will be asked to hang their backpacks on the hook and
place their agenda/homework in the agenda box placed at the front of the classroom. After that, they are sharpen
no more than 2 pencils and return to their desk and begin morning work. For those students in resource, when it
is time to return to their regular classrooms, they will be told. As they leave, they will need to be respectful of
their peers learning and leave in a quiet manner. Also, for those students in self-contained, they will be dismissed
for activity when it is time. They will need to do so in a quiet and respectful manner as well. Being loud,
excessive talking, and running will not be allowed. In the hallways, students are expected to walk in a line, right
behind each other and be respectful of their surroundings by being quiet.
Classroom Jobs:
At the beginning of the school year, students will be given the opportunity to apply for certain jobs around the
classroom. They will actually fill out an application and have an interview. Students will be called back if the
teacher thinks they are right for the job. The jobs will include, sweeping the floor, wiping down the white board,
getting breakfasts, sharpening pencils, passing out papers, and other various jobs that may need to get done.
Students will apply for a new classroom job every month. This is mainly to give students opportunities to do
multiple jobs throughout the school year and also to help students that are graduating and filling out applications
for college or jobs.
Emergency Situations:
During emergency situations students will be told to walk in a clear straight line and walk in a orderly fashion if
real danger is occurring. Students will be given multiple opportunities to practice emergency routines and also
discuss why they are important. During these drills, a checklist will be kept of misconduct and safety.

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