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Design for Learning

Instructor: Carly Coyne

Lesson Title: Writing Numbers
Curriculum Area: Mathematics

Grade Level/Cooperating Teacher: K/Mrs. Deer

Date: November 10th 2014
Estimated Time: 30 minutes

Standards Connection: 3. [K.CC.3] Write numbers from 0 to 20. Represent a number of

objects with a written numeral 0-20 (with 0 representing a count of no objects).
Learning Objective(s): Students will write the numbers 1 through 20 while and count
them in order.
Learning Objective(s) stated in kid-friendly language: Students will sing and write
the numbers 1-20
Evaluation of Learning Objective(s): The students will practice writing the numbers 120 correctly and identify why the numbers are written this way. They will be working as a
group and independently through practice.
Engagement: The teacher will instruct the students to the color carpet and have them
facing the board. On the screen the song Count to 20! will play on the projector screen.
Ok class, I want you to all quietly meet me on the color carpet and face the board. How
many of you think you can count to 20? Great! We are going to be paying close attention
to how the numbers are written as we sing this song. First, listen to the song all the way
through. When I play it again, I want you to all pay attention and participate. Once the
song is over the students will be given a white dry erase board. The teacher will be
holding flash cards with dots on them. Each time the teacher flashes the card, the students
will use the board to write down the number of dots they see. 1, 2, 3 eyes on me. That
was great boys and girls. Now, I want you all to stay seated as I pass out white boards
and dry erase markers. The teacher sits in her chair in front of the class. We are going to
play a flash card game. I am going to show you a card for 3 seconds and I want you to
count the dots on the card and then write the number you see on your board. Ready, go!
Everyone hold up your boards up for me to see. Awesome! Lets try another one. Hold up
your boards when you have the number written. Im impressed. Okay boys and girls, lets
all turn back facing the board quietly as (student) helps me collect all of the materials.
Learning Design:
I. Teaching: The students will be facing the board sitting criss cross apple sauce with
their hands in their laps. The teacher will model numbers 1 through 20 on the board. After
she has written them she will have the students each have a turn going up to the board
and copying a number of their choice. Alright friends, today we are going to count to 20
by practicing writing the numbers correctly. I notice that a lot of us have are having a
difficult time getting the numbers backward or forgetting where to out the 1 when we
are writing our teens. You will each get a turn to write a number on the board. I am
going to choose my quiet friends first. Once each student has had a turn writing a number,
the teacher will then point out some of the tricky numbers. Excellent writing friends! Let
talk a little more about the numbers. Why is there a 1 in front of the 2 to make 12? Why
cant the 1 be behind the 2, its the same right? Well thats because if we stuck the 1
behind the 2, it would make 21. It is very important to recognize the order of your
numbers when you write them. Can anyone think of another tricky number? Yes, 2 and 5
are somewhat similar. If I write a 2 backwards, it looks like a 5. And if I write a 5

backwards, it looks almost like a 2. I want to see you all practicing your numbers by
identifying objects in the room.
II. Opportunity for Practice: The teacher will sit at her desk as the students find random
objects around the classroom to count. The students will be instructed to walk quietly and
independently around the class. Class, I want you to quietly grab a white board and
marker. I want you to all walk around the room and find objects no more than 20. When
you find a group of objects, count them and write them on your board. If you get stuck,
use the chart that is in our calendar corner to guide your practice. When I call time I
want you to go back to your seat. The teacher will give the students 5- 10 minutes to
come up with at least 10 numbers on their board. When they are sitting at their table, the
teacher will ask them to discuss what they found with their elbow partner.
III. Assessment: As the students are chatting to their partner about the numbers they
discovered in the classroom, the teacher will hand them number chart worksheet (see
attached). The worksheet has 25 squares to be filled in. The students are only being
assessed on numbers 1-20 but they are encourage to go to 25 if they feel comfortable. I
am passing out a number chart worksheet. I want you to read the instructions and fill in
the missing blanks 1-20. Remember, this is not a race. I want you to work diligently and
focus on your writing. If you finish early, there are five extra blanks on the bottom row
that you may fill in if you feel comfortable.
IV. Closure: At this time, the class will meet back at the color carpet to recap the lesson
that was taught. The teacher will demonstrate correct and incorrect number writing. The
teacher will write the number 5 backwards. I need all of my friends to meet me quietly on
the color carpet. 1, 2, 3, eyes on me! Lets practice what we learned today. I am going to
write the number 5 on the board. Can anyone tell me what is wrong with this number?
Can you show me how to write it correctly? Great! I can tell you have all been
practicing. I need someone to tell me why I cannot write 12 with the 1 after the 2. Yes! I
am glad that you noticed that it would make it 21 instead of twelve. You all did I great job
today writing your number 1-20.
Materials and Resources:
Count to 20! song (
Flash cards
Dry erase boards
Dry erase markers
Number Chart worksheet (attached)

Samford University
Design for Learning

Name ____________________


Fill in the number chart below in order

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