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NAME: _________________________________

World History
The Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment
Mr. Wade DeHart MPA
Jackson County Comprehensive High School

C level DUE DATE: __________________________

Essential question discussion date:________________________

Salon date:____________________________

Unit Overview:
This unit will explore the changes that took place in Europe as a result of scientific inquiry and the Age of
Reason (Enlightenment), in which science, government, and philosophy sought to better understand the
nature of man and the universe
After completing this unit, you will be able to:
Demonstrate an understanding of the cultural, religious, and scientific impact of the astronomical
discoveries and innovations from Copernicus to Newton
Describe the importance of scientific discoveries on 17th and 18th century European society
Demonstrate an understanding of the scientific method, and its evolution from the ideas of Descartes
and Bacon
Explain the principles of the Enlightenment and how these ideas contributed to the reform of Church
and state
Explain the connection between rationalism and neoclassical expression in art and music during the
Explain how Enlightenment philosophers advanced the concept of natural laws in order to clarify the
relationship between the people and their government

Essential Question: How are we still children of the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment?

C Level: maximum 70 points Please choose from the assignments below for a maximum of 70 points.
No more than 2 assignments may be handed in on the unit due date. Please refer to the general rubric
sheet to determine how to fulfill the requirements for each assignment, or see me with questions

In addition, all students are required to participate in the discussion of the essential question in order
to meet the C level standard.

Mandatory assignment:
Complete one historical document analysis sheet for one of the readings below 10-15 points each
Solar Eclipse Stukeley
Letter to Christina of Tuscany Galileo
Discourse on Method Descartes
Attack on the Copernican Theory Bellarmine
On the Revolution of Heavenly Spheres Copernicus
Epitaph for Sir Isaac Newton Alexander Pope
The Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson
Wollstonecraft and Rousseau Mary Wollstonecraft
The Social Contract Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Natural Law Denis Diderot
A Plea for Tolerance and Reason Voltaire
Selections from Political Testament Frederick II
President George W. Bush Second Inaugural Address
Others to be named later!

Listen and take notes on the following videos: (created video quiz must be at least 5 questions) 5
points each
The Scientific Revolution
(create video quiz)


Galileo Battles for the Heavens _________ (create video quiz)
The Enlightenment and The Age of Reason including Francis Bacon, Rene Descartes, and Isaac Newton ________ (take video quiz at

State of Nature and Natural Law Lecture ________ (create a

video quiz)

Understanding the Declaration of Independence - 9 Key Concepts Everyone Should Know___________ (create a video quiz)

Voltaire: Candide _________ (create video quiz)

With the class, view the videotape: "What About God?" And answer the questions on the study guide
10 points
Read and complete a historical document analysis on the Kitzmiller v. Dover, PA District Court case 10
Read Articles_ The triumph of the Iraqi Constitution and be able to explain the Enlightenment ideas that
are found within the document
10 points
Write a factual newspaper article of a scientific discovery or breakthrough described in this unit. Be sure
to present the point of view of the country in which the article is written (5 points extra for writing in a
language other than English)
10-15 points
Read the handout No Scientific Revolution for Women and prepare a historical document analysis for
each 10 points
As a team, (only 1 team per class may do this, and all team members must have 30 points before
approaching me) create a 5-8 minute skit in which you reenact parts of Galileos trial. The skit must be
based on primary sources, and must be historically accurate (with a slight allowance for humor!); the
entire trial transcript is on line, so you should have no trouble locating sources. 20 points
Using your lecture notes from Descartes, Bacon, and Newton, draw three pictures representing the
ideas of the three thinkers. Be prepared to explain how each picture represents what each of the
scientists believed about how one acquires knowledge **see art criteria for this assignment! No
scribbles! 10 points
Create a WANTED poster of a Scientific Revolution or Enlightenment figure. Be sure to include why
he/she is wanted, by whom, and what the reward will be if found. Be creative! 10 points
Compare and contrast the music of Bach and Mozart (bring in audio samples), and be able to answer the
following question: how did their music reflect the different ages in which they lived? 15 points
Read Jonathan Swifts A Modest Proposal; be prepared to compare Swifts work with Candide in the
class discussion scheduled for _____________________________ 10 points
Create a storyboard that contains the central ideas of Jonathan Swifts A Modest Proposal. Be ready to
explain the significance of the pamphlet, and what Swifts proposal demonstrates about Enlightenment
10 points

Research a building in Washington DC and be ready to explain its neoclassical influences 10 points

Combined A/B level assignment: The European Salon DUE DATE: _______________________
Fun, Food, and Philosophy!
** Students who exceed the standard will get an A for the assignment; students who meet standard
will get a B
Choose one of the following Enlightenment figures to represent in a class European salon. You must
research your person, and be prepared to answer questions such as those listed below. See the talk
show/interview rubric for information on how to achieve the standard. Characters will be assigned on a
first come- first choice basis, and you must have 50 points in order to choose your person. Be sure to
prepare your answers ahead of time, and be sure your answers are historically accurate. You must use
primary sources in the salon, and you must quote your person directly. See me with questions, or if
youre having trouble locating sources
The Cast:
Madame de Pompadour: hostess
Julie de Lespinasse: hostess
John Locke

Thomas Hobbes

Catherine the Great

Frederick the Great

Thomas Jefferson
Mary Wollstonecraft
Jonathan Swift
Sir Isaac Newton

Joseph II
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Benjamin Franklin

Adam Smith

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Denis Diderot

Christopher Wren

Alexander Pope

Olympe de Gouges
Abigail Adams

John Adams
If your presentation does not meet standard, you will be required to write out answers to the questions
below for your assigned person, and arrange to go over these questions in an interview with me
before or after school. In addition, you will not be able to achieve a grade higher than a B on the
If you are not prepared on salon day, you will not have an opportunity to redo the assignment, nor any
other B level assignment
Questions to think about for the salon: (USE PRIMARY SOURCES TO ANSWER THESE WHENEVER

What is the nature of man?

What do you value (what is important to you)?
Is there a God? If so, what is God?
How should governments be formed?
What rights do people have? Do these apply to women? To minorities?
What is your relationship with other people at the salon? (need specifics)
What role should the United States play in rebuilding Iraq? What role should the Iraqi people play?
One last shot at A level (for those who meet, but do not exceed the standard on the salon) A level
participants may go for an A+ by participating in the seminar
Participate in a Socratic Seminar on the essay How the Heavens Go, focused on the relationship
between the Catholic Church and science

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