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How machines have changed the world we live in and the way we live in it

[How Deepminds Artificial Intelligence will Make Google even Smarter]

Digital Trends. Retrieved 9/22/14

EDT 321Tyler

Artificial Intelligence
Fall 2014- Arizona State University

Table of Contents
Beginnings of Artificial Intelligence

Page 2

Artificial Intelligence in the 21st Century

Page 2

Risks Involved with Artificial Intelligence

Page 3

Works Cited

Page 4

Artificial Intelligence
Fall 2014- Arizona State University

Beginnings of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence as a concept can trace its origins back
Dartmouth College in 1956
Professors Marvin Minsky, Herbert Simon, John McCarthy and
Alan Newell seeked to create what they initially called an
Electronic Brain
This crude AI was capable of solving math equations, testing
theories and even speaking our language (which was
extraordinary at the time )

Artificial Intelligence in the 21st Century

In todays world, AI is available in the palm of your hand
through software programs like iPhones Siri
Siri is capable of finding basic information, having a basic
conversation, although her responses can often feel generic or
even be glitch
Siri is an example of the most basic form of AI, as the
technology available is vastly more complex than what Siri is
capable of doing

Artificial Intelligence
Fall 2014- Arizona State University

Risks Involved with Artificial Intelligence

While most AI is completely harmless, and very useful, many
scientists are concerned that Artificial Intelligence may
eventually become too intelligent to be controlled
They believe that AI will figure out ways to bypass human
safety measures such as off-switches or cutting off the power
While it is unclear what
this would lead to, it is
certainly disconcerting when
[Artificial Intelligence] Big Data Made Simple.
Retrieved 9/22/14 <>

you imagine all the systems

controlled by computers (Stock

Market, Military systems, etc.)

Artificial Intelligence
Fall 2014- Arizona State University

Works Cited
Haack, Stephanie. "A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence."
Atari Archives. Web. Retrieved 15 Sept. 2014.
Dujmovic, Jurica. "Artificial Intelligence Is Creeping into Our
Everyday Lives." Market Watch. 12 Sept. 2014. Web. Retrieved
15 Sept. 2014.
Hendry, Erica R. "What Happens When Artificial Intelligence
Turns On Us?" Smithsonian. 21 Ja<n. 2014. Web. Retrieved 15
Sept. 2014.

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