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Michael Fluhrer

Professor Lao
College 1
4 December 2014
College Reading Reflection
A.) Reflect: Through writing all the RRJs I felt like my reading slowly evolved. I was able to put
myself in the shoes of the characters and take in what they were feeling, or rather what I
interpret as what they are feeling. Some characters that I was really able to resonate with were
Aurora and Efren. Aurora because she was searching for ways to please other people like her
mother, and Efren because I feel that we have all been that rigid person at some point in our
lives. We all want to follow the rules so is not to upset the order of things but most times it
comes with the cost of our own happiness.
B.) Reflect Beyond: Since entering college my reading has become more focused and effective. I
now have a few go-to strategies for reading and retaining information presented through text.
One of them is taking detailed notes outside of the book so I can go over them if I forget a
certain portion. I also annotate every book I read now marking up sections I found to be
important or interesting.
C.) Artifacts:
My first RRJ was a tad lackluster, however I was able to improve my reading comprehension
ability and became a more proficient writer as demonstrated by one of my more recent RRJs.
RRJ 7 to be specific.

Michael Fluhrer
Professor Lao
College 1
30 November 2014
Success and Failures Reflection
1.) Reflect: One assignment that I felt incredibly proud of in my first semester in college was my
essay on the novel The Road. It took a great deal of time to complete but it was so
rewarding to get an A on it. I worked on it for a few hours every day and revised it
constantly. Through this particular assignment I learned that I am a fairly capable writer if I
put in the time and effort. I also learned that to write a decent college essay it takes a lot of
revision because your first draft is normally subpar.
2.) Reflect on the Midterm: On the midterm I shared that I did not do too well on my math
test. So to improve upon that slight misstep I decided to hunker down and really study. To
improve I also went to my math professor for some help. And after all this it improved my
grade a great deal on the next exam.
3.) Artifacts:
The first artifact is the aforementioned English essay that I did very well on while the second
is a photo of my math examination that shows the improvement I made from the midterm.

Dear Future Pathways Student,

Hello there my friend you are now in college. Its a big step so congratulations on
making it this far, good on you. You are also in the Pathways program which means you
care about advancing your education as soon as possible which is an admirable cause.
You are probably pondering what this program expects of you. And I am not going to lie
to you it expects a great deal of your time and energy. There will be points in which you
groan in agony because of the seemingly tedious tasks that you are required to perform.
There will be times in which you think this College 1 class you are taking is a
handholding class, and that you have already learned all this back in high school. And
you would be right. You will be treated as if you are a child that has no idea what they
are doing, which you are to some extent. You are a newborn babe in this college world
and this class will help you a lot. You will have to work on piles of homework that are
incredible arduous to complete not because of the difficulty of the material but because
of the sheer mass of it. But you can do it, you are fully capable of absolutely decimating
that homework. In order to do so though you have to take advantage of the resources
offered to you such as the TLC and Shatford Library. Do go to the speaker events as
they will enlighten you on different perspectives and help you with your college classes.
And do not forget to ask your professors for help they are more than willing to do so. I
know the picture I have painted for you looks intimidating but I made it through and so
did a ton of others so it stands to reason that you can do the same.
Good Luck
-Michael Fluhrer

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