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Fostering a Diverse Community of Critical Thinkers

Philosophy of Education
Kelsey Anderson
What is a teacher? Ill tell you: it isnt someone who teaches something, but someone who inspires the
student to give of her best in order to discover what she already knows.
Paulo Coelho

I believe that developing critical thinking skills in the classroom is imperative for students success
as a contributing citizen outside of the classroom.
Above student acquisition of content knowledge, it is my goal as an educator to prepare students for what
is to come after they graduate, to equip them with the skills necessary to lead a successful life after they
complete their education, whatever that may mean for them. Development of critical thinking skills is
crucial in order to achieve this. Using science as a guide my students will learn to observe, research,
investigate, analyze and draw conclusions; all skills which are characteristic of critical thinking. Also
important to critical thinking is reflecting upon what has been discovered. Students should be encouraged
to reflect upon what they have learned and what that means to them as an individual.
I believe that students deserve an educational experience which they can connect to, one that
incorporates experiences in and outside of the classroom that are relevant to their lives.
Experiential learning will result in a deeper understanding of the content covered in the classroom. As a
facilitator of learning it is my aim to seek out opportunities for students to carry out their own learning
experiences with the hope of helping them to create their own connections between the materials covered
in class and their own lives. With these experiences students are able to take ownership over their learning
and develop a sense of pride about what they are doing in the classroom.
I believe that a commitment to professional development is necessary in order for all teachers to
support the goals of the education system: offering a quality education to every student.
With the amount of educational research being carried out all over the world there is always something
new to be learned. Educators have a responsibility to maintain knowledge of the most current teaching
methods and incorporate them, where appropriate, into their curriculums. Educators should also stay
current in their content areas and continue to seek new knowledge that their students will benefit from.
Attending conferences and workshops and connecting to groups who support the advancement of
education in any particular content area are all ways in which this can be done.
I believe that educational equity is a moral obligation of our public educational institutions and
teachers share in the delivery of and social responsibility for carrying out this message.
Every child, despite their background, has the ability to be successful given an equal learning opportunity
and by employing an individualized teaching approach. In the United States there is a unique opportunity
to educate students with different cultural experiences and because of this each student has something
different to contribute to the learning environment of the classroom. It is my responsibility as an educator
to employ culturally relevant teaching practices in order to discover these individual contributions and
encourage students to connect them with curriculum content. Utilizing these methods as an educator will
develop a sense of efficacy within the students inspiring them to work hard and ultimately leading them to
reach their own definition of success.

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