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(Introduction to) Philippine Literature

What is literature?
1. It is the body of written works of a language, period, or culture.
2. It is marked by the use of figurative languagesuch as creative metaphors, well-turned
phrases, elegant syntax, rhyme, alliteration, meter, and the like.
3. It is in a literary genre: poetry, prose fiction, drama, etc.
4. It is read aesthetically.
5. It is intended by the writer to be read aesthetically.
6. It contains many implicationswhich are open to the readers interpretation.

Qualities of literature
1. From the earliest of times, cultures have been defined by their literature, whose medium
comprises language.
2. Literature falls into two categories:
a) utilitarian
b) creative
3. People read creative literature because they expect it to hold their interest a nd provide
4. The formal divisions of literature are:
a) fiction
b) non-fiction
c) poetry
d) drama

Types of literature
I. Fictionare works that emanate from the authors imagination rather than from fact. It takes
one of two approaches to its subject matter:
a) realisticthe appearance of observable, true-to-life details
b) non-realisticfantasy
Fictional elements can appear in narrative poetry, drama, and even biography and epic poetry.
II. Non-fictionconsists of works based mainly on fact rather than on the imagination, although
non- fictional works may contain fictional elements.

Types of fiction
Fiction is divided into two categories:
A. Novelis a prose narrative of considerable length, has a plot that unfolds from the actions,
speech, and thoughts of the characters. They can be classified by subject matter:
1) epistolary
2) gothic pseudo-medieval
3) historical
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Student Handout

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(Introduction to) Philippine Literature

4) manners
5) picaresque
6) psychological
7) sentimental
B. Short storyis a short prose work concerning only a single, significant episode/scene and
utilizing a limited number of characters.

Types of non-fiction
Examples of non- fiction are:
A. Biographyundertakes a written account of an individuals life using literary narratives,
catalogues of achievement, or psychological portraits.
B. Essayis a composition on a single subject, usually presenting the personal views of the
writer. It may be:
1) informaltend to be brief, conversational in tone, and loose in structure; topic is familiar
(or personal)
2) formalwhich are longer and tightly structured, focusing on impersonal subjects and
places less emphasis on the personality of the writer

Types of poetry
III. Poetryis written to convey a vivid and imaginative sense of experience, using condensed
language selected for its sound, suggestive power, and meaning. It employs literary devices
such as:
a) meter
b) rhyme
c) metaphor
Poetry can be divided into three types:
a) narrativetells a story such as an epic poem, a ballad, or a metrical romance
b) dramaticinvolves portraying a life/character usually involving conflicts and emotions
through action and dialogue
c) lyricis originally intended to be sung like a sonnet

Types of drama
IV. Dramaconsists of a composition in prose or poetry intended to portray a life/character or
to tell a story usually involving conflicts and emotions through action and dialogue. It is often
intended for theatrical production. It can be classified as a:
a) tragedyrecounts the events of an individuals life that results in an unhappy catas trophe
b) comedyaims primarily to amuse and ends happily
c) absurditypresents characters cut off from religious/philosophical roots and live in
meaningless isolation in an indifferent world

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(Introduction to) Philippine Literature

Literary devices: fiction

1) Point of viewrepresents the perspective from which an author tells a story to the reader. It
could be:
a) first person
b) third person (singular/omniscient)
2) Toneis the atmosphere of the story, which may include the setting or the physical
3) Characte ridentifies the person/s in a story whose actions and decisions appeal to the
4) Plotis the structure of the work or the story line which can be open or closed
5) Themeis the overriding idea that shapes the other elements in a story
6) Symbolstands for something else by reason of relationship, association, convention, or
accidental resemblance

Literary devices: poetry

1) Rhythmconsists of the flow of sound through accents and syllables
2) Imageryis a verbal representation of objects, feelings, or ideas that can b e literal or
3) Metaphoris a figure of speech where new implications are given to words; comparisons are
implied, not explicit
4) Personificationwhere abstract qualities, animals, or inanimate objects take on human
5) Allegorywhere related symbols work together with characters, events, or settings that
represent ideas or moral qualities
6) Hyperboleconstitutes an intentional exaggeration for emphasis or comic effect

Literary devices: non-fiction

1) Factsare the verifiable details around which writers shape their work, mostly in a biography
2) Anecdotesare stories or observations about moments in a biography, taking the basic facts
and expanding them for illustrative purposes, thereby creating interest
3) Quotationsauthors use them to create interest by changing the presentational format to that
of dialogue
Bain, C., Beaty, J. & Hunter, J. (1981). The Norton int roduction to literat ure. New York: Norton.
Barnet, S. (2007). An introduction to literat ure. Harlow: Longman.
Glossary of Literary Terms. The University of North Carolina at Pembrok e. work/allam/general/glossary.htm, retrieved March 2009.

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