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CONTENTS MENSURATION ALGEBRA HYPERBOLIC FUNCTIONS CIRCULAR FUNCTIONS COORDINATE GEOMETRY ‘CALCULUS I INFINITE SERIES HI DERIVATIVES I INTEGRALS IV APPLICATIONS V APPROXIMATIONS VECTORS MECHANICS PROBABILITY Page MENSURATION Circle Area of a circle, radius r is xr? Circumference of circle is 2 xr Sphere Volume of a sphere, radius r, is xr? Surface area of sphere is 4 xr? Right circular cylinder Volume of cylinder, radius r and height h is xr2h Curved surface area is 2xrh Right circular cone Volume of cone, radius r, and height h is zx 72h Curved surface area is xrl where / is the slant height of the cone. ALGEBRA Factors a3+b3=(a+b)(a?-ab+b2) a3—b3 =(a—b)(a? + ab +b) Permutations and Combinations _ na! ~ Finn! a, _ al P= @-n! Finite Series at 11 , YD @ta=% 2a+m-pai Y ara = 202") q-0 q=0 ad, Sek yy 1,2 Lregnerns Yr =Emet@nt); Yr grant? = = 1 (+x ta 1tnee SEHD 24 (ere. tam (neve int) 12 r de Moivre’s Theorem If n is an integer, (cos 6 + i sin)" = cos n@ +i sind. If n is a rational number, cos n@ +i sinn@ is one of the values of (cos @ +i sind)". HYPERBOLIC FUNCTIONS ex-e-* sinhx = wezte™ coshx 2 sinh —!x = In [x +V@?+1)] Principal value of cosh ~! x = In [x + V(x? - 1)] @e1) tanh tx = tn [P42 dzl = t, then sin A ==" oy; cos A =—5 COORDINATE GEOMETRY star di =o jg tbete Perpendicular distance ftom (hk) to ax + by + ¢= is Sy The acute angle between two lines with gradients m , m, is tan-1|_ ™1 7 ™2 1+ mm, Area of Triangle is yx ¥4 1% (x1 02-y3)+4203—¥1) +4301 Yd I= 4 yr yo ¥3 rit Circle The equation x? + y? + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0 represents a circle with centre at (—g, —f) and radius V(g? + f2—c). The parametric equations of a circle with centre at (a, b) and radius r are x=atreost, y=b +rsint. Point dividing P , P, in the ratio k: 1 has coordinates xy they vith 21 +key 1+k 1+k 14k Angle ¢ between two lines with direction cosines J, m, n: 1’, m’, nis given by cos @ + (Ul! + mm! +nn') m,n is given by cos = een VG +m? +n9V02 +m 240) Distance from P (x 1, yy» 2) to plane Ax + By + Cz + D=0 is Ax, + By, +Cz,+D V(A2 + B2 + C2) Plane distance p from origin, direction cosines of normal !, m, n, ke+myt+nz=p. Line through (x, 1, 2)» direction cosines, 1, m, n. x-xy YAN CALCULUS 1. INFINITE SERIES Taylor’s Theorem flat =fa+x'(@ +3 @+. ¢-p! FM@H+..., with ‘remainder term’ 2;'f0 (a + 6x), where 0< 0 <1. Maclaurin’s Theorem $0) =[O +H OFLG'O 4.4 2) fe-DO+..., H om with ‘remainder term’ (0 (@x), where 0 < 0 <1. r expxrmet=J+xt+24...42+... Rte tz log (1 +x) = In(1 +x) =x- FD EL,, valid for -1

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