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Christmas Pageant 2014

Pastor Michelle- Today we hear the Christmas story; the story of light shining in darkness; the
story of Gods love coming into the world as a helpless infant. It is right that we
hear this story, handed down from our ancestors, from the mouths of our children.
They own this story- and like all good stories- they will leave a new mark on it.
You will not be mere observers. They will call on some to play parts in the
drama- your costumes are here. All of you will be the voice of the chorus- your
parts are listed in the bulletin. Your cue will be the music as it plays.
Watch- listen- attend to this ancient story- as told by our children and youth.
I invite up our three narrators, Seth, Annah, Jerri Lane. Give them your attention
and be prepared to be the chorus when you hear the music play.
Narrator 3-

The story of the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, whom we call the Christ.

Song: I Love to Tell the Story (#360) chorus

Narrator 1-

I know this story.

Narrator 2-

You know this story.

Narrator 1-

But somehow the magic doesnt fade, does it?

Song: I Love to Tell the Story (#360) chorus

Narrator 1-

Lets set the stage.

There is a star in the sky over Bethlehem

Narrator 1-

Joseph is sleeping.
Waitwheres Joseph? Joseph- come up her!

Joseph comes up and stands center stage

Narrator 2-

Dont forget Mary.

Narrator 1-

Mary is in my book, but she comes later.

Narrator 3-

(looking at Narrator 1) Wait! What book do you have?

Narrator 1-


Narrator 3-

(looking at Narrator 2) And what book do you have?

Narrator 2-

Ive got Luke.

Narrator 3And Mary is in your book? Whos gonna be Mary? (recruit someone from the
audience- put a blue scarf over her head)
Mary comes up and stands next to Joseph
Narrator 2-

Heres my scene. Mary is at home.

And the angel Gabriel appears to her.

Narrator 3-

Do we have an angel in the house? An angel is like a haven from fear. Havencome up, you are the angel Gabrielle.

Narrator 1-

Wait a minute now. I think Gabrielle is in my story.

Narrator 3-

What does your book say?

Narrator 1-

It says Gods angel spoke to Joseph in a dream.

Joseph, son of David, dont hesitate to get married. Marys pregnancy is holy.
She will have a son and you will name him Jesus, which means God saves,
because he will save his people.

Narrator 2

But wheres Mary in your story?

Narrator 1-

Mary is engaged to Joseph, but the story doesnt say what happened to her until
she had the baby.

Narrator 3- (to Narrator 2) What does Gabrielle say in your story?

Narrator 2-

So Marys at home and all of a sudden Gabrielle appears before her and says
Good morning! Youre beautiful with Gods beauty, God be with you.

Narrator 1-

That must have been scary!

Narrator 2-

Which is why Gabrielle said,

Mary, you have nothing to fear. I am a haven from fear. God has a surprise for
you; you will have a son and name him Jesus. He will be great and will be called
Son of the Highest.

Narrator 1-

What did Mary do?

Narrator 2-

She was confused.

But in the end she accepted it.
Then she burst out in song.

Narrator 1-

In song? Just like that? Like her life was a musical?

Narrator 1-

Wow. All Joseph did was roll over and wake up committed to marry Mary. No

Narrator 3-

Maybe we should sing for him?

Song: People Look East 142 verses 1 & 2

Narrator 1-

What happened next in your story?

Narrator 2-

They had to go to Bethlehem, but all of the hotels were full and none of their
relatives had room so they ended up staying in a stable.

Narrator 3-

A barn? With animals? We better get some animals up here. (motion animals to
come up and say the animals as they come up. Cow, Cat, etc. When an
unexpected animal comes up- like a penguin- say) A penguin in the barn?! (look
confused) I guess animals from all over wanted to see this miracle unfold.

Narrator 1-

There are no animals in my story.

Narrator 2-

Well, while they were in the barn it came time for the baby to be born.

Narrator 1-

In the barn? With the animals all around?

Narrator 3-

Mary must have been tired after having the baby, but where could she set him
down in a barn?

Narrator 2-

She laid him in the manger.

Narrator 1-

And did Mary break out in song then, too?

Narrator 2-

It doesnt say that, but wouldnt you, if you were her?

Song: Away in a Manger

Narrator 2-

You said there was a star in your story? Where does the star come in?

Narrator 1-

In the East there were these three scholars, kings and queens, some call them
magi. They saw a new bright star and decided that it meant a new king had been
born. So they followed the star until they were directly under it. And they found
themselves in Bethlehem.

Narrator 2-


Narrator 3

A new star was right over where Jesus was born? We better get the star and the
magi up here.

Narrator 1-

So these scholars went to the King, Herod,

Narrator 3-

Wait, King Herod? Where is that angry King Herod? (Xavier)

Narrator 1-

The Magi asked Herod, Where can we find the newborn king? We have come to
worship him.

Narrator 2-

Did Herod know that the star meant Jesus had been born?

Narrator 1-

No, but Herod was really mad because he was the king and he didnt want another
king. So he asked the magi to tell him after they found the baby.

Narrator 3-

And did they find him?

Narrator 1-

Yes. Herod had his scholars tell the astrologers everything they knew about the
predictions of a new Hebrew king being born so they could try to find him.
When they followed these clues, they were right under the star, right in front of
their house!

Narrator 2-

Wait a minute, they were in a barn, not a house.

Narrator 1-

No, in my story theyre in a house.

Narrator 2-

Oh?! What did they do when they found him?

Narrator 1-

Well they were so excited that they couldnt contain themselves!

Narrator 2-

You mean they did the happy dance?

Narrator 1-

They did the happy dance. And then they gave him gifts, Gold, Frankincense, and

Narrator 3-

Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh?! What good are they to new parents?

Narrator 2-

Those must have been some wealthy scholars!

Narrator 3-

Youd think theyd bring something useful like diapers, or bottles, or some food.
I mean, why not a pizza!?

Narrator 2-

I pizza would have been appreciated, Im sure. But, thats not at all how my story
goes. In my story there is no angry king and no well-to-do foreigners coming to
pay respect.

Narrator 1-

Just Mary, Joseph and the animals?

Narrator 2-

And the angel.

Narrator 3-


Narrator 2-

Well, there were also these shepherds out in the field, tending their flocks, just
minding their own business when all of a sudden the angel of the Lord appeared
before them.

Narrator 1-

Just like with Mary.

Narrator 2-


Narrator 3-

Were they scared, too?

Narrator 2-

Wouldnt you be if some angel came and plopped itself right in front of you?

Narrator 1-

So then what happened?

Narrator 3-

Wait, lets get the shepherds up here, first. (recruit shepherds from the audience.
Give them robes or head scarves as costumes)

Narrator 2-

The shepherds cowered in fear and the angel said, Dont be afraid. Im here to
tell you about something that will bring you and the whole world joy! The
Messiah was just born, in Bethlehem. Go and look for a baby lying in a manger,
wrapped in swaddling clothes. Then the shepherds got really scared because a
whole host of angels appeared dancing and singing and rejoicing.

Narrator 3-

Well, lets get the whole host of angels up here to dance, then.

SONG OF THE ANGELS- Angels We Have Heard on High #155 verses 1 3

Narrator 3-

That wasnt scary. That was beautiful.

Narrator 2-

Thats because youre listening to a story. If it was happening for real right before
you and it changed the way you thought about the world, it would be scary.

Narrator 3-

It changed the way they thought about the world?

Narrator 1 & 2(together)Narrator 2-


There it was right in front of them, all of the beauty and grace of God dancing and
singing and rejoicing over this baby. They just had to go see. They ran as fast as
they could. Until they got to the barn and saw them, Mary and Joseph and the
little miracle of the baby Jesus, and they believed what the angel said: that the

Messiah was born and that the whole world should rejoice! Mary was quiet,
taking it all in and just holding her thoughts and beliefs inside herself, but the
shepherds ran out, rejoicing. They let loose, glorifying and praising God, telling
everyone they saw what had happened. (shouting) Gloria In Excelsis! Christ is
born! Amen!
Narrator 3-

I wonder if the magi saw the shepherds?

Narrator 1-

I dont think so. Remember in my story they traveled a long time after seeing the
star and Mary and Joseph were in a house.

Narrator 2-

Did the magi tell Herod where to find the baby?

Narrator 1-

No way! They didnt tell anyone that they found him and they even went home a
different way so no one would tell Herod.

Narrator 2-

I love to tell this story.

Narrator 1-

Me, too.

CHORUS- I love to tell the story

Narrator 3-

I never realized there were different versions.

Narrator 1-

From dreams to angelic appearances.

Narrator 2-

From Shepherds in a barn who yell on the rooftops to scholars from the east who
sneak away quietly.

Narrator 3-

And contemporary experiences that tell us to bring pizza. (to audience) What do
you make of it? Was it such a joyous miracle that you want to shout from the
rooftops? Or is it a wonderful secret you want to protect?

Narrator 2-

I think it just is. The story is enough.

Narrator 1-

Together, both stories are enough.

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