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Teacher Candidate: Chandler Hepler

Subject/Grade: 4th Grade Math

School: Springfield Elementary School

Date and Time of Lesson: October 9, 20 14 @10:40

Learning Objective:
The students will be able to use arrays and fact families to solve problems on their math worksheet with
100% accuracy.
Essential Question: How can you use arrays and fact families to simplify solving mathematical
DOK: 1
Alignment with Standards: 4.OA.1Interpret a multiplication equation as a comparison, e.g., interpret
35 = 5 x 7 as a statement that 35 is 5 times as many as 7 and 7 times as many as 5. Represent verbal
statements of multiplicative comparisons as multiplication equations.
Developmental Appropriateness or Cross-curricular connections:

Cognitive: Students have prior knowledge of multiplication facts (6s and 7s).
Social: Students can talk to a partner with appropriate behavior (inside voices, face-to-face, on
Physical: Students can write. They know how to use a Smart Board.
Emotional: Students can accept that their answers may be wrong, and that other students may
have gotten the same answer but in a different way.

Assessment(s) of the Objectives:

Lesson Objective(s)
The students will be able to use arrays and
fact families to solve problems on their math
worksheet with 100% accuracy.

Assessment(s) of the Objective(s)

Before: Introduce the problem with a
demonstration of what an array looks like
(using 6x7 as the example). Then write the
fact family for that array.
During: Have students create arrays and
fact families for different equations.
After: Have the students share their
answers and the procedure that they used
to get to their answer(s).

~ Have students that finish early start working on arrays and fact families for the number eight
time tables.
~ Students that seem to be taking a long time to come to an answer to the problems, work oneon-one with them to show them how to get the answer.
Smart Board
Math Notebooks
Writing Utensils

1. Draw an array on the Smart Board for the students to copy down in their math notebooks. The
students will use markers to make the arrays in their notebooks.
2. Under the array the students will write the fact family for that specific set. For example,
3. Tell the students that they need to do arrays for:
4. As the students draw the arrays in their math notebooks, you will draw them on the board.
5. As a class the students will make up the fact families for each of these arrays.
6. Have the students draw arrays and write fact families for:
Walk around the class and answer any questions that the students have while working.
7. Have the students share out their answers while writing them on the board.
8. Assign the students pages 137-138 in their math workbook to do using arrays and fact families.
9. If needed, make arrays for the 8 and 9 time tables.
National Governors Association Center for Best Practices & Council of Chief State School Officers. (2010).
Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. Washington, DC: Authors

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