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Class #_________


6th Grade Volleyball Quiz

Circle the best answer for each question.
1. Who invented Volleyball and where was it invented?
a. William Morgan, Holyoke MA
b. Mr. Leahy, Longmeadow MA
c. James Naismith, Springfield MA
d. Mr. Ross, Springfield MA
2. A serve is...
a. When you contact the ball with your forearms
b. When the ball lands out of bounds
c. Used to start the point by contacting the ball with one hand
d. A hit on the ball really close to the net
3. When bumping the volleyball it is important to
a. Create a flat platform with forearms to contact the ball
b. Contact the ball with my fist
c. Stand straight up
d. Have my hands on my knees
4. The two types of serves are overhand and underhand
a. True
b. False
5. When setting you extend upward like what superhero?
a. Batman
b. Superman
c. Wonder Woman
d. The Hulk
6. Athletic Stance in Volleyball means
a. Standing straight upward
b. Sitting on the ground
c. Bent at the knees with hands behind back
d. Knees bent, on your toes, hands out in front of body
7. When the volleyball comes in above your shoulders you want to bump the volleyball
a. True
b. False
8. If I catch the volleyball I can toss it to my self and then bump or set the volleyball.
a. True
b. False
9. An Ace is a serve that results in a point
a. True
b. False
10. When bumping it is important to get underneath the volleyball by bending the knees.
a. Ture
b. False

What former Williams MS alum led the Girls Longmeadow Volleyball this year in assists?
Who won the most recent gold medal in Mens Summer Olympic Volleyball ?

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