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CBSE FINAL PRACTICAL EXAMINATION (CLASS XII) COMPUTER SCIENCE (083) TOTAL MARKS: 30 SYLLABUS: 1 Programming in C+ 2. SQL Commands 3. Project Worl 4, Practical File. 5. Viva Voce 10 Marks (05 Marks PRACTICAL FILE QUESTIONS QL. Write a program in C++ to print the given numbers in ascending order using Bubble sort. Q2. Write a program in C++ to print the given numbers in descending order using Bubble sort. Q3. Write a program in C++ to print the given numbers in ascending order using Insertion sort. Q¢. Write a program in C++ to print the given numbers in ascending order using Selection Sort. Q5. Write a program in C++ to merge the two array’s elements and print the same in ascending order using Merge sort. (Hint: first array is in ascending and second array is in descending order) Q6. Write a program in C++ to merge the two array’s elements and print the same in descending order using Merge sort. (Hint: first array is in ascending and second array is in descending order) Q8. Write a program in C++ to implement Linear search in 1-D array. Q9 . Write a program in C++ to implement Binary Search in 1-D array. Q.10. Write a program in C++ to implement Sum of matrices in 2-D arrays. Q.11. Write a program in C++ to implement transpose of a matrix. Q.12. Write a program in C++ to implement a dynamically allocated stack containing names of countries, Q.13 Write a program in C++ to implement a dynamically allocated queue containing names of cities. Q.14, Write a program in C++ to implement the concept of multilevel inheritance. Q.15Write a program in C++ to implement the concept of multiple inheritance. Q.16Write a program in C++ to implement the concept of single level inheritance. Q.17Write a program in C++ to count the total numbers of characters present in a text file. Q.18. Write a program in C++ to count the total numbers of alphabet ‘A’ present in a text file.

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