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One year ago, give or take a few hours, I left Ho Chi Ming City, Vietnam where I

held a teaching post. My departure was per-meditated in that I knew I had no

intension of returning. Did I care that I was breaking a contract? Simple answer, NO.
Education employment has it's merits and for many it's a great means of support. I
was seeking more, I wanted to make a difference, and frankly a private school is not
the best pond for such a venture. That's my own opinion, of course. I would not
belittle anyone for being part of that pond, though I assume many just don't care about
making or inspiring change. they value their quality of life. It's a job. Perhaps it's
simply a better environment for their families. Educators often seek an effect as
opposed to correcting or adjusting cause. The basic concept of education is a
romantic notion that has changed very little over many years. It's shifting and
rearranging has wasted years without revamping a failed system. I suspect this will
continue for years to come, if not for the duration of mankind. Those of us who seek
out alternatives, know the present state is erroneous, but do very little to initiate
change, beyond the patching here and there, once again for effect. Fact remains;
education is still key to life. The need for comfort, security, and more keeps most in
the stream. I'm no shaker; I'm just an old man who lost a battle. It was one year ago,
give or take a few hours...I departed those walls. Those within, my hopes are that you
bring down those walls.
I still have a voice.
James Williams December 22, 2014

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