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Bylaws of Women In Sales and Business,

Lincoln, Nebraska
As Amended 2014
Article I Purpose
Section 1 Women in Sales and Business of Lincoln, Nebraska is a local womens association
dedicated to bringing about a spirit of cooperation and networking among women in the field of
sales and related professions. Our mission is to encourage and develop creative leadership of
women. We are dedicated to promoting our growth through the accumulation and sharing of
Section 2 The purpose for which this womens association is formed shall be:
(a) To promote the interests of business and professional women.
(b) To enhance the image of women in sales and related professions.
(c) To provide the education and training in marketing products and services.
Article II Membership
Section 1 Purpose of Membership. Membership in the association indicates and provides support
for the associations purposes as set forth in Article I of these bylaws.
Section 2 Qualifications. The members of the association shall be women who pay dues to the
association and are bound by the bylaws in effect or subsequently adopted. Annual dues are at
the time a new member requests membership in the association. All paid members, at their request, will be added to the Member Directory on the website.
Section 3 New Members. Any woman who pays dues to the association and agrees to be bound
by the mission statement and bylaws in effect or subsequently adopted. Prospective new members may attend 2 monthly meetings annually before being required to join the association and
pay dues. Membership dues are $50.00. A notice of renewal will be sent out prior to the members annual renewal date.
Section 4 Withdrawal of Membership. A member may withdraw from the association at any
time. No membership dues will be refunded.
Article III Executive Committee
Section 1 General Powers. The business and affairs of the association shall be managed by the
Executive Committee, make and execute all policy for the association and provide for the growth
and continuance of the association. The Executive Committee shall be comprised of:
Vice President
Media Specialist
Immediate Past President
Community Events Coordinator
Program Chair

Section 2 Financial Transactions. The Executive Committee shall obtain member approval by
majority vote on any spending of $1,500 or above on any single product or service.
Section 3 Duties of Executive Committee Members:
President Duties of the President will incorporate:
1. Shall be responsible for calling, organizing, preparing an agenda and presiding over the
monthly membership meetings on the second Wednesday of each month.
2. Shall be responsible for calling, organizing, preparing an agenda and presiding over the Executive Committee meetings, to be held on a date agreed on by the majority of the Executive
3. Along with the Treasurer, shall be listed as account holder on any checking or any other financial accounts associated with the association.
4. Will send an executive letter for non-payment of dues to members, if requested by the Membership Chairman or Treasurer.
5. With the Executive Committee, shall review bylaws annually to determine any necessary
changes and/or modifications and call for a membership vote on any such changes, prior to the
vote for the incoming Executive Committee members. The bylaws shall be amended if approved
by a majority vote of those members present.
6. In the event the Immediate Past President or Vice President are to be on the ballet, the President shall select other members of the Executive Committee to preside over the nominating committee to prepare a slate of candidates for the November election of the new Executive Committee.
7. Shall send out correspondence to the membership via the Technology Manager.

Vice President Duties of the Vice President will incorporate:

1. Will be mentored by current President or Immediate Past President for one year in preparation
to step into Presidents Role.
2.In the absence of the president at monthly meetings, the Vice President shall assume the duties
of the President.
3. Along with the Immediate Past President, shall preside over a nominating committee to prepare a slate of candidates for the November election of the new Executive Committee.
Immediate Past President -Duties of the Immediate Past President will incorporate:
1. Shall assist with the activities of the Executive Committee.
2. Along with the Vice President shall preside over the nominating committee to prepare a slate
of candidates for the November election of the new Executive Committee,
Secretary Duties of the Secretary will incorporate:
1. Will take minutes at monthly Executive Committee meeting and special (i.e., bylaw revisions
and voting) monthly membership meeting.
2. Will distribute the Executive minutes by email to the Executive Committee no later than one
week after the next monthly Executive meeting.
Treasurer Duties of the Treasurer will incorporate:

1. Duties are to collect and deposit dues within 5 days of collection. Shall pay any costs of the
association and issue receipts.
2. Coordinate the completion of a monthly balanced report at the Executive Committee meeting
on the financial status of the association.
3. Shall sit at the registration desk at each monthly meeting, to collect lunch payment, collect or
follow up past due membership dues, and to welcome guests.
4. In the absence of the Membership Chairman, will collect names, addresses, employment address, email address and telephone number of guests.
5. Will be personally responsible for any overdraft charges that occur.
6. Coordinate completion of any necessary forms or reports needed by WISB.
Program Chair- Duties of the Program Chair will incorporate:
1. Shall arrange for speakers or other programs relevant to women in sales or related professions
to be presented at each monthly meeting. Will send thank you cards to monthly speakers and invite them to attend the next meeting.
2. Will prepare and distribute notification of monthly meeting activities to press, secretary, media
specialist and Technology Manager.
3. Shall discern with the Executive Committee what programs will be offered through out the
year and how they will be delivered.
Membership Duties of the Membership will incorporate:
1. Recruitment and retention of members, keeping accurate membership and guest records, and
maintaining the contact information.
2. Along with the Treasurer, shall sit at the registration desk to inform members who owe dues,
and gather the contact information of members and guests.
3. Will follow up with guests (via email, regular mail or phone call) thanking them for attending
and to invite them to the next meeting.
4. Will check members and guests into meetings if the Treasurer is absent.
Media Specialist Duties of the Media Specialist will incorporate:
1. Shall liaison with the Technology Manager.
2. Will keep all social media outlets updated and current, and will post monthly membership
meeting information at least two weeks prior to meeting on the social media sites.
3. Will work closely with Technology Manager and assist in the updating and maintenance of the
newsletters throughout the year.
Community Events Coordinator Duties of the Community Events Coordinator will incorporate:
1 Spearhead WISBs philanthropic endeavors by announcing and coordinating member attendance at community charitable functions. Board can approve expenditure on a case by case basis
for attendance of WISB members at these charitable functions.
2 Develops a minimum of one social activity to be conducted outside of regular monthly meeting. Creates and chairs a committee to assist her and coordinates with media specialist to ensure
members are notified.
Technology Manager

1. This is an independent contractor position that includes compensation. As such, annual evaluations shall be conducted by the board in September of each year.
2 This position is responsible for all website maintenance, including keeping current updates to
member directory, calendar and event pages, and all other pages associated with the website.
Coordinates WISB Google drive as a storage system. Trains board on google drive as necessary.
3 Liaisons with Executive Committee to ensure information is shared across online channels.
4. Monitors and manages WISB emails.
5. Serves at the discretion of the Executive Committee. Attends monthly board meetings as
Section 4 Election of Executive Committee. The committee shall be elected every year at the
November meeting. WISB Fiscal year will run from March 1st through the last day of February.
The newly elected Executive Committee shall be expected to attend a Board orientation training
in January and regularly scheduled board meetings in December, January and February prior to
taking office in March.
Section 5 Meetings. The Executive Committee shall meet once monthly plus any additional
meetings deemed necessary by the President. Roberts Rules of Order shall be used for all official
business conducted at WISB meetings.
Section 6 Vacancies and Removal. Should a vacancy occur among the elected members of the
Board, the board may select a qualified replacement to fill the position. A majority vote by the
board members shall be necessary for election. The term of any replacement shall expire at the
end of the fiscal year. Any Executive Committee member who misses three (3) Executive and/or
monthly member meetings consecutively in a calendar year shall be removed from their Executive Committee duties and replaced immediately.
Section 7 The duties of each Executive Committee are not exclusive and can be expanded upon,
at the direction of the Executive Committee, or the President acting on its behalf.
Article IV Election Process
Section 1. Suggested Member Qualifications for Nomination to the Executive Committee.
Be a WISB member for a minimum of two years.
Have prior team/ leadership experience.
Has knowledge of their strengths and behavior style.
Section 2. Length of Term. Terms will be two years. The Immediate Past President and Vice
President shall preside over a nominating committee to prepare a slate of candidates for the November election of the new Executive Committee. If the Past President and Vice President are to
be on the ballot, the President shall select other members of the Executive Committee to preside
over the nominating committee to prepare a slate of candidates for the November election of the
new Executive Committee.
Section 3. Voting. The Executive Committee shall be elected by a majority vote of those members present at the November member meeting. Any dues paying member is eligible to vote. If
Nominations are taken from the floor, those nominated must meet the above qualifications, have
been asked and have agreed to serve prior to the nomination.

Article V Amendments
Section 1. These bylaws may be altered, amended, repealed in whole or in part at any duly organized meeting of the Executive Committee. The amended bylaws shall then be approved by a
majority vote at any organized meeting.
Bylaws amended: April 1, 1987
Committee: Judy Troutman, Margaret Harm, Anne Pagel
Bylaws amended: December 11, 1989
Committee: Tanna Kinnaman, Yvonne Shaw, Janet Danielson, Chellie Egan
Bylaws amended: November 12, 1990
Committee: Janet Danielson, Linda Nunns, Myrta Hansen, Darla Thomas
Bylaws amended: March 31, 1993
Committee: Chellie Egan, Lorrie Kennel, Bev Owens, Karen Watson, Sue Anne Philson
Bylaws amended: January 11, 1994
Committee: Lorrie Kennel and Bev Owens
Bylaws amended: November 30, 1994
Committee: Lorrie Kennel, Bev Owens, Susan Hacker, Margaret Higgins, Shery Pecora, Valerie
Bylaws amended: November 11, 1996
Committee: Cyndy Anderson, Paige Zutavern, Rhonda White, Kim Walters, Carol Chappelle
Bylaws amended: December 8, 1997
Committee: Cyndy Anderson, Paige Zutavern, Bev Faubel, Kim Walters, Linda Bonacorso, Darci Roberts, Carol Chappelle
Bylaws amended: February 11, 2002
Committee: Cyndy Anderson, Linda Bonacorso, Christine Nieman, Ronda Bruns, Bonita Lederer, Carol Chappelle, Judy Lynne
Bylaws amended: July 5, 2007
Committee: Becky Haufle, Roxanne Foreman, Nancy Intermill, Diane Siefkes
Bylaws amended: November 2008
Committee: Roxanne Foreman, Kim Shortridge, Darcie, Ross, Doris Kruse, Gina Larsen, Becky
Bylaws amended July 7, 2011
Committee: Stacey Lima, Lea Barker, Jane Mohling, Kris Thaller, Becky Haufle, Nola Hlavac
Bylaws amended December 2013 Committee: Kris Thaller, Diane Siefkes
Bylaws amended August 2014 Committee: Kris Thaller, Diane Siefkes, Deb Payne

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