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Men - what is your contingency plan for when your blind date with a fox turns ou

t to be a blind date with a dog?

Would you just walk away, upon meeting her, or would you go through with it as i
f there were nothing wrong?
Before accepting a blind date what question would you ask about them?
your girlfriend always talks about his previous boyfriend when youu are with her
. how it feels to you. what if your temper gets high
If you were ever caught with your pants down in public, what do you suppose woul
d have been the reason behind it?
If a girl proposes you and you know that she is your bestfriend ex's then how yo
u will react to it?
if u are on a honeymoon and girl leaves you after 2-3 days, what would you think
of girl and how will you react to the situation
If the girl turns out to be lesbian than what is your reaction?
What is the wildest thing you will do to seduce your girlfriend?
your mother calls you at midnight and hears some wierd noises. how will you expl
ain it to her?
What is your idea of a romantic date?
What do you think is the most attractive feature in a man/woman?
Did anyone ever make a pass at you?

What is the wildest thing you will do to seduce your girlfriend?

Before accepting a blind date what question would you ask about them?

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