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Connie Kutch

Unit 2 assignment 1
Cellular Structures and Pathogenicity
Three structures that are important to help a bacteria get around, be strong, and survive are
plasmid, flagellum, and the capsule. Plasmids are extra chromosomal element and it holds bacterial
DNA. They are used for replication of the DNA. Flagellum is the transportation of bacteria. They help
spread the bacteria throughout the host. (Todar, 2014)
The last is the capsule. The capsule is made of polysaccharide layer outside of nuclear envelope
of bacteria. Prokaryotes can only have a capsule. These can be found in Gram negative and Gram
positive bacteria. They are tightly packed and difficult to stain. When staining the capsule cannot be
washed off. The inside can be stained but the outside doesnt and the capsule makes like a halo around
the bacteria. The capsule prevents phagocytosis, it makes the cell much stronger. The capsule helps cells
adhere to different surfaces. Capsules help with some vaccines to fight against organisms such as
Streptococcus pneumonia. (Acharya, 2013)

Acharya, T. (2013, April 28). Microbeonline. Retrieved January 8, 2015, from Bacterial Capsule:
Todar, K. (2014, January 1). Online textbook. Retrieved January 8, 2015, from Structure and Function of
Bacterial cells:

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