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uine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis

Presented by
Zehao Quan

Cause of EPM
Sarcocystis Neurora
Life Cycle: two hosts, a definitive and an intermediate

Source of disease
Raccoons, cats can be intermediate hosts
Opossum is the definitive host
Contract EPM from grazing or watering
Wildlife or cats defecates
Horses dont pass around among each other
(dead end host)
Mostly found in North American countries (US,

- symptoms: loss of coordination, muscle atrophy,
sore back etc.
- Hard to diagnose because symptoms can occur
anywhere on the body
- Diagnose: ruling out other diseases, exam, lab
- Complications: none

Horses most at risk/Treatment

Any age, sex breed
Younger horses and horses that travel a lot
Fall season
Anti-protozoal and anti-inflammatory drugs
Often be expensive and unsuccessful

Make stable unattractive to wild animals such as
raccoons and cats
Clean up any spilled feed promptly
Preventing opossums
Use fences to prevent entrance of animals

Vaccination Schedule
- On December 18th, 2000, a vaccine was approved by
USDA to prevent EPM
- Removed from manufacture for some reason
- There is no USDA approved vaccine against EPM right

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