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Faith,Tessa, Malik, Chris, Leslie

Marketing/ Sales Pitch

Have you ever been discriminated against?

According to, 95%

of the employers interviewed said a job
seekers personal appearance affected the
employers opinion of that applicants
suitability for the job.QA

Sales Pitch
Introducing The Classism Dolls
Want to Raise Awareness? Want to Promote Equality? This is for you and your kids!
Share this with your kids and their classmates

Who Uses The Classism Dolls?

The Classism Dolls are a fantastic tool that teaches middle school ages about the job environment.
(8th Grade Teacher)

Central Idea

The Classism Dolls are a series of dolls that educate children about the job
environment, and the expectations that are accepted of them. By purchasing
the dolls you are funding a government project that will bring equality to people
who arent prepared for what is expected of them.


There arent any government projects that help all ages and sexes yet.
Educates Children
Prepares them for the real world
Provides equal benefits and opportunities

Project Overview

Classism in the work environment

Help low income families
Raise Awareness

Individual Project Roles


worked on half of the policy brief/ assisted in the

brainstorming process, and printed papers


Collecting statistical graphs and information about how

much people make it to the workplace by analyze classism.

Leslie: Worked on the creation and design of the dolls.

Chris: Worked on half of the policy brief/ provided initial prototype
sketches/ assisted the group in understanding the task


Worked on the creation and design of the dolls. Also some

ideas of how to support low income people through the business.


Retail: $7
Profit: $4.46
Mass Production: $2.14
Marketing: 2,400
Company: Fisher Price
Amount Sold: 20,000 Dolls
Total profit After Fees: $300,000
$200,000 for 20% Equity


Who we are selling to

Age Range
Where we are selling
Where we hope to expand to

Project Purpose
Equal Opportunities
Educates all on what is expected in the job environment

Evidence: Thesis Paper

Evidence: Thesis Paper

Evidence: Thesis Paper

Leslie an

Evidence: Thesis Paper

Evidence: Data Collection/ Graphs

Analysis: This histogram shows the percentages of the
employees having the knowledge and skills to be in the
work environment, in this data we examine each boxes
have four different colors sky blue, green, yellow and
red to show how many people have the knowledge to
be in the work environment. We can describe what is
the smallest and largest percentage of how many
people are in the work environment which is thirteen
and forty five percent of the employees having
knowledge to be in the work environment

Evidence: Data Collection/ Graphs

Analysis: the pie chart shows how many people coming
from different age groups in terms of different
generations of the work environment. This indicates
what is the highest and smallest percentage of each
generations came from the different age groups. We
examine the five types of generations which is baby
boomers, mature generations, generation, generation x
and generation jones. In this data, we can defined which
is the smallest and largest frequency rate in the
workplace were from the two generations at 17 percent
and 26 percent of the young generation and generation

Evidence: Data Collection/ Graphs

Analysis: This pie chart explains talk about someone
else hiring other person who had a visible tattoo. Each
part of the pie chart shows the percentages of people
having a visible tattoo or someone else have no visible
tattoo being in the workplace. In this data, thirty- six of
people maybe think it is too big or offensive in the
workplace, eleven percent of people would not hired
someone who has an tattoo, twenty percent having an
ink tattoo in the workplace and twenty seven percent
of bosses allowed other people to hired as employees
in the workplace.

Evidence: Data Collection/ Graphs

. Taller employees earn more than 789 dollars every year, averaging inch per height than short coworkers.
However, this is definitely gender-biased, most men do not prefer women who are taller than they are.
Overweight employees stand to suffer the most financial loss due to discrimination in the workplace.

According to 74.1% of US citizens and 63.8% of UK citizens are overweight. However,
despite the numbers being in favor of the overweight, the average female employee suffering from
obesity stands to earn 6.2% less in her lifetime than a slender co worker with the equivalent
qualifications. On the average, 64 extra pounds of body weight results in a 9% drop in pay over ones
A high stress work environment can lead to health problems and work errors. These issues are
compounded if employees feel pressured into skipping vacations or working through illnesses rather
than taking sick days. Their employees are also impacted. Companies in which stress related
problems are a cultural norm could suffer financially from poor-quality work and high rates of
employee turnover




The End

Concept Art: Population Problem


Evidence: Policy Brief




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