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`The Pivot Questionnaire

Michaeljohn Lacson
1. What is your favorite word?
My favorite word is failure, because without failure there is no success. Nothing
motivates a person more to achieve their goals than great failure. Many of the
best athletes, inventors, and performers have suffered great failure, only to work
harder and succeed.
2. What is your least favorite word?
My least favorite word is limit, because I do not believe that the furthest someone
has gone is not the farthest they can go. A person did not reach their limit if had
just ran a mile in under five minutes, because there is no limit, the person can
keep training and eventually the time will become shorter. Just because someone
receives Ds on their exams, does not mean they can only get Ds. They have the
ability to receive an A if they simply work for it. I believe that one can always do
more, because the biggest room is the room for improvement.
3. What turns you on creatively, spiritually, or emotionally?
What turns me on creatively is the worlds problems, peoples problems, or
whatever general obstacle I run into every day. Whenever I run into a problem in
which anyone around me or myself have no known solution to, I turn the
innovation mode switch in my brain on and think of a simple solution to solve the
problem. Whenever I read or hear about things going on in the world that bother
me, I daydream. I dream of inventing new technology that will save lives and
protect people. It just sounds so unreal and expensive, but maybe one day when I
have the proper education and materials, I can make things work. But for now, I
can keep dreaming because dreaming will always be real and free.
4. What turns you off?
Stupid people turn me off, not ignorant people, but stupid people. An ignorant
person can learn, but a stupid person will most likely always be stupid. A stupid
person will boast about themselves with no action to back themselves up. A stupid
person is never in deep thought and is illogical. A stupid person will put people
down without bringing them back up. A smart person is humbler. A smart person
will think deeply, and can be illogical intentionally. A smart person will never call
an ignorant person stupid, but instead educate them. Stupid people have the mind
of a parrot, while smart people have the mind of a raven.
5. What is your favorite curse word?

My favorite curse word is Fuck due to its flexibility. It can be used in any
sentence to express various feelings such as anger, love, or pain. For example,
AAAAH FUCK! is something someone would say if they sprained their ankle.
As a verb, My dog fucked the couch last night. As a noun, I dont give two
fucks. If you get angry at someone you could say, What the Fuck is wrong with
you? Dont Fuck with me, I will Fuck you up! Fuck is so versatile that it can
even be part of a word, such as UNFUCKINGBELIEVABLE or
FANFUCKINGTASTIC. You can use the phrase, OH FUCK! while having
sex, if you make a mistake on your paper, if you set off the alarm while robbing a
store, or if you see a speeding truck heading towards you. You can even say
FUCK YEAH! to celebrate a victory. That is why Fuck is so Fucking
Fanfuckingtastic because you can fucking use the fucker in any fuckin way in any
fuckin fucked up sentence.
6. What sound or noise do you love?
The sound I love is the clang of the weights or barbells whenever I put them down
to rest. The feeling of accomplishment and relief fills up my entire body knowing
that I completed my final rep and now I get to rest or move on to the next
workout. The struggle for that final rep makes me eager to hear the clang of metal.
It is like hearing the bell ring when your last high school class of the day has
7. What sound or noise do you hate?
The sound I hate is my alarm tones I wake up to before clinical. Although they
can be epic and uplifting, they still wake me up from an awesome dream.
8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
I would love to attempt being a secret service agent. With my growing knowledge
of martial arts and medicine along with more training, I believe I would make a
great candidate. I want to be just like MacGyver.
9. What profession would you not like to do?
The profession I would not like to do is Alaskan crab fishing because I think it is
the most dangerous job in the world. Hauling in cages that weigh hundreds of
pounds in icy condition and freezing rain, on board a boat being jerked around by
unsteady water is crazy. But someones gotta do it, much respect for those that do.
10. If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the
Pearly Gates?
If heaven were to exist, I would like God to tell me that I did well for the Earth
and that he is happy for my service to others. He would also tell me that my

journey is not over, that I had more to encounter in heaven and more work to do. I
would happily serve him, solve more problems, and defend my home from evil.
However, if I had failed on Earth and in heaven, I would gladly take my
punishment and be sent to the most evil places in the universe and I will fight
endlessly as long as there is evil to fight.

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