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Lesson 1 of 6

30 minutes
Curriculum expectations: A1.1, A3.1, B1.4, B2.2
Topics: Movement Competence, Active Living

Target Toss
Grade 2 | Kicking and Throwing for Accuracy

Learning Goals

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

actively participate in target activities

send a variety of objects to a target using an underhand throw using simple tactics
demonstrate behaviours and apply procedures to maximize safety.



Safety Requirements

Refer to the Ontario Physical Education Safety Guidelines - Elementary Curricular Module, Movement
Activities for Primary Grades activity page.

Equipment List

Coloured masking tape (5 different colours)

20 30 hula hoops (1 for each student)
60 beanbags (5 for each pair) in a variety of colours

Teacher Resource 1: Anecdotal Recording Chart

Teacher Resource 2: Throwing an Object to a Target Checklist

Grade 2 | Kicking and Throwing for Accuracy | Target Toss | Page 1 of 6

Lesson 1 of 6
30 minutes
Curriculum expectations: A1.1, A3.1, B1.4, B2.2
Topics: Movement Competence, Active Living

Target Toss
Grade 2 | Kicking and Throwing for Accuracy


Students will gradually increase their heart rate by participating in the following activity.

Shuffle and Toss

Outline boundary for activity to be a safe distance from walls.

Divide the class into pairs or triads.
Set up two hula hoops for each pair and place four beanbags in each hoop.
Students stand by their hula hoop. On the teachers signal, they must shuffle to their partners hula hoop
and throw one beanbag underhand into the hula hoop from a designated distance (see Fig. 1).
Remind students to stay low when shuffling side to side and to throw only underhand.
Students repeat the activity, getting a beanbag and throwing it into the opposite hula hoop.
The focus of the activity should be on increasing heart rate.

Grade 2 | Kicking and Throwing for Accuracy | Target Toss | Page 2 of 6

Lesson 1 of 6
30 minutes
Curriculum expectations: A1.1, A3.1, B1.4, B2.2
Topics: Movement Competence, Active Living

Target Toss
Grade 2 | Kicking and Throwing for Accuracy

Minds On

Share and clarify the lesson Learning Goals with the students.
Using group discussion, have the class identify Success Criteria for Throwing an Object to a Target.
Teacher demonstrates and discusses Success Criteria for Throwing an Object to a Target.
Preparation phase

Step into the throw with the leg opposite the throwing arm.
Have legs bent and body low to the ground for stability.

Execution phase

Perform a low high-five (i.e., approximately hip height) when releasing the object to project it farther.

Follow-through phase
Finish with throwing arm pointing toward the target.

Lead a group discussion on the following. Teacher prompt: What is your body doing when you throw
underhand? What strategies do you use to successfully hit the target consistently? If you were a
coach, what would you say to a student to achieve a successful underhand throw?
Consider displays on Success Criteria for Throwing an Object to a Target for student reference.

A&E - Minds On

Teacher observation with anecdotal writing of students knowledge related to the Success Criteria for
Throwing an Object to a Target Using an Underhand Throw using Teacher Resource 1: Anecdotal
Recording Chart

Grade 2 | Kicking and Throwing for Accuracy | Target Toss | Page 3 of 6

Lesson 1 of 6
30 minutes
Curriculum expectations: A1.1, A3.1, B1.4, B2.2
Topics: Movement Competence, Active Living

Target Toss
Grade 2 | Kicking and Throwing for Accuracy


Target Toss

Make five lines using different coloured tape (or consider using lines on the activity area floor). Lines
should have approximately 30 centimetres between them.
The fifth line (the farthest line) is worth five points. The fourth line is worth four points, the third line is
worth three points, the second line is worth two points and the first line (the closest line) is worth one
point (see Fig. 2).
Set up a number of playing areas, allowing students to work in groups of 3 5.
Each player is given five beanbags of a colour that is different from the other players.
Standing 10 paces behind the first line, the players alternate throws, trying to accumulate the highest
number of points with their five beanbags.

Teacher moves among students individually reminding them about proper underhand throwing
technique discussed earlier. Teacher prompt: What happens when you throw with more force?
Student response: The beanbag goes farther, and higher up in the air too!
Working in their groups, students select one of the strategies worked on throughout this lesson and
practise it while repeating Target Toss. This time teams play cooperatively without values assigned to
lines. Partners work together to have one of their team mates beanbags on each line. To allow for
variance in abilities, allow students to select which line they would like to throw to.
To modify the task, reduce the space between lines; shorten the throwing distance (5 paces instead of
10). Place a pylon between each line as a target for the students to aim at.

Grade 2 | Kicking and Throwing for Accuracy | Target Toss | Page 4 of 6

Lesson 1 of 6
30 minutes
Curriculum expectations: A1.1, A3.1, B1.4, B2.2
Topics: Movement Competence, Active Living

Target Toss
Grade 2 | Kicking and Throwing for Accuracy

A&E - Action

Teacher observation with anecdotal writing of students ability to demonstrate active participation and
cooperation with one another during large group play using Teacher Resource 1: Anecdotal Recording
Teacher observation with anecdotal writing of students application of throwing skills and strategies
using Teacher Resource 2: Throwing an Object to a Target Checklist


Students gradually decrease their heart rate to a resting rate by participating in the activities below.
Students should also stretch the body parts that have been active throughout the lesson. See
Appendix for stretches.

Walk About

Have students walk around the activity area with a beanbag.

When the teacher calls a beanbag colour, students who are holding that colour throw their beanbag into a
beanbag bin. (This activity allows for active clean up.)

Shake and Splash

Gently shake hand as if shaking water off fingers.

Flick fingers away as if splashing water.
Flick other body parts (e.g., toes, hips, arms) as if flicking water.


Students use the Thumbs-Up Strategy to self-assess their ability to obtain the lesson Learning Goals.

Grade 2 | Kicking and Throwing for Accuracy | Target Toss | Page 5 of 6

Lesson 1 of 6
30 minutes
Curriculum expectations: A1.1, A3.1, B1.4, B2.2
Topics: Movement Competence, Active Living

Target Toss
Grade 2 | Kicking and Throwing for Accuracy

A&E - Consolidation

Teacher observation with verbal feedback of students response to self-assessment of the Success
Criteria for Sending Objects to a Target using the Thumbs-Up Strategy (see Appendix)

Next Steps

Students will further develop their skills and knowledge of sending objects to a target, experimenting
with proximity, force and aim.

Notes to Teacher

Prior to activity inspect activity area for safe traction and eliminate potential hazardous conditions.
Outline boundaries of the activity area for students.
Ensure each game is spread out to minimize interference from other games.
Set boundaries for activities a safe distance from walls.
Remind students that prior to sending and object at a target students are to check there is no one
between them and the target.

Grade 2 | Kicking and Throwing for Accuracy | Target Toss | Page 6 of 6

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