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Literature Review

Authors: The Daily Journal of the United States Government- Nadya Chinoy Dabby
Title: Professional Development for Arts Educators (PDAE)
Journal or Text: Educational Text (Website)
Year: 2014
Main idea(s)
This article explains the purpose of
professional development for art

Supporting Evidence

This is a public and governed article to

assist the educators to apply for
scholarship to obtain materials and
enhance the way art is being taught in

This priority supports professional development

programs for K-12 arts educators and other instructional
staff that use innovative instructional methods and
current knowledge from education research and focus
on (1) The development, enhancement, or expansion
of standards-based arts education programs; or (2) The
integration of standards-based arts instruction with other
core academic area content. (Dabby, 2014, IP 4).

This article provides an example to how

technology can be used in the classroom
to improve overall instruction.
Technology can be used in several
different ways that will help the different
type of learners in each classroom. If used
correctly the tools can be used to
strengthen the ways students learn.
Especially those who have special needs
and who are English learners.

Competitive Preference PriorityTechnology. Projects

that are designed to improve student achievement or
teacher effectiveness through the use of high-quality
digital tools or materials, which may include preparing
teachers to use the technology to improve instruction, as
well as developing, implementing, or evaluating digital
tools or materials (Dabby, 2014, IP 6).

To apply for this grant, an educator must

be working at a low income school and
provide the evidence to support the
teachers use of the grant if it was
received. This is a huge benefactor In how

The purpose of this program is to strengthen standardsbased arts education programs and to help ensure that all
students meet challenging State academic content
standards and challenging State student academic
achievement standards in the arts (Dabby, 2014, IP 2).

To be eligible for PDAE Program funds, applicants

must propose to carry out professional development
programs for arts educators and other instructional staff
of K-12 low-income children and youth by
implementing projects in schools in which 50 percent or

education can be enhanced based on the

financial assistance from the Government.

more of the children enrolled are from low-income

families (based on the poverty criteria in Title I
(Dabby, 2014, IP 9).

Nadya Chinoy Dabby. Professional Development for Arts Educators (PDAE). March, 2014.
Retrieved January 16, 2015, from

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