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How to multiply with your

Hold your hands in front of you palms up. Your pinkies represent the number 6, ring
finger the number 7, middle finger the number 8, pointer finger the number 9, and the
number 10 is represented by your thumbs.

Put the fingers that represent your problem together. For example: 8 x 8 means that
your middle fingers touch together.

For each finger that is touching and each finger below, count ten. For example:
with 8 x 8, six fingers (two touching, and two on each hand below that = 60).

Count the fingers above the two touching on each hand, separately.

Multiply those two numbers. With 8 x 8, you have two on each hand - 2 x 2 = 4.

Add.60 + 4 = 64 = 8 x 8! Done. Now all you need is some practice and soon it'll seem
very simple and it'll work really quickly for you.

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