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The structure of DNA and DNA replication

Record the number of the model kit your table used.

Part One
Fill in the blank
1. The backbone of a DNA molecule is made out of _____ and ______.
2. Complementary nitrogen bases are connected by _____ bonds. Adenine is complementary
to ______, and cytosine is complementary to ______.
3. When it is laid flat DNA looks like a ladder, but its actual 3D shape is a(n) ______ ______.
Short Answer
4. Record the nitrogen bases of the two complementary DNA strands your table made using
capital letters. For example, one strand might be GAGT.
5. Count the number of each nitrogen base that came in your kit. Which bases do you have the
same number of? Why?
6. Look at the model pieces that represent the four nitrogen bases. Which two bases are
thicker than the others? What is the difference between the bases represented by thick
pieces and the bases represented by thin pieces?
Part Two
Fill in the blank
1. Before DNA can be copied, the ____ bonds between the ____ must be broken so the two
strands can be separated.
2. New nucleotides are added by an enzyme called ______.
Short Answer
3. What happened to your two original DNA strands? Where did they end up?
4. How does the structure of DNA allow it to be copied accurately? Would DNA replication work
if DNA was made of a single strand of nucleotides?

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