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The learning centers are designed for a third grade fraction unit.

Since the centers are used at the beginning of the fraction lesson and fractions are new to
all students, the students will be placed in mixed-ability groups.
After some practice and formative assessments, I will be able to group students according
to math skills that need support. I can then have small-group instruction for reteaching
and enrichment.
Groups will have leaders that will help pass out math center folders.
All work will go into the math center folders.


Student groups will be posted and groups will be numbered.

The activity names will be posted. Clothespins with group numbers will be used to show
students which group they start in. At the transition, I will switch the clothespins. The
students will know which group to transition to next by looking at the numbered

Cuisenaire Fractions
3. NF1 Understand a fraction 1/b as a quantity formed by 1 part when a whole is portioned into b
equal parts: understand a fraction a/b as the quantity formed by parts of size 1/b.
Materials: Cuisenaire rods
Object: The student uses the largest (orange) rod as the whole and finds the fractional value of
the other rods.

Work with a partner or individually.

If the orange rod is the whole and has the value of one, find the value of the other rods.
In the math center notebook, write down the answers. Include the tools you used and your
thinking. Include any tools you used.

Number Line Roll

3. NF2 Understand a fraction as a number on the number line; represent fractions on a number
line diagram.
Materials: ruler, dice
Objective: The student will practice placing fraction on a number line between zero and one.

In your math center notebook, draw a six-inch number line that begins with zero and ends
with one.
Roll the die. The number you roll is the amount of equal segments you will divide your
number line by. For example, if you roll a 5 then you will divide your number line into
five equal segments.
Label the segments using fractions. Explain why you labeled the segments with the
fractions you chose.
Repeat until you have completed five different number lines.

Exploring Equivalent Fractions

3. NF3 b Recognize and generate simple equivalent fractions e.g..., = 2/4, 4/6 = 2/3) Explain
why the fractions are equivalent, by using a visual model.
Materials: fraction strips
Objective: Students use the fraction strips to generate equivalent fractions.

Using your fraction strips, find as many equivalent fractions as possible.

Sketch and label the equivalent strips in your math center notebook.

Compare and Order Fractions

3. NF3 d Compare two fractions with the same numerator or the same denominator by reasoning
about their size. Recognize that comparisons are valid only when the two fractions refer to the
same whole. Record the results of comparisons with the symbols >, <, or = and justify the
conclusions, e.g., by using a visual fractional model.
Materials: fraction strips

Objective: Students will compare fractions using the fraction strips.


Use your fraction strips to compare the fractions below. Write the fractions in your math
center notebook and use compare using the <, > or + symbols. Also, record why with
your answer.
o and 1/6
o 1/3 and
o and
o 1/3 and 2/6
Pick two more fractions and order them.

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