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T u e s d ay

“A Lamp To My Feet”
by Roslyn Catracchia

Memory Verse: Psalm 119:105

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”

The first Bible I remember calling my own was given to me as a child by First Presbyterian
Church. It had a white soft cover, and was presented to me along with my classmates on a
Sunday morning in front of the entire congregation. I think I was in the 3rd grade. When it was W e d n e s d ay
handed to me, I remember feeling honored to receive something so special. I knew even then
that the Bible was no ordinary book.

As a child, I read the Bible every night, and when I was afraid of the dark, I slept with it
throughout the night, the soft book tucked safely in my arms. Over the years I began
memorizing certain verses that seemed important for me to remember, and I’d write key
words in the margins so I could find verses quickly.

I kept that same Bible through high school, when it started to fall apart. Today I have several
different Bibles that I turn to for guidance, for direction, to be a lamp unto my feet and a light
unto my path. Without a doubt the most important book in my life, I continue to read each T h u r s d ay
one until it lovingly falls apart and I have to search for another.

While I have read this Book cover to cover several times, and studied it weekly, it continues
to both amaze me and be a mystery to me at the same time. I hear different teachings on the
same verses. Other verses, no matter how many times they are explained to me, remain an
enigma. But even with all the questions, I know that I know that the Word is the Truth.

P r ay e r
F r i d ay
Lord, thank You for giving us Your Word. Thank You for giving us teachers and for leaving
Your Spirit to reveal to us the many mysteries in Your time. May we never take for granted the
amazing gift of the Bible. In Christ’s name. Amen.

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