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Clinical Evaluatii
ALL information at the top of this fon
Student Name:
Lisa Barker
Mid-Term Evaluation Date: 10/10/2013

1ST be completed by Student
_(no absences)^
'linical Site: Lynchburg General Hospital
inal Evaluation Date:


I. Student Comments:
A. Areas of Strength:
My strength is my strong desire to learn, so that I may 1
that I can provide excellent care for the patient. I 1
there is value in sharing as much knowledge as po>
I have a very strong work ethic and am driven to work
never look for the easy way out, because working t!
whether it is learning how to do this same task betti
keep an open mind.
I also have a strong sense of empathy and try to see am
only value being able to provide excellent care, but
"sense of self' and dignity, which I feel are critical
interacting with patients.
I am willing to jump in and do whatever needs to be do
"gross" and shy away from themthey are just pn;
may not be pleasant, they are not to be viewed or i
enough that some has to be taking care of them in :
them at ease as much as possible, in every situatio:

hly competent in my knowledge and skills, so

that there is always more to learn and that
0 that others may benefit as well.
:ething until I know it is done, and done well.
1 something that is difficult helps you learn time, or how NOT to do it next time - must
;hings from another person's perspective. I not
place very high importance on a patient's
s to be aware of when providing care and
don't feel that some things are "icky" or
ing a human being. While certain situations
!o with distaste. The patient likely feels bad
s than ideal situation, and it is our job to put

B. Areas for Improvement:

I realize that I need to improve my time management .>
necessary care activities in the timeframe that they
assessments first - then complete the documentatio:
move on to providing care/giving medication accor
by laying out a visual plan (template) so I can ha\
becomes second nature to do things in a certain \v;
Another area for improvement that will be of assistam
are most commonly given. Improvements w i l l co;
through the Pharmacology course as well, but sup;
progress more quickly.

1 can be more effective in planning the

o be completed. I need to focus on performing
r away to get my baseline in place. I can then
he appropriate timeline. I can accomplish this
k visual reference to go by especially until it
Doming more familiar with the medications that
; practice, and will increase as I continue
Jng with additional tools will allow me to

II. Faculty Comments:

Lisa, I feel you have done a wonderful job of evalici
here you are at the midterm of this
semester. I agree with each of your strengths and \t with focused
on your
they will
cas for attention
and goals,
I feel confident
unable by the conclusion of this semester!

Student Signature:

^nature: Sandra Hahn, RN MS

I. Student Comments:
A. Areas of Strength:
I believe my areas of strength are the same as when I reviewed for MidTerm.
One of my strengths is my strong desire to learn-through experience as well astli
I have a very strong work ethic and am driven to work at something until I know i
I also have a strong sense of empathy and try to sec and feel things from another p..
I am willing to jump in and do whatever needs to be done and assist fellow team r
B. Areas for Improvement:
One area for improvement I need to continue to work on is time management. I do be
progress since earlier in the semester, but I also believe there is room foraddition:
made progress because I am more comfortable and more confident in what I am (I ii
in and do things more quickly and not second-guess myself as much.
Another area where I need to improve is getting documentation completed in a timely
too, I have improved since earlier in the semester, but I need to work more on getti
assessments documented closer to the hourly interval, rather than every I'A or 2 Ii
improved on getting head-to-toc assessments completed and documented , but I sti
that completing the assessment, then immediately stepping out to document it.
An area for improvement that I had identified at MidTerm was becoming more taniili
that are most commonly prescribed. I definitely have improved on that, but that v
for the foreseeable future because of its criticality. Improvement will come with |
will benefit me time-wise also to have a better grasp of the most common meds.
With cultural sensitivities becoming more important in providing quality care, I feel t i
about the specific differences between cultural/religious/ethnic groups and what s
and beliefs are so that I can be more effective in assisting patients when the need an:On care plans/concept maps - I need to focus on:
Spending less time researching and analyzing and more on putting the actual plan / :
evaluating the outcome of the interventions
Being less wordy/more concise
Individualize my interventions
Make my outcome statements more mcasurcable
II. Faculty Comments
Lisa, I agree with your self-evaluation comments on the previous pages and al">
strengths that you have listed above, I was able to see how your comfort level :<'
during the second Vi of the semester. This comfort level not only encompas r
(skills/tasks), but also your communication and interactions with patients and
In terms of your areas for improvement, I agree with those areas you have lista
to you near the mid-term that my goal for you was to improve on your time nm
gathering data and processing this data to write up your assignments. I am gb
for the future, but also wish to acknowledge that you worked VERY hard on i !
see the steps you've taken, to grow in this area.

Student Signature^

Faculty Signature: Sandra Haha. I ,\S

. and done well.
-i perspective.
as much as

IMVC made
vcment I have
un able to jump
. In this area
ly qiiickhave also
10 do better on
i the medications
linue to be a goal
, but I believe it
ocd to learn more
[heir traditions
>gctlicr and

I n addition to the
ocdside improved
>ur physical care

c. I mentioned
icnt in terms of
ce this as a goal
I I am happy to

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