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Advanced Mathematics

Guidance Booklet

Linear Algebra
24th December - 2nd January
Book: Linear Algebra done right
1 Chapter a day
Real Analysis

3rd January 4th

Book: Principles of Mathematical Analysis

3 days per chapter
Abstract Algebra

5th February 30th

Book: Dummit and Foote Abstract Algebra

1 day per subunit
Multivariable Calculus

5th February 24th

Book: Vector Calculus Linear Algebra and

Differential Forms
5 days per chapter
General Topology

25th February 30th

Book: General Topology Munkres

4 days per chapter
Number Theory
1st May 31st July
Book: Introduction to Modern Number Theory
3 days per chapter

Real and Complex Analysis

1st May -31st July
Book: Real and Complex Analysis
3 days per chapter
Functional Analysis
1st August 26th August
Book: Functional Analysis
2 days per chapter
Fields and Rings
27th August 2nd September
Book: Fields and Rings by Irving Kaplansky
5 Units a day
Commutative Rings
September 12th September
Commutative Rings: By Irving Kaplansky
2 Units a day


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