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USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)

Grade Level Being Taught: Subject/Content:



Name: Jennifer Giambrone

Date of Lesson: February 4th,

Lesson Content
What Standards (national or
state) relate to this lesson?
(You should include ALL
applicable standards. Rarely do
teachers use just one: theyd never
get through them all.)

Solve Problems involving measurements and conversions of measurements from a larger unit to a
smaller unit.
MACC.4.MD.1.2: Use the four operations to solve work problems involving distances, intervals of
time, liquid volumes, masses of objects, and money, including problems involving simple fractions or
decimals, and problems that require expressing measurements given in a larger unit in terms of a
smaller unit. Represent measurement quantities using diagrams such as number line diagrams that
feature a measurement scale.

Objectives- What are you

(Student-centered: What will
students know and be able to do
after this lesson? Include the
ABCDs of objectives: action,
behavior, condition, and degree of
mastery, i.e., "C: Given a sentence
written in the past or present tense,
A: the student B: will be able to rewrite the sentence in future tense
D: with no errors in tense or tense
contradiction (i.e., I will see her
Note: Degree of mastery does not
need to be a percentage.)

Solve Problems by using the strategy act it out.

Evaluation Plan- How will you

know students have mastered
your objectives?

Diagnostic Assessment Unlock the Problem: Together, Marnie and Serena have $1.20. They want
to share the money equally. How much money will each girl get? (p. 359). Students will have two
minutes-two and a half minutes to solve this problem on their own. After reading the question to the
students (teacher), the teacher will reiterate the importance of drawing a model to solve the problem.

Students will be able to use the act it out strategy to solve problems involving decimals and money,
with little to no errors.
Students will be able to work cooperatively during the activities and be supportive of one another,
without prompting by the teacher.
Students will demonstrate their understanding of the content by their answers to the diagnostic question
at the beginning of class, formative questions throughout the lesson, and the exit ticket at the end of
class with 80% or greater mastery.

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)

Grade Level Being Taught: Subject/Content:
Address the following:
What formative evidence will
you use to document student
learning during this lesson?
What summative evidence will
you collect, either during this
lesson or in upcoming lessons?


Name: Jennifer Giambrone

Date of Lesson: February 4th,

Once that time is up, the students will be partnered with their face-to-face partners (or small groups of
three if necessary) to compare the answer and strategy for solving the problem. After comparing for
about a minute, the class will come together with the final answer. A few student volunteers will be
asked to come up and show their model and explain their reasoning to the class. This will promote the
foundation of class community, where every individual can learn from another.
Formative Assessment: The teacher will ask probing questions throughout the lesson and will ask the
students to self monitor their level of confidence with the content, using the 1-5 nonverbal signal.
Summative Assessment: The students will have an exit ticket as the in-class summative assessment.
This will show the teacher how they are grasping the information independently and will provide an
opportunity for student to have a one-on-one conference with the teacher. The teacher will utilize this
data to inform the next days instruction.
Exit Note Problem:
Each student will be asked to write a money word problem using different operations (students
will be sectioned into what operations to chose from, if they did more structure). Ask that
students use money amounts of $5.00 or less.
Remind students to create division problems that have solutions with no remainders since there
is no half penny.
Students may use coins and bills to solve their problems. Have them record the correct answers.
***questions may be turned into a flash card review game***

Step-by-Step Plan
(What exactly do you plan to do in
teaching this lesson? Be thorough.
Act as if you needed a substitute to
carry out the lesson for you.)

For additional practice, the students will be completing pages 179 and 180 for homework. Homework
will be the first thing addressed the following day. This will be an opportunity to ask specific and
clarifying questions to the teacher and the class.
Lesson Implementation
Who is
(Teacher or

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)

Grade Level Being Taught: Subject/Content:
Where applicable, be sure to
address the following:
How will materials be
How will students transition
between activities?
What will you as the teacher
What will the students do?
What student data will be
collected during each phase?
What are other adults in the
room doing? How are they
supporting students learning?
What model of co-teaching are
you using?

5 min





Students will enter the classroom and get their materials from the fourth grade
cart. The students know to write down homework during this time. While
waiting for their peers to enter and get situated, the students will work on the
problem, which will be display on the ELMO. During this time (and the
lesson) the students are allowed to eat snacksper the collaborating teachers
classroom environment.
Students will compare their answer to the problem with a face-to-face partner
or group of three (as assigned by the teacher). The groups will compare
answers and methods for solving the problem.


A few student volunteers will come to the front to show and explain how they
solved the problem. (no more than five minutes).


Before beginning the lesson 9.5, the teacher will need to review lesson 9.4
because the students did not learn it as planned. Depending on the levels of
student mastery (assessed through observation notes, formative questions, and
student self-assessments), the lesson will transition smoothly to lesson 9.5. A
way that the lesson could progress from here is a review game merging the
concepts of both lessons. The students will have an opportunity to get out of
their seats to participate, and they will be building community relationships by
supporting their team members.

2 min


Name: Jennifer Giambrone

Date of Lesson: February 4th,



Teacher will begin instruction with Try Another Problem on page 360. The
teacher will read aloud the problem (Josh, Tom, and Chuck each $0.40. How
much money do they have together?) **modeling how to break down a
1. Read the Problem
2. Q: What do I need to find? (Answer: the total amount of money the
three boys have)
3. Q: What information do I need to use? (Answer: I need to use the $0.40
that each boy has.
4. Q: How will I use the information? (Answer: I will use coins to model

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)

Grade Level Being Taught: Subject/Content:


Name: Jennifer Giambrone

Date of Lesson: February 4th,

& 0.40 three times, once for each boy. Then I will count up the amount
of money in all. )
5. Solve the Problem Use one quarter, one dime, and one nickel for
each boys money. There are three quarters, three dimes, and three
nickels in all. Three quarters, two dimes, and a nickel make one dollar
($1.00). The remaining coins add up to $0.30. The total amount is
6. HOT Question: What other strategy might you use to solve the


Teacher will do #1 on page 361 with the class.


Students will try to Answer Number 2 and 3 on page 361 on their own. They
will be expected to answer and explain how they got their answer using
appropriate mathematical vocabulary. We will check as a class



Additional practice work: Students will complete #4-8 on their own on page
Exit ticket
Decimal WarReview Game (time permitting)

Meeting your students needs as

people and as learners

If applicable, how does this lesson connect to the interests and cultural backgrounds of your
These students are familiar with recording money amounts in decimal form. This particular lesson will
help students familiarize themselves with how decimals are a vital part of money. They will be able to
pull from real world experience and exposure to money when they are regrouping to solve the
problems. Hopefully this lesson will give the students a solidified understanding of how many is
grouped in different coins, bills, and amounts.

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)

Grade Level Being Taught: Subject/Content:


Name: Jennifer Giambrone

Date of Lesson: February 4th,

Differentiationbased on the
The lesson will be taught as whole class instruction. The students will be provided opportunities for
needs of your students how will
higher or der thinking and discovery during the lesson and assessments. Students who are better
you take individual and group
verbally will be provided opportunities to explain how they went about solving a problems. During the
learning differences into account. review activities, students will be able to move around and work collaboratively to solve answers on
the board. However, collaboration will be reinforced throughout the lesson with partner and table
group answer comparisons.
Relevant Psychological Theories Differentiated Instruction varied instructional methods to try and meet the multiple intelligences in
and research taken in
the classroom.
consideration when planning this
Vygotskys Zone of Proximal Development Asking scaffolded questions to help comprehend/grasp
the information.
Culturally responsive classroom Valuing every persons opinion and thoughts equally. Encouraging
all students to share their comments, as long as they are pertinent to the discussion and answering the
essential classroom.
Classroom Management Cleary stating and maintaining behaviors in the classroom. Making sure to
remain consistent with all students.

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