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Vision [AS Name of Candidate [awauresis AueAN ANSWER SHEET Test Code Mv Subject Be 4. Alignment Competence 2, Context Competence 3. Content Competence Language Competence Introduction Competence Structure - Presentation Competence Conclusion Competence Maximum Marks aa-2a | 30-36 Total Marks Obtained [72+ Remarks Signature &f Examiner INSTRUCTIONS: 1 Registration No. Do furnish the appropriate details in the answer sheet ( viz. Name , Id Number and Test Code ) The Candidate should fil the index table, especially for hirwher. Inthe left margin, sheme should write only question ‘number and in the right margin, nothing should be writen, ‘The page number should be coded by the candidate himself and the range of page number related to the aftewer of the question should be used to complete the index tabio, All Parts of the quéstions should be written at one place. No Supplementary shoot shal be provided by the ‘management. So the candidate is advised to in tho space accommodate required information provided. The candidate need not write anything in his er answer that derogates the dignity of an individual or an organization, ‘The candidate should respect the instructions, be the invigitator. | 1. The Examinee has to submit the answer sheet to the invigilator after completion of examination. However , he /she is allowed to take away the ‘question paper. Jeo toda Gormuteted dhe notion ob eyndy a Wimitelae and absolute power otha war ret subject bo ony tignetatens uthalsoewer> Ln vias token bo be Wi OF this sortrtigo. Further, sowerergea wed defined Yo be “a delrmincte hwunon supeiion net bn te habit ob Chidkence Yo a Whe superior” by Austin Soveraigniy othe’ ontrommelied poo bk tegalisy Ah egy there ee poe limi be the yore of Mie sovereign Soraya Indi SiBle is the sense Yrok ak Wb GG Weenthabie, there mast mecessariby be Enky ewe Sovereiyo. 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