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Activity Card

Name of Activity: Making Rain Sticks

Domain: Aesthetic
Goal: Become aware of beauty in nature
Concept: Rain makes sound when the water hits surfaces. We can make our
own rain noises in the classroom.
Materials: Paper towel rolls (taped on one side), beads, sunflower seeds.
Structuring: Model how to place the small items into the tube. Cover the
open side of the tube up and show children that the tube makes a noise
when it shakes.
Immediate Objective: We can imitate sounds we hear outside.
- Model how to place items into the tube.
- Give each child a tube and a small bowl with the small materials.
- Allow children to place items into the tube.
- Help them cover up the open side of the tube.
-Once completed, walk to the group area and play rain sounds on the
radio. Children can play their rain sticks while the rain sounds play.
Extensions: Have the children shake the rain sticks at different speeds for
hard or soft rain.
Simplifications: Hold the tube while they place the materials inside.
Assessment: Checklist.
Filled tube
Made noise
Filled tube
w/o support
with tube
rain sounds with support

Michigan Department of Education StandardCreative: Children develop rich and rewarding

aesthetic lives

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