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Advantages of Buying from Bangladesh under GSP scheme

GSP form A facilities: Under two stages derogation Bangladesh government is issuing GSP form
A to the EEC customers. Therefore Givensee Group can provide GSP facilities for our valued
customers. Bangladesh has an excellent opportunity to boost exports of garments to the USA
and EU countries where demand for low cost apparel is increasing.
The EU's Generalised System of Preferences (GSP) scheme, which provides garment
manufacturers in Bangladesh with duty-free access to the EU market--subject to certain
conditions relating to the origin of the materials used in the manufacture of the garment.
Today Bangladesh offers a very flexible and feasible production base for its customers in EU,
America and Australia. The EU market is quota free for apparels and goods are eligible for the
GSP facilities. As an LDC member Bangladesh also obtain special Tariff benefit from Canada
(18% import Tax free). Day by day, more and more back ward linked textiles industries are being
set up with more variety of yarns for buyers to choose from. Lead times getting shorter as
factories offer larger production capacities to alleviate shorter deadlines

Ready-Made Garments related International Trade Treaty & Agreement

Bangladesh RMG export availed the generalized system of privilege (GSP) in the EU countries
as a member of leastdeveloping country (LDC); this was not given to its nearest core
competitors such as India, Pakistan, or Sri Lanka. Quota facility in USA market was enjoyed,
although that was reducing year after year. Rules of origin also favored Bangladesh in
developing own backward linkage industry.

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