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Sociological Perspectives Writing Assignment

Discuss each perspective (or) paradigm; and provide examples of each.

Functionalist Perspective/Paradigm
The view that society is a complex system
[Structural Functional]
whose various parts work together to create
Macro level of analysis
stability for society as a whole.
As Herbert Spencer compared it, this view can
best be compared to the human body. The
human body is composed of various organs
than come together to create a functioning
organism. Like the digestive system [Mouth >
Salivary Glands > Esophagus > Stomach >
Small Intestine > Large Intestine > Rectum],
different body parts come together to create
During economic recession, more people lost
their jobs, which meant less people were
paying taxes to their state, which meant that
state funded programs were reduced.

Conflict Perspective/Paradigm
[Social Conflict]
Macro level of analysis

To address crime, a police force is founded,
which leads to a reduction in crime, creating
The view that society is a complex system and
is characterized by conflict. The conflict is
designed to generate social change; society is
not stable.
Conflict paradigm focuses on the conflict
generated by inequality.
The higher education system; rising higher
education tuition makes it difficult for those of
lower income to attend school. Only those with
higher income are able to afford school,
therefore only one group is benefitted.
Students holding protest or petitioning for a
decrease in tuition creates a conflict that may
eventually produce change in the form of
decreased tuition.
The difference in wages between male and
female employees.

The civil rights movement.
Interactionist Perspective/Paradigm
[Symbolic Interaction]
Micro level of analysis

The view that society is the product of

interactions among individuals.
The symbolic value that individuals place on
objects or gestures.
Focuses on the micro aspects of society, while
ignoring the macro aspects.
Winking, can convey flirtation or secrecy.
Secret hand-shakes among friends conveys
solidarity and unity among a certain group and
excludes others.
Santa Clause, conveys goodwill and holiday
spirit. Has been adapted by different cultures
while still maintaining his symbolism.

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