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February 12, 2015

Utah State Senate

Utah State Capitol, Suite 320
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114
RE: Voter Participation Agreement
Dear Senator,
Last year we came together to forge an historic agreement to implement landmark election reform in
Utah. You passed, and Gov. Gary Herbert signed, Second Substitute Senate Bill 54.
Our agreement, which became legally effective last month, will both preserve Utahs caucus system
and provide a direct primary alternative. As a result, Utah voters will have more choice, accessibility,
and accountability. Voter participation will rise.
Upon enrollment of Second Substitute Senate Bill 54, we upheld our end of the agreement and
officially withdrew our statewide initiative petition, which at that time had been signed by more than
115,000 registered Utah voters.
The Legislature is now considering at least four pieces of legislation that would undo our agreement.
We find this troubling and alarming. In our judgment it violates the good faith of the compromise we
all worked to achieve that preserves the caucus system, while providing additional ways for the public
to engage in the political process.
We, the leaders of Count My Vote, as well as Utah voters, are looking to you to affirm the legislative
integrity of last years process. We believe political parties have the needed time to implement the new
law. We believe the Count My Vote compromise is supported by a plurality of Utahns. We stand ready
to take our case to the public should the Legislature backtrack on its commitment.
We ask you to uphold your end of our agreement by not altering or delaying the implementation of the
election reforms we worked together to achieve.
We appreciate your commitment and service to the people of the great State of Utah.
Thank you,
Michael O. Leavitt
Gail Miller
Norma W. Matheson
Rich McKeown

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