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Inspection Department

Reducing Inspection Time Using the Latest Digital Inspection Tool

Source release program
Zero Quality Control: Zero quality control is a methodology designed to
shift quality to the process and eliminate the need for external quality
inspections. A zero quality control system typically includes error-proofing,
source inspection and employee empowerment as well as other quality

Lean Workforce

More Involved workforce.

Team Huddles
Quality Circles
5S Champion
Reward & Recognition

Sustaining the Change

Even with a good start, Lean initiatives can falter after some time.
Principles necessary to have a successful culture-changing event.
It makes no difference what a culture-changing event is called
be it Lean, TQM or Six Sigma there are some principles, which
if ignored or misapplied, will ultimately cause the effort to either
partially or totally fail.
There are four cultural principles that allow organizations to
sustain those changes. These four principles address: an
organizations purpose, its leadership, how it treats its people and
how the organization views continuous improvement. Stated in
question format, they are:
Do you have a clear statement of purpose for the business?
Do you have Lean leadership?
Is your business philosophy based on respect for people?
Do you have a real, functioning continuous improvement
Continuous improvement cycles are indispensable.

Structured Data Collection

Statistical Process Control

Check Sheet.
Central Repository etc.

Method of quality control which uses statistical methods. SPC is applied in

order to monitor and control a process.

Monitoring and controlling the process ensures that it operates at its full

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