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Pte aes 3.1.7 Air Cooler Example ‘An Air Cooler will be used to cool a liquid process stream. 1. Create the following Fluid Package and add the Material stream Feed: Property Packagn | Components CO ier ulge ra ase rasta ny Taner 70 0007 Worksnet Tres Te.000 Tsar Fw 70,0000 IE Worse anal tie Fae [08 Teanpectin) _ [rPeriantnie Fac [05 ‘specify the AIR COOLER connections and parameters as shown in the table below. The Parameters page contains the fan rating and speed specifications. Potato) "Tab (Page) Input Area, Entyy Design Feed Feed [Connections] Product Product Data P 12 pst ‘Configuration Tube row, 1 pass Design (Parameters) | Air intake TF toh Temperature ‘Rr Outiet % 7 “Temperature 3. Using the following specifications, HYSYS is able to calculate the actual volumetric flow of air: iret cca Tab (Pagel Input Area Entry Number of Fans 1 Demanded Specd __| 42m Rating {Sizin - cee Design Speed Sorem Design Flow [[ssxi0" barrevday pS Cooler unit operation is fully specified. The in the Conditions page of the At this point, the Air! exit stream conditions are displayed Worksheet tab. 5, Their Cooler unit operation parameters are shown in the Results page of the Performance tab: 310 No Wher workingin Steady State ‘mode, you are not required 10 Changeanything on this page. 316 3.2.6 Dynamics Tab Ifyou are working exclusively in Steady State mode, you are not required to change any ofthe values on the pages accessible through, this tab, For information on running the COOLER and HEATER operations in Dynamie mode, see the Dynamic Modelling guide, Chapter 4- Heat Transfer Equipment for details 3.2.7 Example - Gas Cooler | gas stream needs to be cooled from 60°F to -105°F with a pressure drop of 15 psi. 1. Create the following Fluid Package: Crone rarbon Dioxide, C1, C2, C3, ‘C7. nc8 Pie Peng Robinson 2, install a material stream with the following specifications. IATERIAL STREAM [E- Inlet] Tab (se) inputAren EN Temperate 60.0000 F wonateet [Frees 0080 Tila Fw 00.0000 rT Tirope te Fas | 005 | C02 Mole Free 0.0020 Tone Wolo Fae | 08122 ihaneNele Fee | CO¥e6 Propane hae Fad 0048 Workshost TBitoneNele Fae | 00028 {eompestton) —[puiane woe Fras | ©0020 TPantane Hole Fae | 00070 Para woe Fras] 0006 TrHevans eo Fae | 00007 riotane Nate Frac_| 0.000 TrOdkane oa Froe [00001 Cooler Button The duty required to cool sean E-1 Inlet tothe ‘conditions of E-1 Outlet isthe “Ha Flow of stream E-1 Duty Thisdtywillalso be displayed on the Parameters age ofthe Design tab ofthe COOLER property view. ee get at 317 3, Install a COOLER, and complete the Connections page as shown in Figure 3.12. 4. Specify a Pressure Drop of 15 psi on the Parameters page. Move to the Conditions page of the Worksheet tab. At this point, stream E-1 Outlet is not completely known, nor is the Duty value known. Use up the one degree of freedom remaining by specifying the temperature of E-1 Outlet to be -105°R HYSYS will calculate the remaining conditions of the outlet stream, as well as the necessary cooling Duty. The specified values are as follows: jporature [F] ‘60.0000 105.0000 Pressure [psia] 00,0005, Molar Flow (lbmolelhr] | 700.0000 347 eect ae + Anexample of Multiple Heat Exchangers is shown in the Chapter 11 - Optimizer. + Refer to the SubFlowshest Refrigeration Cycle Example (Chapter 2 - Flowsheet Architecture in the User's Guide) to ‘500 how subflowsheets can be used within HEAT EXCHANGER, 1. Inthis example, the inlet streams are fully det the ASME Steam property method): Te uu) ned as follows (using. ‘Tab [Page] Input Area, Entry Temperature 720.0000 °F Worksheet 7 ; Pomel Pressure (00.0000 psi Tolar Flow '5000,0000 Tbmalemhe Workshoat 20 Woke Frac 7.0000 (Composition) our) ‘Tab (Page) Input Area, Entry Temperature ‘90,0000 °F ‘Worksheet oem Pressure 7100-0000 psi Tolar Flow *4000.0000 lbmolethr Worksheet H20 Hole Frac 0000 [Composition) 2. ‘The HEAT EXCHANGER connections are shown below: 347 7 3.48 Inorder toincorporate Heat LossiLeak, the Rating Method must be Weighted. When Heat [ossiLeak is sett Extremes, heat is “Tost"on the hot side twhore the temperature is highest. Conversely, eat is ‘gained on the cold side where temperature Is lowest [Note that the Heat Balance ‘specification is included by defaul. 3, On the Parameters page. enter Tube Side Delta P and Shell Side Delta P values of 5 pst 4. Note that at this point, there is ust one degree of freedom available. Specifying an outlet temperature on either side of the ‘exchanger would result in the HEAT EXCHANGER having enough formation to calculate. Select the Weighted rating method from the Heat Exchanger Model drop down list, and choose the {Extremes radio button in the Heat Loss/Leak group. This increases the degrees of freedom to three, because specifications have to be supplied to account for the Feat Leak and Heat Los. Cn the Specs page of the Design tab, you need to add two specifications tothe lst. Press the Add button and complete the forms as follow Daren OU ss 6. Enter the Specification values and supply the required information: UA [Btu/F hr] 2.50E+08 ‘The solution will now converge. Move to the Com Work Sheet tab: EE Tables Page On the Table page, you can examine the interval Temperature, Pressure, Heat Flow, Enthalpy, UA, Vapour Fraction and Delta T for each side of the Exchanger in a tabular format. Choose the side, Cold Composite or Hot Composite, by making a selection from the drop down list above the table. Dynamic and Layers Pages she Dynamic and Layers pages ofthe Performance tab display results from Dynamie mode operation. For more information on these pages, see the Dynamic Modelling guide. 3.4.5 Dynamics Tab Ifyou are working exclusively in Steady State mode, you are not requited to change any information on the pages accessible through this tab, For more information on running the LNG unit operations in Dynamics mode, see the Dynamic Modelling guide for further details. 3.4.6 LNG Example Consider the following LNG Heat Exchanger: meee Cold C2 Out aye t= Cold 02 Cold 1 Out PWV ee Cold ‘Warm C1 —}-——>1 Vv; ———+ Cool Ct Plant Feed — — Cold Feed LNG-100 ‘The problem is to determine the flow of an Ethane Refrigerant stream (Cold C2) necessary to meet the Heat Exchange and Temperature approach specifications of the Exchanger. Create a case with the following Fluid Package: pee Cue eng Robinson 381 rc ‘specify the following for the feed streams are: presi l nke) Entry’ Tab [Page] Tnput Area, ae Temperature 20,0000°C | forksheot onan) Pressure 500.0000 KPa Wola Flow 7000,0000 remateme Mathane Woe Frac | 0.5386 Ethane Mole Frac | 0.1538 Rae Propane Mowe Frac | 0.0769 jorkshoot aioe Frae | 00882 re rpoettond FButane Mate Frac | 0.0602 ‘Butane Mole Frac | 0.0515 FPentane Mole Frac | 0.0538 [ rPentane tole Frac_| 0.0462 Presonus) Entry) Tab Fao inna Teena 5.000076 wonsieet [ioe 500.00 Fa Tir Fw So00D grote tare se Fas | 09500 [etree Fae | 00500, Fropane Wore Frae [©0000 Woristhaet i-Butane Mole Frac ‘0.0000 [Composition] ‘Butane Wale Frac | 0.0000 PPentane Mie Frac | 0.0000 ‘Peniane Mle Frae_| 0.0000 Tab [081 mnputAcon eNy : Vapour Fae 7.0000 aera Frese 7600 0000 nla Fow 7.9000 Fonolohe Tatars Ho Fae [09500 hans Hoe Fae] 00500 Propane Male Frac | 0.0000 ‘Butane Male Frac | 0.0000 | aButane Note Frac | 0.0000 Workshoot [Composition] FPentane Mole Frac | 0.0000 T-Pentane Note Frac_| 0.0000 3.62 & NG Button You will have to add two ‘additional sides by pressing the Add Side button. Paced rasa input oe Werksheot Vapour Fae 0.00 (Conditions| | Presaue 0.000017 Tetra a Fae [00700 inane Wot Fac [0.9000 Propane WoloFrae | 0000 wonsret [ae toe Fae | 000 Tare Hale Fras | 0.0000 TPeriane Hol Frac | 60000 Tots alo Fas | 00000 Connections Page Install the LNG Exchanger as follows. Parameters Page that this the Degrees of Freedom by two. in the Exchange Details group, set the number of intervals for each of the four passes to 20, Select the Extremes radio button in the Heat Loss/Leak group. Note ‘creases the number of unknown variables by two, and thus 363 EC 3.64 Specifications Page In order for the operation to solve, the number of independent unknowns must be equal to the number of constraints (Le. Degrees of Freedom = 0). The LNG considers constraints to be parameters such as A, Minimum Temperature Approach, or a temperature difference between two streams. In this problem, two types of specs are required. First, add the following Delta Temp specs: Pntsero Cold Feed- | WarmCt -Cold Cl corel rs Type Data Temp Detta Tomp Datta Temp Stream Cold Feed Warm Ct Werm Ct Stream Gad t oid T Out Coal Gi ‘Spee Value [o]_| 1500 200 5.00 ‘Then add two Duty Ratio Specs: Type Duty Ratlo Duty Ratio Pass Heat Leak Heat Loss Pass) Overall ‘Overall Spee Value 0.00 000 On the Worksheet page, specify the Vapour Fraction of Cold C2 Out to bel. Atthis point, the Degrees of Freedom will be zero and the LNG will begin to solve. The status message atthe bottom of the LNG property ‘view will read Temperature Cross. Move to the Plots page to see that the Composite curves clearly show a temperature cross at the hot side entrance (see Figure 3.44). Pte Temperature (©) bo fee foenendtun 6 z | Heslor (hn) ‘A different approach that can be used is to remove the Temperature difference between Cold 1 Outand Warm CI, and instead specify @ Minimum ‘Temperature Approach for the Exchanger at 2°C. Return to the Specs page and clear the Active check box for the Warm C1 -Cold 1 Out specification, Add the minimum approach specification, as described to the below. When you add the Minimum ‘Temperature Approach specification, the LNG Exchanger quickly solves 3-65 Ne Results the Worksheet tab of the LNG: ‘Move to the Conditions page of On the $$ Results page of the Performance tab, you Performance and the Side Results:

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