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Disability Climate Survey

Protocol Outline

The purpose of the project is to examine question 1 of the 2013 WMU Campus Climate Survey:
To what extent and in what ways do faculty, staff, and students perceive that diversity on
campus is recognized, honored, and appreciated? in the context of disability alone to garner a
more meaningful and detailed view of disability among the university community in terms of
awareness, attitudes, availability, and access of services. This will be done through two separate
quantitative surveys: one for students who are currently registered with the Western Michigan
University Office of Disability Services for Students (DSS), and another specifically for Western
Michigan University faculty members. These surveys will be administered online, and will be
completely voluntary and anonymous. Students and faculty members who participate in the
surveys will receive a gift card as a thank you for their participation. Potential student
participants will be identified through the current listserv of students registered with DSS;
potential faculty participants will be identified through the Registrars Office and the Office of
Faculty Development.
Purpose/ Background Info
A Campus Climate Survey of 5,615 WMU students, faculty, staff, and administrators was
conducted during the 2012-2013 academic year to collect, analyze, and make recommendations
with regards to diversity that would inform policies, procedures, and planning at WMU. It
consisted of six major research questions among which is the one we hope to examine in greater
detail: To what extent and in what ways do faculty, staff, and students perceive that diversity on
campus is recognized, honored, and appreciated?
While there are many findings, the one most salient to this proposal suggests that persons with
disabilities reported experiences of discrimination at higher rates than people who did not
identify as having a disability. Furthermore, there were significant differences based on the
disability status of student and faculty participants (Campus Climate Survey 2012-13, Question
1, pg. 29) suggesting that students and faculty with disabilities, while identifying themselves as a
part of the diverse group, felt less respected and appreciated, believed that the leadership at the
university were less supportive, and felt they were underrepresented in WMU publications.
Western Michigan Universitys Disability Services for Students (DSS) has seen a steady increase
in the number of students who self-identify as having a disability and require accommodations.
In 2008, the number of students registered with DSS was 477 and increased to 769 in 2013,
closely corresponding to the U.S. Department of Educations estimates. Based on a conservative
annual growth of 10% in the number of students registered with DSS at WMU, there will be
approximately 1200 students with disabilities in five years. In light of this projected growth, it
will be important for WMU to foster a campus culture and climate that is both understanding and
accepting of students with disabilities.

While legislation has moved post-secondary institutions toward providing equitable access to all
learning materials and activities, digital or otherwise, literature and legal settlements suggest that
universities and colleges may not be complying with all aspects of these laws with respect to the
technical aspects of these laws.
Anecdotally, students with disabilities at WMU have indicated to staff in the DSS Office
numerous accessibility and attitudinal issues they have been faced with on campus
With this in mind, the Disability Services for Students Office proposes to pilot an assessment that
is focused specifically on garnering more meaningful and detailed data from students, faculty,
and staff with regards to their perceptions of equity and access on the WMU campus. As the
assessment will focus on all types of disability including mental illness, this project will also help
to foster collaboration with Counseling Services improving knowledge and understanding of
both student and faculty perceptions of mental health issues on campus.
Subject Recruitment
Student participants will be recruited via email. Students registered with Disability Services for Students
will receive an email notifying them of their eligibility to participate and a link to the survey. Faculty will
be recruited via email as well. They will be identified with the assistance of the Office of Faculty
Development and the registrars office.
Informed Consent Process
Informed consent will be obtained through a statement of informed consent presented in writing online
before the survey. Should a participant choose not to participate after reviewing the informed consent
information, they will have that option available to them.
Research Procedure
The method of data collection is convenience sampling, utilizing the contact information already
compiled for students registered with the Disability Services for Students Office. In addition, we will
sample faculty in a similar manner, utilizing the distribution lists of current faculty. The instrumentation
is an online survey. There are two separate surveys, one for students and one for faculty, both of which
will be located online via the Select Survey program. The study will last for approximately three months.
The design of the survey instrument will be primarily utilizing a Likert scale. It has been reviewed by
Joshua Naranjo, director of the Statistical Consulting Center. Dr. Naranjo will also be conducting the data
analysis of the survey. Findings will be disseminated in the form of a report to the office of Faculty
Development, WMU senior leadership, the Vice President of the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, and
the CCDEI TAC (Campus Climate Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Tactical Action Committee).
Risks and Costs to and Protections for Students

There is no cost for participants to participate in the survey. There are no known risks to participation in
this survey.
Benefits of Research
This research will have benefits to the university community at large, as well as to all students registered
with Disability Services for Students and future students. This research will give students the ability to
discuss their experiences regarding disability at the university, and faculty will be able to discuss the level
to which they feel they understand and know how to accommodate students with disabilities. This will all
result in implementation of specific training and campus-wide events in order to ensure the university is
serving students with disabilities to the best of its ability.
Other benefits include a T-shirt for the first 50 students and first 50 faculty members who participate in
the survey. All survey participants will have the opportunity to enter their name in a drawing for an iPad.
Confidentiality of Data
All of the information collected from students and faculty is confidential. Neither names nor other
identifying information will appear anywhere in which this information is recorded or any final
documentation, report, and/or summary of findings. Participants will be asked to note their contact
information separately after completing the survey in order to receive a thank you gift for their
participation, and if they would be interested in participating in a focus group in the future. This
information will be in no way tied to their survey responses.

Appendix A
Anonymous Survey Consent: Faculty
Western Michigan University, Department of Disability Services for Students
Jayne Fraley-Burgett, Principal Investigator
Kathleen Camire, Student Investigator
Dorothy Fancher, Co-Investigator

Please read this consent information before you begin the survey.
You are invited to participate in a research project entitled Disability Climate Survey, designed
to determine faculty perceptions of disabilities and their willingness to provide classroom
accommodations to students with disabilities at Western Michigan University. This project
comes as a response to Western Michigan Universitys 2012-2013 Campus Climate Survey,
which found that Western Michigan University is not perceived as welcoming to persons with
disabilities. The study is being conducted by Jayne Fraley-Burgett and Kathleen Camire from
Western Michigan University, Department of Disability Services for Students.
This survey is comprised of 32 multiple choice questions and will take approximately 20 minutes
to complete. At the end, you will have an opportunity to receive a DSS Labels are for Jars, not
People T-shirt, and be entered into a drawing to win an iPad Air.
Your replies will be completely anonymous. When you begin the survey, you are consenting to
participate in the study. If you do not agree to participate in this research project simply exit
now. If, after beginning the survey, you decide that you do not wish to continue, you may stop at
any time. You may choose to not answer any question for any reason. If you have any questions
prior to or during the study, you may contact Jayne Fraley-Burgett at (269) 387-2120, Kathleen
Camire at (269) 387-2143, Dorothy Fancher at (269) 387-4128, Western Michigan University
Department of Disability Services for Students, the Human Subjects Institutional Review Board
(269-387-8293), or the vice president for research (269-387-8298).
This study was approved by the Western Michigan University Human Subjects Institutional
review Board (HSIRB) on November 17, 2014. Please do not participate in this study after
November 17, 2015.
Participating in this survey online indicates your consent for use of the answers you supply.

Appendix B
Anonymous Survey Consent: Students
Western Michigan University, Department of Disability Services for Students
Jayne Fraley-Burgett, Principal Investigator
Kathleen Camire, Student Investigator
Dorothy Fancher, Co-Investigator

Please read this consent information before you begin the survey.
You are invited to participate in a research project entitled Disability Climate Survey, This
project is in response to the Campus Climate Survey completed by Western Michigan University
in 2013. An outcome of that study was that the university was not perceived as being welcoming
or respectful of persons with disabilities. This project is to determine how the university is
The study is being conducted by Jayne Fraley-Burgett and Kathleen Camire from Western
Michigan University, Department of Disability Services for Students.
This survey is comprised of 31 multiple choice questions and will take approximately 20 minutes
to complete. At the end, you will have an opportunity to receive a DSS Labels are for Jars, not
People T-shirt, and be entered into a drawing to win an iPad Air.
Your replies will be completely anonymous. When you begin the survey, you are consenting to
participate in the study. If you do not agree to participate in this research project simply exit
now. If, after beginning the survey, you decide that you do not wish to continue, you may stop at
any time. You may choose to not answer any question for any reason. If you have any questions
prior to or during the study, you may contact Jayne Fraley-Burgett at (269) 387-2120, Kathleen
Camire at (269) 387-2143, Dorothy Fancher at (269) 387-4128, Western Michigan University
Department of Disability Services for Students, the Human Subjects Institutional Review Board
(269-387-8293), or the vice president for research (269-387-8298).
This study was approved by the Western Michigan University Human Subjects Institutional
review Board (HSIRB) on November 17, 2014. Please do not participate in this study after
November 17, 2015 (one year from the date of approval).
Participating in this survey online indicates your consent for use of the answers you supply.

Appendix C
Recruitment email to Faculty
Dear Faculty Member,
Disability Services for Students is conducting a research project entitled Disability
Climate Survey in response to Western Michigan Universitys 2012-2013 Campus
Climate Survey, which found that Western Michigan University is not perceived as
welcoming to persons with disabilities.
Attached, you will find a link to the survey, which can be completed online. Your
responses are completely anonymous.
Our project is being conducted in order to determine faculty perceptions of
disabilities and their willingness to provide classroom accommodations to students
with disabilities at Western Michigan University.
Thank you for your time and consideration in participating in this project. It is only
with the generous help and contribution of people like you that research can be
Disability Services for Students
Jayne Fraley-Burgett, Director
Dorothy Fancher, Assistant Director
Kathleen Camire, Graduate Assistant

Appendix D
Recruitment Email to Students

Dear Student,
Disability Services for Students is conducting a research project entitled Disability
Climate Survey in response to Western Michigan Universitys 2012-2013 Campus
Climate Survey, which found that Western Michigan University is not perceived as
welcoming to persons with disabilities.
Attached, you will find a link to the survey, which can be completed online. Your
responses are completely anonymous.
This project is being conducted in order to better understand DSS students
perceptions of how
Thank you for your time and consideration in participating in this project. It is only
with the generous help and contribution of people like you that research can be
Disability Services for Students
Jayne Fraley-Burgett, Director
Dorothy Fancher, Assistant Director
Kathleen Camire, Graduate Assistant

Appendix E:
Marketing Flyer for Students (to be displayed in the DSS Office)

Appendix F:
Survey Instrument: Students
1. Please identify the
category(ies) of disability
with which you identify
(choose all that apply)

2. I believe that the

leadership at the
university level (chairs,
directors, deans, and
senior leadership)
supports individuals with
disabilities on campus.
3. As an individual who
identifies with a
disability, how would you
rate your overall
experiences of the
campus environment at

Possible Answers
-Medical/chronic illness
-Blindness/low vision
-Strongly Agree
-Somewhat Agree
-Neither Agree nor Disagree
-Somewhat Disagree
-Strongly Disagree

5. This campus is
accessible to students
with disabilities (i.e.
buildings, pathways,
6. As a person with a
disability on campus, I
experience tokenism.
(Tokenism: the practice
of including one or a few
members of a minority
or group, without their
having authority or
power equal to that of
other group members. It
functions to place a
burden on an individual
to represent all others
like them.)
7. I know how to file a
grievance related to
discrimination or
harassment due to

-Strongly Agree
-Somewhat Agree
-Neither Agree nor Disagree
-Somewhat Disagree
-Strongly Disagree

-Strongly Agree
-Somewhat Agree
-Neither Agree nor Disagree
-Somewhat Disagree
-Strongly Disagree

-Strongly Agree
-Somewhat Agree
-Neither Agree nor Disagree
-Somewhat Disagree
-Strongly Disagree

8. I have heard
comments about
disabilities or students
with disabilities on
9. I have considered
attending school
elsewhere due to the
lack of support for
people with disabilities
on campus.

-Strongly Agree
-Somewhat Agree
-Neither Agree nor Disagree
-Somewhat Disagree
-Strongly Disagree

10. I would recommend

WMU to family or friends
with disabilities as a

-Strongly Agree
-Somewhat Agree
-Neither Agree nor Disagree

-Strongly Agree
-Somewhat Agree
-Neither Agree nor Disagree
-Somewhat Disagree
-Strongly Disagree

good place to earn a

-Somewhat Disagree
-Strongly Disagree

11. Diversity and

inclusion, in regards to
my disability, are
respected and valued in
my major/learning

-Strongly Agree
-Somewhat Agree
-Neither Agree nor Disagree
-Somewhat Disagree
-Strongly Disagree

12. Overall, I receive fair

and equitable treatment
on campus.

-Strongly Agree
-Somewhat Agree
-Neither Agree nor Disagree
-Somewhat Disagree
-Strongly Disagree

13. I have experienced

harassment, bullying,
and/or intimidation.

-Strongly Agree
-Somewhat Agree
-Neither Agree nor Disagree
-Somewhat Disagree
-Strongly Disagree

14. Faculty are willing to

discuss how best to
provide accommodations

-Strongly Agree
-Somewhat Agree
-Neither Agree nor Disagree
-Somewhat Disagree
-Strongly Disagree

15. Faculty follow

through with providing

-Strongly Agree
-Somewhat Agree
-Neither Agree nor Disagree
-Somewhat Disagree
-Strongly Disagree

16. Keep my disability


-Strongly Agree
-Somewhat Agree
-Neither Agree nor Disagree
-Somewhat Disagree
-Strongly Disagree

17. I am accepted when I

participate in
extracurricular activities
on campus.

-Strongly Agree
-Somewhat Agree
-Neither Agree nor Disagree
-Somewhat Disagree

-Strongly Disagree
18. Due to my disability,
I feel isolated on campus

-Strongly Agree
-Somewhat Agree
-Neither Agree nor Disagree
-Somewhat Disagree
-Strongly Disagree

19. The approved

accommodations I
receive meet my needs
in the classroom

-Strongly Agree
-Somewhat Agree
-Neither Agree nor Disagree
-Somewhat Disagree
-Strongly Disagree

20. Professors are willing

to make course-related

-Strongly Agree
-Somewhat Agree
-Neither Agree nor Disagree
-Somewhat Disagree
-Strongly Disagree

21. I believe faculty have

the same expectations of
me as a student with a
disability as compared to
non-disabled students.

-Strongly Agree
-Somewhat Agree
-Neither Agree nor Disagree
-Somewhat Disagree
-Strongly Disagree

22. I believe disclosing

my need for academic
accommodations to a
professor will impact my

-Strongly Agree
-Somewhat Agree
-Neither Agree nor Disagree
-Somewhat Disagree
-Strongly Disagree

23. I believe if my
professor does not
provide accommodations
in a timely manner, or at
all, it will impact my

-Strongly Agree
-Somewhat Agree
-Neither Agree nor Disagree
-Somewhat Disagree
-Strongly Disagree

24. I have encouraged

others to avoid taking a
class from a faculty
member on campus
because of my

-Strongly Agree
-Somewhat Agree
-Neither Agree nor Disagree
-Somewhat Disagree
-Strongly Disagree

25. In my experience,
WMU adequately
supports the learning
environment for students
with disabilities

-Strongly Agree
-Somewhat Agree
-Neither Agree nor Disagree
-Somewhat Disagree
-Strongly Disagree
-Not Applicable

26. Age

-Under 18
-over 31

27. Student Status

-First year
-Graduate or PhD

If undergraduate
selection is chosen for
student status:
28. Major

Advertising and Promotion
Aerospace Engineering
Art Education
Art History
Athletic Training
Aviation Flight Science
Aviation Maintenance Technology
Aviation Management and Operations
Biology: Secondary Education
Biomedical Sciences
Business (pre-BBA)
Business-Oriented Chemistry
Chemical Engineering
Chemistry: ACS Certified
Chemistry: Secondary Education
Child and Family Development

Civil Engineering
Communication Studies
Community and Regional Planning
Computer Engineering
Computer Information Systems
Computer Science
Construction Engineering
Criminal Justice
Early Childhood Professional Education
Earth Science
Earth Science Education
eBusiness Marketing
Economics in Business
Electrical Engineering
Elementary Professional Education
Elementary/Middle School Integrated Science
Elementary/Middle School Mathematics
Engineering Design Technology
Engineering Management Technology
English: Creative Writing
English: Rhetoric and Writing Studies
English: Secondary Education
Environmental and Sustainability Studies
Exercise Science
Family and Consumer Sciences Teacher Education
Family Studies
Film, Video and Media Studies
Food and Consumer Package Goods Marketing
Food Service Administration
French: Secondary Education
Freshwater Science and Sustainability
Gender and Womens Studies
General Business
Geography: Secondary Education

German: Secondary Education
Global and International Studies
Graphic and Printing Science
Graphic Design
Health Education: Community
Health Education: School
Health Informatics and Information Management
History: Secondary Education
Human Resource Management
Industrial and Entrepreneurial Engineering
Industrial Technology: Non-Vocational
Industrial Technology: Vocational
Integrated Supply Management
Interdisciplinary Health Services
Interdisciplinary Health Services: Audiology
Interdisciplinary Health Services: Occupational Therapy
Interior Design
Interpersonal Communication
Latin: Secondary Education
Manufacturing Engineering Technology
Mathematics: Secondary Education
Mechanical Engineering
Multimedia Arts Technology-Music
Music Composition
Music Education: Choral/General-Secondary
Music Education: Instrumental-Secondary
Music Performance: Instrumental
Music Performance: Keyboard
Music Performance: Vocal
Music Therapy
Music: Jazz Studies
Music: Theatre Performance

Occupational Education Studies
Organizational Communication
Paper Engineering: Environmental Engineering and Sustainable
Paper Engineering: Process
Personal Financial Planning
Physical Education Teacher/Coach
Physics: Secondary Education
Political Science
Political Science: Secondary Education
Psychology: Behavioral Science
Psychology: General Psychology
Public History
Public Relations
Recreation: Recreation Management
Recreation: Sport Management
Sales and Business Marketing
Secondary Education
Secondary Education in Business
Secondary Education in Business-Group Major
Secondary Integrated Science Education
Social Studies: Secondary Education
Social Work
Spanish: Secondary Education
Special Education: Learning Disabilities/Cognitive Impairments:
Special Education: Learning Disabilities/Cognitive Impairments:
Special Education: Learning Disabilities/Emotional Impairments:
Special Education: Learning Disabilities/Emotional Impairments:
Speech Pathology and Audiology
Telecommunications and Information Management

Textile and Apparel Studies: Fashion Design
Textile and Apparel Studies: Merchandising
Textile and Apparel Studies: Product Development
Theatre: Design and Technical Production
Theatre: Performance
Theatre: Stage Management
Theatre: Theatre Studies
Tourism and Travel
University Curriculum (Exploratory Advising)
University Studies

If Graduate of PhD is
chosen, identify the
28. Major

Art Education
Biological Sciences
Business Administration
Career and Technical Education
Coaching Sport Performance
Collegiate Math Education
Comparative Religion
Computer Engineering
Computer Science
Counseling Psychology
Counselor Education
Creative writing
Earth Science
Economics, Applied
Educational Leadership
Educational Technology
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Evaluation (Interdisciplinary)
Evaluation Measurement and Research
Family and Consumer Sciences
Geographic Information Science

Industrial Engineering
Integrative Holistic Health and Wellness
Interdisciplinary Health Sciences
Literacy Studies
Mathematics Education
Mechanical Engineering
Medieval Studies
Organizational Learning and Performance
Orientation and Mobility
Orientation and Mobility of Children
Paper and Imaging Science and Engineering
Physician Assistant
Political Science
Practice of Teaching
Public Administration
Science Education
Social Work
Socio-Cultural Studies of Education
Special (Adapted) Physical Education
Special Education
Special Education and Orientation and Mobility
Specialty Program in Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Speech Pathology and Audiology
Spirituality, Culture and Health
Sport Management
Teaching Children with Visual Impairments
Teaching, Learning and Educational Studies
Vision Rehabilitation Therapy


29. Minor (if applicable)

Blank form

30. Citizenship
31. I have attended WMU
for ____ years.

Thank you for completing this survey. It will help Disability Services for Students
and the WMU community improve their support for students. We appreciate your
We would like to continue to receive productive feedback from our students. We will
be conducting small focus group interviews with interested students to learn more
about your individual experiences. Would you be interested in participating in one
of these focus groups?
(If select Yes or Maybe, box will open asking for contact information, discussing how
names will be kept separate from the survey responses)

To receive your Labels are for jars, not people T-shirt and be entered
into the drawing to win an iPad, please register your contact information
here. All identifying information will be kept separate from your survey
answers. T-shirts are available for pickup at the Disability Services for
Students office at Woodlawn Place. Please call 269-387-2116 for more

Appendix G
Survey Instrument: Faculty
1. I believe that the
leadership at the university
level (chairs, directors,
deans, & senior leadership)
supports individuals with
disabilities on campus.
2. People with disabilities are
respected and valued in
social settings on campus.
(for example: informal
settings where people gather
such as cafeterias, break
rooms, locker rooms,
networking events, afterwork programs, athletic
events, etc.)
3. As a faculty member, I
understand how to provide
accommodations for a
student with disabilities in
my class(es)

Possible Answers
-Strongly Agree
-Somewhat Agree
-Neither Agree nor Disagree
-Strongly Disagree
-Somewhat Disagree
-Strongly Agree
-Somewhat Agree
-Neither Agree nor Disagree
-Somewhat Disagree
-Strongly Disagree

-Strongly Agree
-Somewhat Agree
-Neither Agree nor Disagree
-Somewhat Disagree
-Strongly Disagree

4. As a faculty member, I am
aware of the services
available to students through
Disability Services for

-Strongly Agree
-Somewhat Agree
-Neither Agree nor Disagree
-Somewhat Disagree
-Strongly Disagree

5. As a faculty member, I
believe accommodations to
students with verified
disabilities is an advantage
over students without
6. I am comfortable allowing
students with a verified
disability to take exams in a
supervised location

-Strongly Agree
-Somewhat Agree
-Neither Agree nor Disagree
-Somewhat Disagree
-Strongly Disagree

7. I am comfortable allowing
students with verified
disabilities to use technology
(e.g. laptop, calculator, spell
checker) to complete tests
even when such technologies
are not otherwise permitted
for use during testing
8. I am comfortable allowing
students with verified
disabilities to use technology
(e.g. laptop, calculator, spell
checker) during class even
when such technologies are
not otherwise permitted for
use during class time
9. I believe it is appropriate
to allow students with
verified disabilities to record

-Strongly Agree
-Somewhat Agree
-Neither Agree nor Disagree
-Somewhat Disagree
-Strongly Disagree

10. I believe it is appropriate

to provide students with
verified disabilities copies of
my overheads, presentations,

-Strongly Agree
-Somewhat Agree
-Neither Agree nor Disagree
-Somewhat Disagree

-Strongly Agree
-Somewhat Agree
-Neither Agree nor Disagree
-Somewhat Disagree
-Strongly Disagree

-Strongly Agree
-Somewhat Agree
-Neither Agree nor Disagree
-Somewhat Disagree
-Strongly Disagree

-Strongly Agree
-Somewhat Agree
-Neither Agree nor Disagree
-Somewhat Disagree
-Strongly Disagree

lecture notes and outlines

-Strongly Disagree

11. I believe it is appropriate

to provide students with
verified disabilities additional
time to complete
assignments, papers, and
12. I believe making
adequate teaching
accommodations for students
with verified disabilities in
my courses is unrealistic
given my time constraints
and other job demands
13. Making adequate
testing accommodations for
students with verified
disabilities in my courses is
unrealistic given my time
constraints and other job

-Strongly Agree
-Somewhat Agree
-Neither Agree nor Disagree
-Somewhat Disagree
-Strongly Disagree

14. I include a statement in

my syllabus inviting students
with disabilities to discuss
accommodations with me

-Strongly Agree
-Somewhat Agree
-Neither Agree nor Disagree
-Somewhat Disagree
-Strongly Disagree

15. Students with disabilities

are as able to compete
academically at the
university level as their nondisabled counterparts

-Strongly Agree
-Somewhat Agree
-Neither Agree nor Disagree
-Somewhat Disagree
-Strongly Disagree

16. Students use disabilities

as an excuse when they are
not doing well in my class(es)

-Strongly Agree
-Somewhat Agree
-Neither Agree nor Disagree
-Somewhat Disagree
-Strongly Disagree

-Strongly Agree
-Somewhat Agree
-Neither Agree nor Disagree
-Somewhat Disagree
-Strongly Disagree

-Strongly Agree
-Somewhat Agree
-Neither Agree nor Disagree
-Somewhat Disagree
-Strongly Disagree

17. I am less likely to provide
accommodations to students
who disclose disabilities after
they realize they are not
succeeding in my class(es)

-Strongly Agree
-Somewhat Agree
-Neither Agree nor Disagree
-Somewhat Disagree
-Strongly Disagree

18. I am more likely to

provide accommodations to
students with visible

-Strongly Agree
-Somewhat Agree
-Neither Agree nor Disagree
-Somewhat Disagree
-Strongly Disagree

19. I readily provide

accommodations to students
who disclose invisible
disabilities (i.e. chronic
illness, ADD/ADHD,
psychological, learning, etc.).

-Strongly Agree
-Somewhat Agree
-Neither Agree nor Disagree
-Somewhat Disagree
-Strongly Disagree

20. My attitude towards

students remains positive
even after they have
disclosed the need for

-Strongly Agree
-Somewhat Agree
-Neither Agree nor Disagree
-Somewhat Disagree
-Strongly Disagree

21. If I were to report a

concern of unfair and
inequitable treatment of
someone whom I perceive to
have a disability, I believe it
would be adequately
22. I would recommend WMU
to family or friends with
disabilities as a good place to
earn a degree

-Strongly Agree
-Somewhat Agree
-Neither Agree nor Disagree
-Somewhat Disagree
-Strongly Disagree

22a. If answered with

somewhat disagree or
below, following question will
open: Please explain:
23. My colleagues are
committed to providing an

Blank form

-Strongly Agree
-Somewhat Agree
-Neither Agree nor Disagree
-Somewhat Disagree
-Strongly Disagree

-Strongly Agree
-Somewhat Agree

inclusive learning and
working environment for
students with disabilities

-Neither Agree nor Disagree

-Somewhat Disagree
-Strongly Disagree

24. My Chair and/or Dean

supports my involvement in
disability-related events
and/or committees, training,

-Strongly Agree
-Somewhat Agree
-Neither Agree nor Disagree
-Somewhat Disagree
-Strongly Disagree

25. Professional development

resources addressing
disability are readily
available to me

-Strongly Agree
-Somewhat Agree
-Neither Agree nor Disagree
-Somewhat Disagree
-Strongly Disagree

Demographic Questions

26. Age

-Under 25
-61 or older

27. Instructor status

-Tenure-track, non-tenured
-Teaching specialist
-Teaching Assistant

28. Department
29. Citizenship
30. I personally have a
documented disability, or
other documented
condition(s) which limit
function in the learning or
working environment.

If answered yes:

-I prefer not to answer

-Medical/Chronic Illness

Please specify the type of
documented disability, or
other documented

-Blindness/low vision

31. I have worked at WMU for

____ years.

32. Would you be willing to

participate in a focus group
of faculty members to help
The Office of Disability
Services for Students Office
learn more about faculty
needs, concerns, and
perceptions regarding our


Thank you for completing this survey. It will help Disability Services for Students and the WMU
community improve their support for students with disabilities. We appreciate your feedback.
32a. If yes, field and/or link
opens to register participant
contact information for focus
groups. Statement of
privacy: contact information
and identifying information
included here will be kept
separate from your survey

Best time of day for focus group?

To receive your Labels are for jars, not people T-shirt and be entered
into the drawing to win an iPad, please register your contact information
here. All identifying information will be kept separate from your survey
answers. T-shirts are available for pickup at the Disability Services for
Students office at Woodlawn Place. Please call 269-387-2116 for more


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