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Teacher Candidate:

Ashley Swier

Cooperating Teacher: ___Amy Krick

Date:_February 27, 2015_____

Coop. Initials

Group Size: _26_ Allotted Time __30 minutes___ Grade Level

Subject or Topic:

Southwest Test


Fourth grade


8.3.4.C: Explain how continuity and change in U.S. history have influenced personal
development and identity.
8.1.4.A: Identify and describe how geography and climate have influenced continuity and
change over time.
I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes):
The students will be able to recall information about the Southwest region on their tests with at
least 75% accuracy.
II. Instructional Materials
A. Test
B. Test dividers
C. Writing utensils
III. Subject Matter/Content (prerequisite skills, key vocabulary, big idea)
A. Prerequisite skills
a. Knowledge of the Southwest
b. Knowledge of vocabulary
c. Test taking skills
B. Key vocabulary
C. Big idea
a. Main ideas of the Southwest region
IV. Implementation
A. Introduction
a. The teacher will remind the students of the correct test taking behaviors are.
b. Allow the students a few minutes to study before the class period begins.
B. Development
a. The teacher will have directions written on the board of what to do when they
enter the classroom.


i. Get test dividers

ii. Sharpen pencils
iii. Clean off desks
The teacher will go over the directions of the test and go over the different
types of questions on the test.
The teacher will pass out the test to each student making sure each student has
received one.
The students may now begin taking their tests.
While the students are working on their tests the teacher will be walking
around the classroom making sure that the students are staying on task and
answering any questions if needed.

C. Closure
a. If students do not finish their test the teacher will allow those students to stay
in at recess and finish their tests.
b. The teacher will tell the students that they will be starting a new chapter in
social studies on Monday.
c. The teacher will remind the students that they can clean out their social studies
folders of any old papers.
D. Accommodations/Differentiation
a. B Test will be placed on Google Docs so that the test can be completed on the
b. E Vocabulary section will be highlighted to help the selection process of finding
the matching definition.
c. O If having trouble with the test the questions may be orally read to the student.
d. A - If having trouble with the test the questions may be orally read to the student.
E. Assessment/Evaluation Plan
1. Formative There is no formative assessment for this lesson.
2. Summative The students will complete a chapter test that will be graded for
accuracy. The test will include vocabulary, multiple choice and short answer

V. Reflective Response
A. Report of Students Performance in Terms of Stated Objectives (after lesson is taught)

Remediation Plan

B. Personal Reflection
Were the students able to complete the test in the allotted amount of time?

How can I improve this test?

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