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11255 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA 92037-1011 Phone (858) 642-8320 Fax (858) 642-8724

Lesson Plan Design
Subject: Mathematics
Grade: 4th Grade
Candidates Name: Julie A. Pellegrini
ID #
Site Supervisor:
NU Supervisor: ______________

Lesson Topic: Subtracting Across Zeros

Date: ____________________

1. Introduction: (Identify Grade Level K12 Academic Content Standard(s), rationale, focus learner, create bridges
from past learning, behavior expectations)
Common Core State Standards-Mathematics:
Generalize place value understanding for multi-digit whole
-In order to meet the CCSS for mathematics, students
will participate in a lesson on subtracting across
Recognize that in a multi-digit whole number, a digit in one
zeros while recognizing that in a multi-digit whole
place represents ten times what it represents in the place to
number, a digit in one place represents ten times
its right. For example, recognize that 700 70 = 10 by
what it represents in the place to the right.
applying concepts of place value and division.

Use place value understanding to round multi-digit whole
numbers to any place.
California Content Standard Number Sense 3.1:
Demonstrate an understanding of, and the ability to use,
standard algorithms for the addition and subtraction of multidigit numbers.

2. Learner Outcome(s)/Objective(s): (What will students learn from this lesson? How will you measure mastery of the
-Students will master the skill subtracting numbers with
-By having the students complete a worksheet on
zeros to the thousands place.
subtracting zeros, they will successfully practice this
new skill of subtracting with zeros in order to meet
-Students will gain a firm understanding of addition and
the specified learning objectives and state standards.
subtraction of algorithms for multi-digit numbers by
-Students will collaborate with one another during a
breaking the calculations into a more simple form, by using
small group sharing activity to better gain an
place value starting with the ones, then the tens, and so on.
understanding for subtracting with zeros by using
simple equations.
3. Pre-assessment Activity: (Determine students abilities to achieve the learner outcome and prescribe instruction
accordingly. Consider: linguistic background, academic language abilities, content knowledge, cultural and health
considerations, interests and aspirations, physical development, social development, emotional development. )
Students will participate in a whole class discussion where
-By having students complete a pre-assessment
they will help solve 2 separate subtraction problems using
subtraction problem; the teacher will be able to
methods that they have learned in the past. Students will be
clearly see which students already have a general
called at random, by drawing names on sticks.
understanding of the topic, and which students
need extra attention.

4. Differentiation, Adaptation & Accommodation Strategies: (Based on the pre-assessments, modify Learning
Activities based on learner characteristics to meet the needs of ELL & special needs students, highly achieving students
and low achieving students)
Modifications for ELL:
In order to successfully provide differentiated instruction
-In order to provide ELL students with SDAIE
within this lesson for ELL students, the teacher must
strategies, the teacher will speak slowly and repeat
remember to speak slowly, and repeat the each term a
new or review terms and subtraction strategies often
minimum of 2 times. (SDAIE strategy: repetition and speak
in order for these ELL students and other students
at a slow speed.)
with exceptionalities to learn and retain the
information as best as they possibly can.
Seat the students close to where the instruction will take
-By having the students sit close to the teacher, this
helps focus the students who need extra help.
Walk by or call on the students to check to see if they need
any help, or if they have any questions.
-By walking by or calling on the students to see if
they need any help or if they have any questions,
the teacher is providing the student with an
opportunity to develop social skills and to not be
afraid to speak in front of their peers, or to their

5. Resources: (Identify materials needed for this lesson accounting for varying degrees of skill level)
-In order to provide students with the best learning
enVisionMATH California Topic 2, Grade 4,
possible these materials are needed.
Teachers Edition
enVisionMATH California Student workbook,
-In order to be prepared in case a students pencil
Grade 4
breaks, the teacher will have pre-sharpened pencils
Print out of pre-made place value charts
on the counter for students.
Math journals
35 sharpened pencils
-In order to help save paper, the students will be
4th grade teacher: Mrs. Linda Rich
writing down their notes within their math journals.
4 grade student teacher: Ms. Julie Pellegrini

6. Learning Activities: Explicit Teacher Instruction - (Explain, model, demonstrate, check for understanding)
Learning Activities:
The teacher will explain that in the previous lesson, they
-By explaining to the students that they already
learned how to subtract whole numbers. Today the students
learned how to subtract with using whole number,
will be learning how to use place-value charts to subtract
helps students connect previous learning to
across zeros while regrouping. First the teacher will read the
currently learning situations.
students this pre-assessment problem of The Empire State
-The teacher will walk the students through the first
Building is 1,250 feet tall. The Citigroup Center is also in
subtraction problem on the board as the students
New York and is 915 feet tall. How much taller is the
Empire State Building than the Citigroup Center? The
observe the new subtraction technique.
teacher will allow the students to think about this problem
together in small groups at their assigned tables. The students -By giving students time to work with their peers
will write in their math journals to show their work on how
builds social skills, as well as group/teamwork
they came up with an answer. Give the students 3-5 minutes
to solve the problem.
-By writing every detail on the board, students
Next, the teacher will ask for everyones attention up on the
classified as low-achieving as well as ELL and
board where she will write 1,250 915 on the board. First the SPED students are provided with an extra visual on
teacher is going to show the students how to round (or
how to solve subtraction problems with the new
estimate) the difference by rounding to the nearest hundred.
The teacher should now write on the board 1,300 900 =
400. Tell the students, that is our estimated answer that we
-By comparing the estimated answer to the actual
will use to compare our actual answer to later.
answer, students will be able to see if their

Now it is time to show the students how to use the place

value chart to help them find the exact answer by regrouping.







estimations were close to the actual amount

(meaning their work is most likely correct), or is
their estimations were far off from the actual
amount (indicating a possible problem).
-By showing the students how to break up the
numbers into place values, and inputting the
numbers into the place value chart students are able
to visually see which place value each number

7. Learning Activities: Guided Practice/ Collaborative Practice (Check for understanding and provide feedback and
Learning Activities:
Students will be asked to make a place value chart in their
-Students will work with a partner to solve the
math notebooks, and to complete the following subtraction
subtraction in order to build social skills, as well as
problem with their shoulder partners. (The person sitting next team work skills.
to them)
-Students will practice using a place value chart in
order to best meet the specified state standards.

1980 831 = _____

Students need to find both the estimated answer, as well as

the exact answer with using a place value chart.
Once they are finished students need to talk out a book to
silently read while their peers finish.

-Students are given an activity to do once they

finished to better control the volume within the
classroom while others finish their assignment. This
provides for good classroom management.

8. Independent Practice: (Provide practice that supports the learning outcome. Note: Independent activities are
assigned assuming that students understand the concept well enough to work on their own.)
Independent Practice:
Students will be asked to open their enVisionMATH
- By having the students work independently
California Student workbook, Grade 4, and to rip out lesson
teaches them to solve problems by themselves.
2-8. They will complete the front side of the worksheet in
class to gain a better understanding on how to subtract with
- By having the students raise their hands when they
zeros. Remind the students to read the directions carefully
have a question teaches them to be patient and to be
before completing each set of questions. The students are to
respectful to others while their peers are working.
find both the estimated answer as well as the exact answer.
They may use their math journals as scratch paper if they run -By having the teacher walking around looking at
out of room on the actual worksheet. Remind the students
the students work and engaging with the students
that the teacher will be walking around to be sure that
the teacher will be able to help those students who
everyone is using the place value chart to solve the
are struggling and who may not be raising their
subtraction problems.
hands for help.
Tell students to raise their hands if they need any help, or
have a question. Students are to take out a silent reading
book to read while their peers complete their assignment.

-By giving the students a task after they are done

with their worksheet helps minimize sound for other
students, and maintains good classroom

9. Assessment and Evaluation: (Describe how you will assess and/or evaluate the students learning. Describe
differentiating assessment strategies you will use for ELL, special needs students, highly achieving students and low
achieving students.)
This lesson is a formal assessment, and will be graded,
- Students will be assessed formally to verify that
evaluated, and recorded by the teacher to see which students
they understand the concepts being instructed
have and have not mastered the concepts at hand.
throughout this lesson on subtracting across zeros.
-Students work will be looked over to be sure that
their answers are correct; this will help the teacher
decide if she should move onto the next lesson or if
there are some areas that need to be revisited within
this current lesson.
10. Closure: (Describe how students will reflect on what they have learned.)
Students will be told that they will have an opportunity for
- By sending students home with subtracting across
more practice on subtracting with zeros tonight for
zeros homework gives them another opportunity to
homework. They will complete the backside of the
successfully meet the learning outcomes for this
worksheet from their enVisionMATH California Student
workbook, Grade 4 lesson 2-8 for homework, and are told to
discuss their work at home with a parent and/or guardian.
-By discussing their homework with a parent and/or
guardian, gives the students the opportunity to
discuss what they learned at school while reviewing
this new concept through teaching it to their parent
or guardian.

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