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Clearing Script and Reframes for Your First Chakra

By Carol Tuttle, MRET

Your first Chakra holds the energy that influence the dynamics
of birth Issues, survival patterns, generational patterns, money,
food and health issues, grounding, and what keeps you from
Use this script with any clearing tool like Rapid Eye
Technology, Emotional Freedom Technique or just place your
fist on your first Chakra, which is your groin area, and while
rotating your fist in a counter clockwise direction release the
blocked energy by unwinding it.
DNA patterns that keep me stuck in family dysfunction/ stuck/loss of physical power/
degraded/expect criticism from others/lack of bonding as a family/how can I survive this/
this isn't my family/
Release it from every cell in the body, release
I am not supposed to be here/I can never get ahead/I can never get well/separate myself
from others/numbing out/ shut down/end relationships to avoid being deserted/
undeserving/I am fat/I am ugly/I am short/my body is not right/even when I am thin I am
fat/everyone in my family has health and weight problems/living hand to mouth/never
enough money/paycheck to paycheck/
Release it from the first chakra, let it go, releasing
others are threatened by my power/other people power are a threat to me/disempowered/
stuck in repressed sexuality/acting out sexually/guilty if I put myself first/victim/betrayed/my
family is not good enough/judged by my family/not chosen/not wanted
Release it on all levels
For the Reframes, use RET or EFT to anchor them in or rotate your fist in a clockwise
direction to activate this energy in your first chakra:
Thank you God,
I am guided and inspired/I am worth it/I am enough/I am chosen/ I count/I am free to
create differently than my family/I am royalty/ I am God's gift to this world/I am secure/I am
rich in all areas of my life/life flows gracefully and easily for me/I am healthy/I am wealthy
Clearing Script and Reframes for Your First Chakra | Page 1

I am involved and powerful/I am connected/I am grounded in truth/ We are all safe to be

powerful/I am connected to God and receiving personal empowerment/I start and
complete things easily/I am free of DNA and family patterns that have kept me stuck
Thank you God,
I am true identity/I contribute to a united, loving, peaceful family life/Life loves me and I
love being here/I am safe to all that I can be/I am safe in relationships/I am creating
healthy relationships.
Thank you God,
I am wanted/I am chosen/I am receiving my good now/I am rich in all areas of life/I am
noticed for the good I contribute/I am welcomed here/I am experiencing heaven within me/I
am experiencing a positive connection to God/I am anchored in the light.
Do this everyday for a week and you will shift the energy of your first chakra to be in more
wholeness and to raise its vibrational frequency, which will shift the results you are getting
in these areas of your life.
If you are still stuck and are ready to clear your birth and childhood issues I recommend
the following two CDs to help you:
"Clearing the Programs We Take on at Birth"
"Clear Your Childhood Issues"
They will offer you insight, tools, and clearing processes to assist you in releasing and
reframing your past.
They are available at:
For more fabulous scripts on nearly every issue pick up a copy of the "Stress and Trauma
Release Statements Script Book" at:

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