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Piping Guile ull = "PIPING GUIDE’ FOR THE DESIGN AND DRAFTING OF INDUSTRIAL PIPING SYSTEMS David R. Sherwood 7 Dennis J. Whistance Bs, MS amber, Amarin Sede of Mehancal neingors enter, nausen ef rotsoton goers (UR). ‘Copyright 1979, David R. Sharwood and Dennis J Whistance ‘Second Eéiton, Copyright 1991, Syentek Books Company, Inc [A Fghts reserved, No par of this book may be reproduced or ransmited by any means whatsoever Print in the Unites States of America Published and distributed by: Syentek Inc. PO Box 26588 San Francisco, CA 94126 USA ISBN 0-914-08219-1 ‘The contribution of the companies, designers and engineers who assisted in the development of the Piping Guide is gratefully acknowledged. Apart from source material and assistance with production, acknowledged elsewhere, individual ecknowiedg, ‘ments are ‘not made, because neither contributors nor the authors or publisher aisume liability or responsibility for designs Using information presented herein. The user is responsible for complying with the various codes, standards and regulations, National, Federal, State and Municipal, and other legal obliga tions which may pertain to the construction and safe operation Of plants, industrial installations, ete, including modifications to existing facilities Due to economic conditions, demand, manufacturing philosophy, business mergers and acquisitions, the availability of items from manufacturers may change, and components obtained from domestic suppliers may not be of domestic origin, Discussion of products does not necessarily imply endorsement, PARTY 1 CONTENTS: PIPING: Uses, and Plant Construction foro PIPE, FITTINGS, FLANGES, REINFORCEMENTS: Indine Equipment and Support Equipment VALVES, PUMPS, COMPRESSORS, and Types of Process Equipment. . ORGANIZATION OF WORK: Job Responsibilities, Drawing Office Equipment and Procedures. . DRAFTING: PROCESS AND PIPING DRAWINGS including Drawing Symbols, Showing Dimensions, Showing Instrumentation, and Bills of Material DESIGN OF PIPING SYSTEMS: Including Arrangement, Supporting, Insulation, Heating, Venting and Draining of Piping, Vessels and Equipment STANDARDS AND CODES: for Piping Systems, Pipe, Pipe Supports, Flanges, Gaskets, Fittings, Valves, Traps, Pumps, Vessels, Heat Exchangers, Symbols and Serewthreads .. ABBREVIATIONS: for Piping Drawings and Industrial Chemicals INDEX/GLOSSARY/ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Ghaptar oo Sections, figures, charts and tables in Part I are referred to numerically, and are located by the margin index, Charts and ‘ables in Part Il are identified by letter The text refers to standards and codes, using designations such as ANSI 831.1, ASTM A.53, ISA $5.1, ete. Full titles of these standards and codes will be found in tables 7.3 thru 7.14, FOR TERMS NOT EXPLAINED IN THE TEXT, REFER TO THE INDEX, ABBREVIATIONS ARE GIVEN IN CHAPTER 8. PIPING: Uses, and Plant Construction USES OF PIPING uw Piping is usd for industri (proces), merine, transportation, civil engine. ing, ahd fr ‘commerci (plumbing) purposes This book is primarily concerned with industat piping tor processing and service sysoms. Process pining is used to transport fluids between storege tanks ond processing units. Service piping is used to convey sem sir, water, ex, for processing, Piping here defined ak ‘servic’ piping is sme times referred 10 as ‘utility’ piping, but, in the Guide, the term ‘uty Diping is reserved for major lines suppiying water, fuel gess, and fuel of (that is, for commodities wally purchased from utilities companies and tule suppliers Marine piping ‘or ships i oftan extensive. Much of itis febricted from wwolded and screwed carbonsteet piping, using pipe and fittings described in this book, Transportation piping is normally argaiamater piping used 10 convay iquids, slurries and gases, sometimes over hundreds of mils. Cruda oil, petroleum products, weter and solid materials uch a coal (cavia by water) ‘are transported thr pipelines. Diferant liquids con be trensparted consecu tivaly inthe same pipeline, and branching arengements are used to divert Civ piping is used to distribute public ites (water, fue gases, and to collect rainwater, senoge, and industriel waste waters. Mast ping of this type is placed underground, Punting (commercial piping) is piping installed in commercial buildings, school, hospitals, residences, ete, for distributing water and fue gases, far collecting waste water, and for ther purposes COMMISSIONING, DESIGNING, 12 S BUILDING A PLANT When e manufacturer dozies to build a new plant, or to expand an existing ‘one, the manufacturer wil either employ an engineering company to undertake design and construction, ot, if the eompany’s avn eginearing department is large enouoh, they will do the design work, manage the project, and employ mare contractors to do the construetion Wark In either procedure, the manulacturer supplies information concerning the urposes af buildings, process, production rates, design eiteria for specific requirements, details of existing plant, and ste surveys, if any Chart 1.1 shows the principals involved, and the low of information and materia. (suena carr 1 ‘The designing and tulding of en industrial plant is complex undertaking xeon for the isger industrial concerns, who may maintain their own design staf, the design and construction of plants and related feiites i usually undertaken by specialist companies, “Tho Guide daszribes in 4.1 the organization and responsibilities of design enginaring, with special reference tothe duties of individuals engoged in the evelopment of piping designs fr plants, PIPE, FITTINGS, FLANGES, REINFORCEMENTS, In-line Equipment and Support Equipment PROCESS PIPE 2a PIPE & TUBE 2aa or ‘pipe’. Tube is customarily specified iameter and wall thickness, exprased elther in BWG (Gicmingsam wire gage) or in thousanaths of an inch. Pipe ie custometily identitid by ‘nominal pipe siz’, with vall thickness defined by ‘schedule umber, “APL dixgnaton, or weight’, 2 expaind in 2.1.3, Norstandord Pipe is specified by nominal size with wall thickoes stated, The princi uses for tube arin hoa exchengars, instrument lines, and small interconnections on equipment such as compressors, boilers, and ratigratrs SIZES & LENGTHS COMMONLY USED FoR steel PIPE 2a ANS! stand 836. 10M establishes wall thicknesses for pip ranging from 1/8 to 80-inch nominal diemeter (nominal pipe size’). Pipe sizes normaly stock include: 1/2, 3/8, 1, 1% 1%, 2, 2%, 3, 3H, 4,5, 6,8, 10, 12,14, 18, 18, 20 and 24. Szas 1, 2, 31, and 6 inch ar seldom used (unusual sizes are Sometimes required for connecting to equipment, but pining is normally larger stock sie after connection has been made). 18, 18, 3/8 and 1V2.nch pipe i usually castited ta instrument line orto service and ther lines which have to mate with equipment. 1/2inch pipes extensively usod for steam tracing and for auxiliary ping at pumps, ee Swaight pine is supplied in ‘random’ langths (17 to 25 ft), and sometimes “double random’ lengths (38 to 48 4), i prefrrd, The ends af thet lengths ‘re normally ether plein (PE), beveled for wading (BED, or threeded and supplied with ane coupling per length (threeded and coupled’, or ‘T&C). It pina ie erdared THCY, the rating ofthe coupling sperifed. ace chart 23 Cthar typae af ends, such as grooved for special couplings, can be obtained 10 order DIAMETERS & WALL THICKNESSES OF PIPE aaa ‘The sizeof all pipe is identified by the nomial pipe size, abbreviated "NPS, hich is seldom equal to the true bore {internal diameter) of the pine—the difference in some instances is large. NFS 14 and forge pipe hat ouside ‘dametar equa to the nominal pige size. Pipa in the various ses is mac ‘which have been established by pin soveral wall thickness for esth size, rae different sures — (1) The Amorican National Standerds institute, teu schedule number” (2) The American Society of Mechanical Engines and the American Society for Testing and Materials, viru the designations STO" {stne acd), XS" (ext strong), and “XXS' (dauble-extestrong) drawn from iewnsions eetablished by manufacturers, Im the Guide, these desig ations are txmed ‘manufacturers’ weight” {8) The Amarican Perolaum Institute, through its standard SL, for “Line pie’, Dimensions in this standard have no references for individual Sizes and wal thickneses ‘Manufacturers’ weights’ (second sourel were intended, slang ago as 1939, to be superseded by schodule oumbars. However, demand fer there wali thicknesses has caused their manufacture to continue. Certain fittings are avaiable only in manufacturers’ weights Pipe dimensions from the second end thitd sovrees are incorporated in ‘Amarican Nations! Standard 838.10M. Table P-1 list dimensions for ‘olded and seamless steal pipa in this standard, and give darved data, IRON PIPE S1ZES vere invlly established for wrought iron pipe, with wall thicknesses designated by the terme ‘Sandara (weight, ‘exrastrong’, and ‘doubleextrestrong’. Before the schadule number scheme fr tal pipe was frst published by tha American Standards Association io 1935, the iron pipe sizes vere modified for stool pipo by slightly ecreasig the wall thicknesses (oaving the outside ciaraters constant) so that the weights per foot (Iv) ‘uallad the ian pipe weights Wrought. pipe (no longer made) hasbeen comletely supolanta by tal Dip, but schedule numbars, inte to suppint ivan pipe designations cia not. Users. continvad to specify pipe in ion pipe tam, and asthe mills responded, these terms ae included in ANSI sandara B96.10M for ste! pipe Schadule numbers were introduced to establish pipe val thicknesses by formula, but as wall thicknesses in comman use continued to depert fram ‘those proposed by the scheme, schedule numbers naw iantty wall thick noses of pipe in tha diferent nominal sizer at ANSI B3G.10N states "as converiant designation systom for use in ordering” STAINLESS-STEEL SIZES Amprzan National Stendard 836.19 established 2 range of thin-nalie sizes for stainles sae pipe, indented by schedules 5S and 105 MATERIALS FOR PIPE aaa STEEL PIPE Noxmally refers (ocarbonsteel pips, Sear-nelde steel ppa ie made from plate. Sams pipe is made using die. Common finishes ore ‘back’ (alain o ‘il Fish) and gavanian Correctly solcted ste! pipe offers the strength and durability required for the appiaton, and the ductity and machinability rauired to jin it snd form it ino piping (spools ~ soe 2.8). The sect pipe must withstand ‘the conditions of use, espocilly presura, temperature and carasion cond: tions. These requirements are met by selecting pipe made to an appropriate SMandard; in almost all instances an ASTM or API standard (one 2.1.3 and table 75). The mostased steel pipe for prota lines, and for welding, bending, and toiling, is made t ASTM A‘53 or ASTM A-106, principally in all ticknesses etned by schedules 40, 80, and menufactuces' weights, STO and XS, Both ASTM A.63 ond ASTM AXO6 pipe is febrieated sesmles or seamed, by stectical resistance welding, in Grades A and 8, Grades B have the higher tensile stength. Three grades of A108 are avalable—Gradas A,B, and Cin cider of increasing tensile strength ‘The most widely stacked pipe is to ASTM A-120 which cavers waded and seamless pipe for norm! use in stem, wate, ahd ga (neudng ai) sence, AST A-120 isnot intended fr bending, coiling or high temperature sac, tis not specitid fr hydrocarbon process ines, Inthe oll and ratural gas industries, ste! pipe used to convey oll and gos i ‘manufactured to the Amarican Petroleum Institute's standard AP\ BL, which ‘apples tighter conttol of composition and more testing than ASTM-120 Swel specifications in other countries mey correspond with USA specif tations. Some corresponding european standards for cetbon stels and stainless steels are fsa in table 2.1. RON pipe is made from castiron and ductileian, The principal woes are for moter, go, and savage lines OTHER METALS & ALLOYS Pipe or tube made from copper, lead, nickel, brass, aluminum and various staniass sto canbe realy obtained ‘hase materials re relatively expensive and are selected usally ether because of their particular corrosion resistance to the proces chemical, theit good heat transfer, or for their tensile strength at high temperatures, Copper and copper alloys ate tactional for instrument tines, food processing, and heat ‘wanes equipment, but stainlas steals ae increasingly being used for these purposes. PLASTICS Pine made from plastics may be used to convey actively coeosve fhids, an is especially useful for handling corrosive or hazardous gases and lute mineral acids. Plastics ae employed in three ways: as all plastic pipe, 1 led” pestic materials (gasefberrinforcod, catbonfiled, etc) and as lining or coating materials, Pastic pipe is made Tram pelyaropyiene, poly etiviene (PE), polybutylene (PB), polyviny!ehlaide {PVC}, acryonitie: butadienestyrene {AS), cellulose eetato-butyrate (CAB), polyolefins, and polvestas. Pipa made from polyester and epoxy resin is frequently gas fibersvinforced ("FR and commercial products of this type have good resistance to wear and chemical attack COMPARABLE USA & EUROPEAN SPECIFICATIONS FOR STEEL PIPE ue) Sty AN Gt ng pe te ‘The American National Stondards Institute fas introduced several schedules for pipe made from various plastics. These ANSI standards and others for plastic pipe are listed in table 75. GLASS Allglas: piping is used for its chemical resistance, clesnlinss and transparency. Glesspige isnot subjact to ‘crazing’ often found in glslined pipe and vesels subject to repented thermal srasss. Pipe, tings, and hard ‘wor are availabe both for proces piping end for drainage. Corning Glass Works offers 8 Pyrex ‘Conical’ system for proces lines in'T, 15, 2, 3, 4 ‘and Binch sizes (1D) with 460 F 35 the maximum oporating temperature, ‘and presture renges 0-66 PSIA (Tin. thru 3 in), O-SD PSIA (4 in.) and (0-95 PSIA (6 in). Glass cocks, strainers and thermowells re availabe. Pipe fitings and equipment are joined by flange assemblies which bear on the thickened conical ends of pipe langths and fittings Comming oso offers @ Pyrex Acid:Waste Oainne system in 1%, 2, 3, 4 and G:nch sizes (1D) with beaded ends joined by Teflon gasketed aylon compression couplings, Bath Corning ystems ara mada frm tha sama barosliste gas. LININGS & COATINGS Lining oF coating carbon tel pipe witha materi! able to withstand chemical sttack permis its use to carry corrosive figs. Lengths of ined pipe and fiting® at join by Flanges, ad elbows, es, ec, ‘ara available already flenge, Linings (rubber, for example can be applia after fabricating th piping bur pipe is aften preted, and manufacturers ive instructions for making joints. Linings of various rubbers, plastics, metals ‘and vitreous (glassy) materials areeviabe, Polyviny!chiorde, polypropylene and copolymers are the most common coating materi. Carborstee! pine zincuated by immersion into molten zine (hot dip gaharizod) is used for ‘conveying drinking water, instrument air and various other fluids. Rubber Tining is ofton used to handle abesve fuss ‘TEMPERATURE & PRESSURE LIMITS 218 Corbon stels lose strength at high temperatures. Electicresistance-welded Pipe isnot considered satisfactory for sevice above 750 F, and furnace-butt ‘welded ome above about 880 F. For high temperatures, sipe mede from stains sees or other alloys should be considered, Pressure ratings for stool pipe at ditforent temperatures sre caloulated according to the ANS! 831 Code for Presure Piping (detailed in table 7.2), ANSI B31 gives stras/tempersture values for the various steels fram which pine is Fabricated, METHODS FOR JOINING PIPE 22 ‘The joints useé far nostcarborste! and stainless ste! pipe ae: WELDED & SCREWED JOINTS zea Lines NPS 2 ond lower ate usally buttwelded, this being the most ‘economic leakproof way of joining lager-ciameter piping, Usuelly such Tas ae subcontracted to piping fabricator for prefebrication in sections termed ‘spoal, then ensported to the si Lines NPS Ils and smaller ar usually either screwed or socketwelded, and are normally fildrun by ‘the piping contractor fram drawings. Feld1an and shopabricted piping tie disused in 5.2.8 SOCKET. WELDED JOINTS 222 Like serowed piping, socket welding is used for lines of smaller sizes, but has the edvantae that absence of losing is asuret: thsi aveluabe fector wien flammable, toxic, or radioactive Fluids e boing conveyed—tho use of Sockotweldad joins isnot restricted to such fuds, however. BOLTED-FLANGE JOINTS 223 Flanges are exponsiva and for the most part fe used to mate with flanged ‘ess, equipment, valves, and for proces Tins which may require periodic eanig, Flanged jaints re made by bolting together tc anges with a gasket between them 1a provide 2 seal, Refer to 26 for standard foroedstoo anges and sankers FITTINGS 228 Fittings permit change in direction of piping 2 change ingiomator of pipe fr a Branch to be made from the main run of pipe. They are formed from sate or pipe, machined fom forged blanks, cat, or molded from plas. [Chart 2.1 shows the ratings of but-velding fitings used with pipe of various schadule numbers and manufacturers’ weights, For dimensions of butt ‘welding fittings and flanges, see tabs O-1 fru 0-8, and tables F-1 thru F-7. Drafting symbots are gven in charts 52 thru 5.5, ‘Threaded fittings have Pressure Class designations of; 2000, 3000 end 6000. Socketavelding fittings have Presure Class designations of: 3000, 6000 and 9000. How these Pressure Class desigrations else to schedule umber and manufacturer’ weight or pipeis shawn in table 2.2 PIPE DESIGNATION SCHIMFR’S Presure Cas o00__[ 3000] 6000. | 8000 “Threaded fittings | 80/xS | 160 | _XxS ‘Socket Fitings Bors | 160 | 30 Sections 2.1.3 thu 224 have shown that there is a wide variety of differentlyated pipe, fitigs and materials from which to make a choice, Chats 2.1 tha 2.3 show Nave various Weights of pipe fitings and wales can be combined in 2 piping system, COMPONENTS FOR BUTT:WELDED 23 PIPING SYSTEMS. WHERE USED: For mast pracss, utility and seve piping ADVANTAGE OF JOINT: Most practicable way of joining large pipes and fittings woh oes ceable,leakproot joints DISADVANTAGE OF JOINT: Invading weld metal may affct flow HOW JOINT IS MADE: The end of the pipe i beveled 9s shown in chart 2.1, Fittings te similarly beveled by the manufacturer, The two parts are alignad, property gapped, tack weldod, and then a cont inuous weld is made to complete th joint Chat 2.1 shows the ratings of pipe, ftings and valves that are commonly combined of may be used together. It guide only, and nota substitute fora project spoctcation. FITTINGS, BENDS, MITERS & FLANGES FOR BUTTWELDED SYSTEMS Ftor to tales D, F and W-1 for dimensions and flanges bts of fittings and ELBOWS or “ELLS’ make S0- oF 45-deyee chengs in cretion of the un of pipe. Tha elbows normally wad are ‘long radius’ (LA) with centring redius of curvature equal t0 1% times the naminel pipe size for NPS 3/4 and larger sizes, ‘Short radius’ (SA) elbows with eontetine radius of curveture equal to the nominal pipe size ae also available. 90-daree LA olbows with 4 stright extension at ane ead ("long tangent) are still vallable in STO wight, f equi REDUCING ELBOW rrakss 2 SOdeqre change in direction with change in line size. Reducing elbows have centerline radi of curvature 1% times the nominal size ofthe pipe tobe stached tothe larger end, RETURN changes direction of flow thru 180 degrees, and is used to onstcuct heating cols, vents on tanks, etc BENDS are made from straight pipe. Common bending rail ere 3 ond § times the pipe size (GR and 5A bends, where R= nominal pipe sizo— inal diameter, not radius). 3 bends are avilable from stock. Largor radius bends can be custom made, peferbly by hot bending Ony seamless or oletrictesistancowalded pipe is suitable for bending. BUTT-WELDED PIPING CHART 2.1 CARBON-STEEL PIPE & FORGED-STEEL FITTINGS VALVE Dem tame | rise oe) es REDUCER (or INCREASER) joins « larger pipe toa smaller ane, The two available types, concentric and sccantic, ae shown. The eccentric reducer is used when i is necessary to keep eithor the top or the bottom ofthe line level—offsetequel x (larger 1D minus smaller 1D). 'SWAGE Js employed to connect buttnelded piping to smaller screwed oF socketwelded piping. In buttwelded lines, used as an altmative to the reducer whan greater reductions in line size are required. Fegular wages in concentric oF events form give sbrupt change of line size, = do ‘reduces. The ‘vantuti” swage ellows smoother flow. Rter to table 23 for peitying sages for joining to socket-nelding itm, and ta table 2.4 for ‘pocitying sages for joining to screwed piping. For offset, see "Recucr’ u MITERED ELBOWS are fabricated a5 required from pipe-they are not fittings. The use of miters to make changes in dintion is practically restricted t0 low:pressure lines 10-inch and largar if the pressure drop is unimportant; for these uses gular elbows wauld be costlier. A Zee, ‘SO-degree miter has four to six times the hydraulic rasstance of the corres ‘ponding regular lang elbow, and should be used with caution, &3-piece ‘X-degiee miter has bout double the resistance to flow of the reguler long radius elbow-refer to table F-10, Constructions fr 3,4, and S-poge miters are shown in tables M2, ‘The following five flange types are usd for butt welded ins. The different flange facings available are discussed in 26. WELDING.NECK FLANGE, REGULAR & LONG Aeulor woldingneck flanges aro used with buttwelding fun: Long welding neck flanges are primarily usad for vessel and equipment nozzles, rarely for pipe. Suitable ‘where extreme temperature, shear, impact and vibratory stresses apply. Regu larity of the bore is mainiained. Refer to tables F for bore diameters of ‘thes flange. SLIP-ON FLANGE is properly used to flange pipe. Slip-on flanges can be usnd with long-tangent elbows, reducers, and swages (nat usuel practic) The internal weld is sightly more subject to corrosion than the butt weld Tha lange has poor resistance to shock ond vibration It introduces ogularity in the bore, It is cheaper to buy than the weldingreck flange, butiscoslie: to esemble. It is easier to align than the weldingneck flange. Calculated strengths under internal pressure are aout one third that ofthe corresponding welding neck flanges, The pipe or fitting is set beck from the face of the flange sistance equal to the wall thickness 0" + 1/16". 2 But lang POE = Pinan end SLE Sol emer ELBOWS make 9O- oF 45-day changes of diection in the rur af pipe SOCKET-WELDING FLANGE Regular typo is aualable from stock. Reduc- ing type is avilable to order. For example, reducing flange to connect ‘NPS | pipe toa Class 150 NPS 1s linesze flange i specified: ED FLG NPS 1%x 1 Cass 150 SW anon anae A ELTTINGS FOR BRANCHING FROM 202 SOCKET.-WELDED SYSTEMS BRANCH FROM SOCKET:VELDED RUN TEE, STRAIGHT of REDUCING, rakes 90-dopree branch from the main ‘un of pip. Reducing tes are custom fabricated by baring standac forged blanks newneormmm | IF T [wunenn LATERAL makes fullsize 4S-dopre brench from the main un of pipe ‘GROSS Remarks fr buttwnslding cros eply—see 2.3.2. Reducing crosses are custom fbricated by boring standard forged blanks. FIGURES 221-1 TABLE 2a FITTINGS FOR SOCKET.WELDED BRANCH FROM VESSEL OR BUTT:VELDED MAIN RUN 243 HALF-COUPLING — The ful-cauplng isnot usd for branching oF for ves- sel connections, a the half coupling i the same length and i stronger. The hatf-oouping permits 8Oograe ontry into alrgr pipe or vessel well. The sockolt is more practicable sping is nacassary with tho coupling. ‘The next four fitinge are made by Bonney Forge and offeranatemate method ‘of entering the main pipe run. They havo the advantege that the beveled welding ends are shaped to the curvature of th run pipe. Reinforcement fo th butt melded piping or vas snot required, SOCKOLET mikes © 80-deyree branch fullsize or reducing, on straight pipe Flatbasad sockolets are available for branch connections on pipe caps and and vessel heads, SOCKETWELDING ELBOLET makes 2 reducing tangent branch on long radius end short radius elbows. SOCKETWELDING LATROLET makes a 45-denree reducing branch on steight pipe NIPOLET A veriant of the sockolet, having intoyal plain nipple. Primarily developed for small valved connactions—see figure 6.47, K 'STUBAN Seo comments in 2.3.2. Not preferred for tines under 2-nch due to Fisk of weld metal entering line and restricting flow. ctosune 244 ‘SOCKET:WELDING CAP seals painended pipe. COMPONENTS FOR SCREWED 25 PIPING SYSTEMS WHERE USED: For fines conveying services, nd for smaller process ining ADVANTAGES: (1) Easily made from pipe and fittings onsite (2) Minimizes fire hazard wien installing piping in ares where flammable gases or liquids re present DISADVANTAGES: (1)* Use not permitted by ANSI 831.1-1969, if seer erasion, crevice corrosion, shock, oF Vibration is eticipated, nor at temperatures over $25 F. (Also sw footnote table F-9) (2) Pessibo leakage af jane (G)* Seo! welding may be requited-tee footnote to chert 2.9 (4) Strength of the pipa is reduced, as forming the ‘serewthreed reduces the wall thickness FITTINGS & FLANGES FOR SCREWED SYSTEMS 26a ‘Screwed piping sping assembled from threaded pipe and fitings “Thvaaded mallableron and castronfitngs are extensively used for plum ing in buildings. fn industil applications, Cass 150 and 300 gahanized ralleableiron fittings and similarly rated valves are usad for drinking water and air Fines. Dimensions of moleableiroa fittings are given in table D-11 In process piping, forgedstesl fittings are preferred over casiron and mvalleableiron fittings (although their pressue/temperture ratings may be suitable, for ther greater mechanical strength To simplify matarilspocitca tions, drafting, checking, purchesing and warehousing, the overall economies ‘a in fovor of utilizing 8 few different types of threaded fittings os posible. Dimansions of forge-stelthradod fittings ae givan in table D8. — FULL-COUPLING (termed “COUPLING! joins pipe oF items with threaded nds Chart 2.3 shows the ratings of pipe, fittings and valves thet ere commonly combined, oF may be used together. The chart is @ quide only, nd not a substitute for 8 project specification SCREWED PIPING CHART 2.3 CARBON STEEL PIPE & FORGED-STEEL FITTINGS ‘re coumaisce lec —- = = ‘eg: On alu common mht ht ot cption ig ces so (caaaT- (23 |RGURES [231-237 REDUCING COUPLING, or REDUCER, joins shreaded pipes of diferent sizes, Can be made in any reduction by Boring and tapping standard foroed blanks. [NIPPLES join unions, vals, strainers, iting, ete. Basically short length pipe either fully threaded (close nipple or threaded both ends (TBE), oF plein one end and theaded ona end (POE—TOE). Avelible in various lngtts refer to table D-11, Nipples an be obtained with 3 Vetaulic groove at one nd. (0) Lone or stone ‘TANK NIPPLE is usad for making a screwed connection to a non pressure ‘esol oF tank in low-pressure service, Overall lngth is usually 6 inches with 2 standard taper pipe thread at each and. On ana end only, the taper pipe ‘thvead runs into @ ANSI lock-ut thread [UNION makes joint which permits easy instalation, removal or replacement of lengths of pipe, vias or vesus in serwod piping systems, Examples 1 remove a valve it must have atleast one adjacnt union, end to remove Dining from @ vessel with threaded connections, each outiet from the ves should have one union between valve and vessel. Groundaced joints are ford, although othe facings are avaiable FH PIPE-TO-TUBE CONNECTOR For joining threaded pipe to tube. Figure 2.41 ‘howe a connector fitted to spcilly-flared tube. Other types are available HEXAGON BUSHING A reducing fitting used for connecting a salir pipa into larger thread iting or nozzle. Has many applications to instrument connections. Reducing fittings can be mae in any reduction by boring and tapping stndard forged blanks. Normally not used far high pressure servic. SWAGED NIPPLE This is «reducing Fitting, used far jing larger diameter to smaller diameter pipe. Also refered to as a ‘swage (pronounced ‘swadge) ‘and sbbrevated as ‘SWG' or ‘SWG NIPP” on drawings. When ordering @ swage, state the weight desigations of the pipes to be joined: for exemple, [NPS 2 (SCH 40) x NPS1 (SCH 80), A sage may be used for joining: (1) Soreve 1d pining to screwed piping. (2) Stewed piping to buttvelded piping. (3) ‘But-welded pining to@ threaed nozle on equipmant. Itinerary to specify ‘on the piping drawing the terminations required. THREADED FLANGES aro usod to connect thresded pipe to tanga items. FRogolar and reducing types are avilable from stock. Far example 2 reducing ‘ange to connect @ NPS 1 pipe to a Cass 160 NPS 1% linasze flange is specified RED FLG NPS 1% x 1 Clas 150 THRO TSE = Throodod small end _ BSE = Govted small end “A larger headed itm f aldom joined to a eller buttwelding item, However, the cennection of s buttwelded Tine to 9 threaded Nota ona vessel isan example, ELBOWS make 90- or 4Sdegre changes in divetion ofthe run of pipe Streat elbows having 2 integral nipple at one ond (seo table 0-11, are ‘allable SRA Fon og sxaanLE NOTE oN onan er swrreworeee | Tarorren | swe2 vt BLE-Tse Twnorrens | ewrrewt” | swoa ¢2 TuEBSe BW = twang awareviarions: THRO. THES Tenia bth onde BLE = sees gee a FITTINGS FOR BRANCHING FROM 2582 SCREWED SYSTEMS BRANCH FROM SCREWED MAIN RUN, TEE, STRAIGHT of REDUCING, rakes a 90- pression. The spring permits a limited smount of thermsl movement. A variable spring hangar Molding up avertial ine wil eduoe is iting force as the line expands towerd it. A variable spring support would increase its lite ing force as the lne expands toward it. Both poe aad onthe piping system, ‘Where tis is undesirable, constant lead hanger an be sid instead ——_ HYDRAULIC DAMPENER, SHOCK, SNUBBER, or SWAY SUPPRESSOR ‘One end of the unit is attached to piping andthe othr to structural ste or concrete. Tho unit expands or contracts to absorb slow movement of piping, buts rigid to rapid movement SWAY BRACE, oF SWAY ARRESTOR, is esetilly a helical sping na housing which is fitted between piping and a rigid structure, Its function 's to buffer vibration and sway, WELDING To PIPE 2a23. I the applicable code permis, lugs may be welded to pipe. Figure 2.728 ilystrates some common arrangement using welded lugs, rolled see sections and pipe, for-— (1) Fixing hangers to structural steel, ete (2) Attaching t0 pipe 8) Supporting pige Welding supports to prelined pipe will usualy spoil the ining, and therefor tugs, ete, must be welded to pipe and fittings before the lning is applied. ‘Welding of supports and lugs to pipes and vesals to bo stress-relieved should be dane bafore heat treatment. VALVES, PUMPS, COMPRESSORS, and Types of Process Equipment VALVES aa FUNCTIONS OF VALVES aaa Tatle 2.1 gives a basis for clastying valvas according ta function: ‘STOPPING OF STARTING FLOW. VARYING THE RATE OF FLOW onorF 314 and 2.16 REGULATING 3.15,5.18 9943.1.10 PERMITTING FLOW CHECKING IN ONE DIRECTION onty. ‘SWITCHING FLOW ALONG DIFFERENT RouTes DISCHARGING FLUID FROM A SYSTEM SWITCHING DISCHARGING ‘Tyres of valve suitable for on/oft and reuleting functions are sted in chart 3.2, The suitability of a valve for a required purpose depends on its construction, discus in 3.1.3 PARTS OF VALVES anz Vale manufacturers’ catalogs offer a saemingly endless varity of construe tio. Clasificaton is posible, Nawaer, by considering the base pats that ‘ake up a valve (1) The “ise and ‘set’ that direct affect the flow (2) The stem that moves the diss — oes tho work ofa stem insome vals, fui under pressure (2) Theory’ and “tonne” that house the stom (4) The ‘operator’ hat moves te stom {or pressuring fuid for squeeze valves, ot) Figures 3.1 thiu 33 show three common types of vale with thai parts lobed. DISC, SEAT, & PORT Chart 3.1 illustrates various types of disc and port arrangemans, and mech ‘anisms used for stopping or regulating flow. The moving pat deectly affect ing the flow i termed the ‘ic’ regaralss of is shana, andthe nox-moving Dart it bears on is termed the ‘ssa’. The ‘pot’ is the maximum internal open ing for flow (that is, when the valves fully open) Dies may be actuated by the conveyed fluid or be maved by 2 stom having a linear, rotary or helical ‘mavement. The stem can be movad manually or be driven hydrelical pneumatically or elactically, under remote or sutomatio contol, or mech snically by weighted lover, spring, ate. The size ofa vale is determined by the sizeof its ands which connect tothe Pipe, ete. The port size may be smaller. Tem There ee two eatoories of screwad stam: The rising stem shown in figures 11 and 3.2, and the nonrsing stom show in figure 3.3. ising ster (gate and globe) valves are made either with “inside seren’ (1S) or “outside screw’ (0S). The OS type hes a yoke on the bonnet and the _asombly is referred to as ‘outside screw and yoke, abbreviated to ‘OSBY" The handwhee! can ether ris with the stam, or the stem can rise thry the handwhoe BASIC VALVE MECHANISMS FLUID CONTROL ELEMENTS (DISCS) et comnias ne ae ED VALVES SELF-OPERATED VA Nonssing stem valves are of the gate type. The handwheel and stem a in ‘ne same postion whether the vale is open or elated. ‘The sore i inside the bonnet and in contact with the conveyed fui, A floor stand’ is» stem extension for use with both types of stm, where it is necasery to operate 2 valve they a floor oF platform, Alternately, rods fitted with univers joints may be used to bring valve handihes! within fan operator’ reach Depending on the sizeof the requted vale and avalos, selection of sr type can be basad on: (1) Whether itis undesirable for the conveyed fluid to bein contact with the thisaded bearing surfaces, (2) Whather an exposed screw is liable to be damaged by abrasive etma- spharie dust (3) Whether itis necessary to sa ifthe vale it open oF closed In edition to the preceding types of stem used with gate and globe voles, ‘most other valves have 8 simple rotary stom. Rotary-bal plug and buttactly ‘ales hae 3 ratary stem which ismovedby @ permanent laver oF too! appli ‘wesquare boss atthe end of the stem, Figure a1 Ficune 32 GATE VALVE 1OS8Y, bole banner tn) (GLOBE VALVE (OSRY, bot bonnet. ing sem) BONNET ‘hare are three basic types of attachment for valve bonnets: screwed {including union), bolted, and brenchick, ‘A srened bonnet may occasionally stick and turn wien e va is opened, Although sticking is less of e problam with the union type bonnet, valves with serewed bonnets are best reserved for services presenting na hazard to personnel. Union bonnets are more suitable for smell valves requiring fre: ‘quent dismanting then the simple screved type. “The bolted bonnet has largely dsplacad serened and union bonnet velves in hnydrocarbon applications. A U-bolt or clamp-typa bonnet i ffered on some Small gate valves for moderate pressures, to facilitate frequent cleening and inspection. The ‘pressure sali a variation of the bolted bonnet used for high-pressure valves, usualy combined with OSBY construction. It makes us of ine pes- ‘site to tighten and seal an internal meta ring or gasket against the body ‘The breeehlock is heavier infrequently. used and more expensive construc: tion, ao for high-pressure use, end involves eal-welding of the Bonnet with the body. frouRe 29 ‘GATE VALVE (tote bonnet, nog sam (la2 wie a A critical factor for valves usd for process chemical is the lubrication of tho ftom, Cave has to be taken in the selection of packing, gland design, and ‘choice and application af lubricant. As an option the boanot may include 3 “anim rig’ wiich saves two purposes ~ either to act a callction point to drain off any hazardous seepeges, or as @ pont where lubricant can be Injected opy ‘Selection of material to fabricate the interior of the valve body is important with a vale used for process chemicels, There is often choice with regard to the body and trim, and soma valves may be obtained with the entice intarior of the body lined with corrosion esstant materi Valves are connected to pipe, fitings or vases by their body ends, which may be flenged,sovened, butt oF sacketweldng, or finished for hos, Vitaulic coupling, ete. Jecketed valves are also evailble~seo 6.8.2 SEAL In most stemoperated vals, whether the stem has rotary oF lineal move- ‘ment, packing or sels are used betwogn stem and bonnet (or badyb. If high vacuum of corrosive, flammable o° toxic fluid isto be handed, the diss or som may be eeled by » metal bello, or by a flexible diaphragm (the latter is termed ‘packs’ construction). A gasket is used asa sal between» bolted bonnet and vale body. Flanged valves use gaskets to sal aginst the lne flanges, Butterfly valves may extend the resilient seat to aso serve as line gaskets. The pressureseal bonnet joint utiies the pressure of the conveyed fluids to tighten the seal — som Pressure seal’ under ‘Bonnet, this section. MANUAL OPERATORS HANDLEVER is usad to actuate the sts of small butterfly and rotery-bll valves, and small cocks. Wrench operation is used for cocks end smal plug one h HANDWHEEL is the most common maens for rotating the stem on the ‘majority of popular smaller valves such asthe gate, globe end diaphragm types, Additional operating torque for gate and globe vals is offered by hammerblow’ or ‘impact’ handwheels which may be substituted for normal handwhoos if esior operation is noeded but where gearing is unnacssuy. ‘CHAIN operator is used hare» hendwhee! would be out of reech, The stm is fitted with a cheinwhoo! or wrench (for lver- operated valves) and the loop of the chain is brought within 3 ft of working floor level, Universal type chainwheols which attach to the ruler handwheel heve been blamed for accidents: in correiva atmospheres where an infrequently-operated vale has stuck, the attaching bolts have bean knawn to fal, This problem does not arise with the cheinwhel that replees the regular valve handwae. (GEAR operators use to duce the operating torque. For manus! operetion, consists of @ handwhasl-operated gor tren actuating the valve stam. AS a sue, gear operators should be considered for valves ofthe follwing sizes and classes: 125, 160, nd 300, 14inch and larger; 400 and 800, Binch end larger; 800 nd 1500, Binh and largar; 2600, inch and age. SPURGEAR OPERATOR POWERED OPERATORS Etectric, pooumatic or hydraulic operation is used: (1) Where & valve is ‘emote from the main working sre. (2) Ifthe required fraquency of opera tign would ned unreasonable humen effort. (3) If pid openig and/or closing of a valve i required, ELECTRIC MOTOR The vale stem is moved by the electric metor, thru reducing gears, SOLENOID may be used with fast acting check valves, and with on/off wakes in fght uty instrumentation spplications ELECTRIC MOTOR OPERATOR PNEUMATIC OPERATOR. PNEUMATIC & HYDRAULIC OPERATORS may bo used whore flammable ‘vapor is ikly to be present. They take the following forms: (1) Cylinder With doubleacting piston driven by sir, water, ol, or other liquid which usually actuates the stem directly. (2) Air motor which actuates the stem thru ‘gearing—these motors are commonly plstonand cylinder radial types. (3) A ddouble-cting vane with Finite rotary movement ina sector easing, aetuatog ‘the stem direct. (4) Squeaze type (refer to ‘Squeeze valve) ‘QUICK.ACTING OPERATORS FOR NON-ROTARY VALVES (tarualy-operated ates} uickacting operators are used with gate and globe valves. Two stem rmavements ee employed: (1) Rotating stem, otatod by a lever (2) Sliding ster, in which the stem i asad and lowered by ever Steam and sir whites ere examples ofthe use of siingstem quick-acting ‘Operators with globe valves SELECTING ON/OFF & REGULATING VALVES 313 ‘The suitability ofa valve Fora particular src is decided by its materials of onstruction in lation to the Conveyed fluid as well as ts mechanical design Referring to the descriptions in 3.1.2, the stops insolation are to choos: (1) Materials) of construction. (2) The dse type. (3) Stem type. (4) Means Of operating the stem — the ‘operator’. (6) Bonnet typa. (8) Body ends — welding langed, ete. (7) Delivery time. (8) Price. (9) Waranty of perform nao for sovere conditions, Chart 3.2 is 9 guide to valve selection, and indicates valves wiich may be choson fora given serve. The chat should be read fra left to rght. Fist, ascartain whether a liquid, ges or powder sto be handled by the valve. Next, ‘onsider the nature of the fluidwhather itis foodstus or drugs to be hencled tyainically, chemicals that are corrosive, or whother the fluid is substantially neutral or non-corrosive. Next consider the function of the valve ~ simple open-ar-closad operation (onfof, or regulating for control or for dosing. These tactrs decidodtho chart wil than indicate types of valves which should perform satisfactorily in the required sevice. HH the publiction is availble, reference should slso be made to the Crane ‘Company's ‘Choosing he right vale’ VALVE SELECTION GUIDE CHART 3.2 ile | BY (1) Determine ype of conveyed fuid-lauid, 9s slurry, oF | [Bea [Geen vow ser ica (ar _ (2) Deteine nature of ut a8 ‘Se Sitsantaly nevral-not noNoubly aie or aking, mecume |e [BSE : such as varou ols drinking water reopen, 0c Corosive-markedly ac, alkaline, of otherwise chami- SVE |O5R iws a = | teal sheet “Vygieic materials for the food, dru, cosmetic oF once |B ter ndurtiee oe Baw Slurry suspension of sls partis i a quid can hve wae ee fn Bras effect on valves, ete. Nonabracve slurries reovarae | Baee Ssh se woat-plp sues an che valve meshes Rava (3) Determine operation LQUID ‘wore [SEL EER ‘© ‘Onloffully open or fly los ao, | BiniiSh _ ETAT ETE © Regnetag icone doe feqaton (trotting) oer neovarne [Eee |iierviaenager on” (3) Look int other factors atoctna choice: aber 2°” Pressure and temperature of conveyed hid | TE | SUSE rer Method of operating stem-consider closing time avalbilty suse = Spell lntaltionoroblams-sich as welding ves into ue ies ding est wi sometimes eet te body are tod aac the sing of small vhs, {BaF | Ee, [fmm onrnenm on GAS nore ee LS SR boox_| Nowe SAT VALVES MAINLY FOR ON/OFF SERVICE ana {In industria piping, ona control of flow is most commonly effected with sate valves, Most types of gate vlve are unsuitable fr regulating: eresion Of the seat and diseozcurs in the throttling position due to vibration af the ise ("chattring. With some fluids, it may be desirable to use globe valves ‘or on/atf sevice, as they offer tighter cloure. However, the principal ‘neti of globe valves is regulation, they are described in 3.1.5 —— ‘SOLID WEDGE GATE VALVE his ether 8 solid or flexible wade dsc. 10 ‘dition to on/off sence, these vales ean be used for regulating, usually in sizas inch and larg, but wil chatter unlas disci fully guided through ‘out travel. Suitable for mast fluids including steam, water, ol, air and gs. ‘The exible wedge was davelaped to overcome sticking on coating in high temperature sevize, ond to minimize opereting torque. Tho flexible wodge is not istrated—it con be lkaned to two wheels set on 3 very short axe DOUBLE-DISC PARALLELSEATS GATE VALVE has two paalle discs ‘Which are forcad, on cosura, aginst pale eats by a ‘spreader’. Usd for Tiquids end ges at normal temperetures. Unsuitable for regulation. To rove jamming, instalation is usully vertical with handwheel up. OUALE-DIgc SPLITWEDGEIWEDOE GATE VALVE Disss wedge acsinet inelined seats without use of 2 sprnder. Remarks for doubledisc parallel seats gate valve apply, but smaller valves ara made for stem service. Often onstuction allow the dss to rotate, distributing wear. SINGLE-DISC SINGLESEAT GATE VALVE, or SLIDE VALVE, is usad for handling paper pulp slurry and other fibrous suspensions, and for low pressure gatas. Will nat function properly with inflow on the seet side Suitable for regulating flow i tight closure fs not required, SINGLE-DISC PARALLELSEATS GATE VALVE Unlike the single-seat slide valve, this vee afford closure with flow in either direction, Sersses fon stem and Bonnet ace Tower than with wedge-gata valves, Primarily used ‘or liquid hydrocarbons and gst. shoue oI raat PLUG GATE VALVE This valve has @ round tapered dsc which moves up and dawn, Suiteble for throttling and fullflow use, but only avilable in the smallor sizes PLUG VALVE Mechanism is shown In chart 3.1, but the dse may be cylin ric as well as tapered, Advantoges are compactness, and rotary GO-degree stem ‘movement. The tapared plug tends to jam ond requires high operating ‘torque: this is overcame to some extent by the use ofa iw-frition (tetion, fate) stat, or by lubrication (with the drawback that the conveyed Tui is contaminated). The fiction problem is also mat by mechanisms raising the ise from the seat before rotating it, or by using the ‘eccentric’ design {sae rotay-ball valve), Principal uses ave for water, oil slurries, and gases, LINE-SLIND VALVE This s «postive shutoff devico which basically consists ofa flanged assembly sandwiching a spectacleplate or blind, This valve is esribed and compared with ater closures in 2.7.1, VALVES MAINLY FOR REGULATING SERVICE sas GLOBE VALVE, STRAIGHT & ANGLE TYPE These are the vales most used Tor regulating. Fortine sizes over inc, chotce of a vave fr flow con ‘wal tands to go to suitable gate or butterfly valves. For more satisfactory service, the direction of flow thru val recommended by menufecturers is from stam to set, toast closure and to prevent the dis chattering aginst the seat in the theotlng poston, Flow should be from seat to stemside (1) if there isa hazard presented by te disc detaching from the stem thus closing the valve, or (2) if composition dis is used, as this dretin of flaw ‘than gives less wes, ier 15 ANGLE VALVE This is globe vale with body ends at right angles, soving the uso of 2 90-degren elbow. However, the angles of piping ae often subject to higher stresses than straight runs, wich must be considered with this type of valve, = REGULARDISC GLOBE VALVE Unsuitable for elowe rgultion 2 dise and seat have narrow (almost line) conto PLUG-TYPE DISC GLOBE VALVE Used for saver roulating servi with Bitty quid, such as bole feedwater, and for blow-off src. Las subject to wear under close regulation then the raglar-seated vale WYE-BODY GLOBE VALVE fas inline ports and stem emerging at about 45 dearoes; hence the "Y’. Prefered for erosive fluids due to smoother flow pattern. WYE-GODY GLOGE VALVE (Inerprating competion die} COMPOSITION.DISC GLOBE VALVE Suitable for coarse regulation and tight shutoff. Replaceable composition-ise construction is similar to that of 8 faucet. Gre wil imbad in the sat aise preventing seat damage and ensuring 00d closure. Clos rqulating wll apidly damage the sat. DOUBLE-DISC GLOBE VALVE atures two discs bearing an separate seats spaced apart on a sngle shat, which frees the operator fram strassa setup by the conveyed fluid pressing into the valve. Principle is used on contro vas and pressure ropulators for steam and other gees Tight shutoff is not ensured. NEEDLE VALVE is 2 small valve used for flow control end for dosing Fiquds and gases. Resistance to flow is precisly controlled by 2 relatively larg seat area and the agjusiment afforded by fine threading ofthe stem. SQUEEZE VALVE [is wellsited to regulating the flow of difficult fiquids, sluris and powders. Maximum closure is sbout 80%, which fimits the range fof requlation, unless the variation of this type of vale with » cental core (sat) is used, offering full closure PINCH VALVE Also suited to regulating flow of dificult quis, slurtes and powders. Compete closure is possible but tends to rapidly wear the flexible tube, unless of special dasion VALVES FOR BOTH REGULATING & ON/OFF SERVICE 318 ROTARY-BALL VALVE Advontages are low operating torque availabilty in large sizes, compactness, rotary 9O-degree stem movernent, and “nine replaceabiity of all wearing parts in some designs. Possible dsodvantags are that tui is trapped within the body (end within the disc on closure, and that compensation for wear is etfected only by resliont material behind the seats the latter problem is avoided inthe single-seat ‘eccentric’ version, which has the ball slightly offset so that it presses into the set, on closure Prinepal uses are for water, cil, slurries, gases and vacuum, Valve i avalible vith ball havng @ seped port fr requston feat BUTTERFLY VALVE offers the sdvantags of rotary stam movement (80 ogres or les), compactness, and absence of pocketing, It is avaiable in all sizes, and Gan be produced in chemical-esstnt and hygienic forms ‘The volves are used for oases, quid, sires, powders and vacuum. The usual rsiiont plastic sat has 8 temperature limitation, but tight closure at high temperatures is available with version having @ metal ring sol around the disc, Hf the valve is flanged, it may be held botween flanges of any type Slip-on and serewed flanges do not form s proper seal with some wafor forms of the valve, in mbich the resilient set is extended to serve also as ine gaskets VALVES FOR CHECKING BACKFLOW aa7 Al valves in this category are designed to permit flow of liquid or gis in ona iwcton and clei flow revere. ‘SWING CHECK VALVE The regula swing chock valve nt suitable if thre is frequent flow reversal as pounding and wearing of dsc occurs. For gritty liquids @ composition disc is advisable to reduce damage tothe seat. May be ‘mounted vorticaly with flow upward, or horizontally. ertcaliy-mounted valve hes @ tendency to remain open ifthe steam velocity changos slowly. ‘An optional lever and outside weight may be offered ether to assist closing {orto counterbolance the dis in pat, and allow opening by low-pressure uid TILTING.DISC VALVE Suitable where frequent flow reversal occurs. Valve cloies rapidly with beter closure and less slamming than the swing check valve, which it somee/at resembles. 1 hs higher pressure drop with large ‘low velocities and tower presure drop with small velocities than @ compar. able swingcheck valve. May be installed vertically with flow upward, or horizontally. Dise movement can be controlled by an integral dashpot or smubber. LIFT-CHECK VALVE resombles the pston-check valve, The dis is guided, but the dashpot feature is absent. Springloaded types can operate at any arientation, but unsprung valves have to be erengad so that the disc will close by gravity. Compostindisc valves are eatable for grity liquids PISTON-CHECK VALVE Suitable where frequant change of diection of flow occurs as tesa valves are much les subject to pounding with pusating flow due to the integral dashpot. Springoaded types can operate at any orientation. Unsprung valves have to be orientated for gravity closure. Not suitable for qty liquids. STOP-CHECK VALVE Principal oxample of use i in steam generation by ‘multiple boilers, wheres vah is inserted between each boiler andthe mein steam header. Basically, acheck val that optionally can be kept closed auto matically or manually BALL-CHECK VALVE is suitable for most services. The vale cen handle iss, vapors and liquids, inluding those forming gummy deposits. The bell seats by gravity nd/or beck presure, and is free to rotate, which distributes eat and aids in Keeping contacting surfaces clan. WAFER CHECK VALVE effects closure by two semicircular “doors, both hinged to s centel postin 8 cingsheped body which is installed betwen flanges. Frequently used for nofouling iquids, as it is compact and of relatively low cost. A single disc type is also avaiable FOOT VALVE Typical use is to mwintain @ had of water on the suction side ofa sump pump, The valv is basically a ift-chack vale witha strainer integrated. VALVES FOR SWITCHING FLOW sta MULTIPORT VALVE Used larity on hydraulic snd pneumatic contol ce Cuits and sometimes used directly in proces piping, hase velvs have rotary: boll or plug type discs with one or mare ports arranged to switch low, DIVERTING VALVE Two types of ‘diverting valva are made. Both switch flow from 2 fine into one of two outlets One type is of wye pattern with hinged inc st the junction whch closes ane ofthe two autlets, an is used to handle pavers and other solid. The second ype handles liguid only, ond has no moving parts—tlow is switched by twa praumaticcontrot lines tis ‘vallable in sizes to Binch VALVES FOR DISCHARGING ‘These valves allow removel af fluid from within a piping system either to atmosphere, 10 8 drain, or to snother piping system of vasel ata lower Dresure. Operation i often automatic. Relief and sfety valves, stem taps, tnd rupture ists ote includad in this section. Pressure relieving valves ore ‘sully spring loaded, a5 those worked by lover and weight can be easly rendered inoperative by personnal. The first three valvas are operated by system pressure, and are usuelly mounted directty onto the piping or vessel 1 be protected, ine vertical, upright position, Refer to the gvecning code for the aplication of these valves, including the need for an external iting dovice thendlve, et), ane SAFETY VALVE A rapid-opening (popping action) fulltlw valve for air and other gases, RELIEF VALVE Intended to relive excess preseur in liquids, in situations where ful-low discharge Is not requied, wien release ofa small volume of liquid woul rapidly lower pressure, Maunting is shown in figure B.A. SAFETY-RELIEF VALVE Roliovos oxcass pressure of either gos oF liquid hich may suddenly develop a vapor phase duo to rapid and uncontraled being from chemical reaction in quidladan vasa. Rete to figure 6.4. BALL FLOAT VALVE These automatic valves are used: (1) As sir taps to remove water from air systams. (2) To remove ait from liquid systams fand ect as vacuum breakers or breathor valve. (3} To control liquid level in tanks. They ere not intended to remove condensate. J} neveaseo J Cu BLOWOFF VALVE A votety of globe vale conforming with boiler code requirements and espcilly designed for boiler blawotl sevice. Sometimes ‘suitable also for blowdown service. Wye-pattern and angle types often used Used to remove sir and othor gases from boilers, et. Manualy-operated FLUSH.BOTTOM TANK VALVE Usually age typo, designed t mini: ‘mize pocketing, primarily for conveniently discharging liquid from the low point of tank. FLUSHBOTTOM TANK VALVE (GLOBE TYPE} RUPTURE DISC Asaety device designed to burst at ortain exes pressure ‘and rapidly escharg ges or lauld from a system, Usually made in the form fe reloceable metal dis: held between flanges. Disc may also be of praphite 0, for iomest busting pressures, plastic film, SAMPLING VALVE A valve, usally of nasdle or globe pattem, placed ine branch fine forthe purpose of drawing off samples of process material thru the branch, Sampling from very high pressure lies est done teu a double valved coleting vse. cooling arengament may be needed for smpling ‘rom high temperature lines, ‘TRAP An automatic valve for: (1) Discharging condensate, ar and gases from stam lines without relaxing steam. (2) Discharging water from ait lines without rlesing sits ‘Ball float vale’ this section, From omen @) CONTROL VALVES & PRESSURE REGULATORS aaa0 CONTROL VALVES Control valves automatically regulate pressure andor low rte, and are av Ble for any pressure ferent pant systems operate up to, and at pressure! tomporatue combinations thet requite Class 300 valves, sometimes (where the design permit) all cootol vals chosen wil b Class 300 for interchange ability. However, if none of the systems exceeds the rating for Class 160, vale, this snot nacassry. Tho control valve is usually chosan tobe small than ling size to avoid throttling and consaquent rapid wear of the set. Globe-pattera valves are normally used for contol, and their ends are usuely flanged for eat of maintenance, The di is move by a hydraulic, peumatic, etectical, or mechanical operator, Figure 24 shows schematically how a canto! valve can be used to contr ‘ate of flow in tine. Flow rat is related to the pressure drop across the “sensing element” (an aritie plate in this instances 6.7.5), The ‘controller ‘acoivs the pressure signals, compares them with the presture drop forthe desired flow and, if the actual low i differant, adjusts tha contra valve to inrease or decrease the flow, Comparable arrangements to figure 34 can be devised to contrat any of numerous process varables-temperatre, pressure, level and flow rat ‘fe the most common cantrlled variables Control valves may be self-operating, and not require the addition of a controller, sonsing element, ete. Pressure rogulators are a common example Df this type of valve, and chart 3.1 shows tho principles of opertion of & presure regulator. PRESSURE REGULATOR Contcal vabe of globe type which adjusts owmstream pressure of fiquid orga (including steam or vepors) to 8 lower ested value (sat pressure BACK-PRESSURE REGULATOR Control valve used to maintain upstream presure in system, on secre: Br |eem 8, [(— foe = ‘oneRarTOR UNCLASSIFIED VALVES & TERMS aan With few exceptions, the following are not special valve types diferent frm ‘those previously discussod, but ere tems used to describe valves by saves or function BARSTOCK VALVE Any valve having 8 body machined from solid metal (barstock). Uslly nsec ar globe type 1B A small val with turned-down end, tke a faucet. BLEED VALVE Small vahe provided for drawing off id BLOCK VALVE An on/off valve, nearly ays ate va, placed inne at ‘attry fits. LOWDOWN VALVE Usually refes to a slustype disc slobe vale used for removing sludge and sedimentary matter from the bottom of bolle: rams, vases, drinlgs, etc BREATHER VALVE A spiel selecting vahe installed on storage tanks, ‘ate, t0 celesse vapor oF gas on slight incease of internal pressure (in the rogion of % to 3 ounces par square inch) BYPASS VALVE Any valve placed in a bypass stranged around another vale or equipment-soe 6.1.3 under ‘If there is 90 PAID...” and figures 85 tha 811 DIAPHRAGM VALVE Examples of true diaphragm vahes, whore the dia phragm class of the flow, ae shown in chart 3.1 These forms of eiaphrogm ‘valve are populer for regulating the flow of sures and corresive fluids an for vacuum, The term ‘siaphragm vahe" is also applied to valves which have a lapvogn sal betwwen stmt and body, but thes ar better eecred to ‘aphragm sea” or ‘packles'valves—see 3.1.2, under ‘Seal DRAIN VALVE A valve used for the purpose of drning iquids frm a line (7 vessel. Saletion of a eiain vake, and the method of atfachment, = Influenced by the undesrabiity of pocketing the material being disined— this is important with slurries and liquids whieh are subject to: (1) Soli ‘ation on cooling ar polymerization. (2) Decompesition, DRIP VALVE A drain valve fitted {0 the bottom of a diplg to permit lowdown, 1 FLAP VALVE A nanvetuin waive having 2 hinged disc or rubber or leather flap, usd for low-pressure ln, HEADER VALVE An ieoating valve installed in branch where i joins 2 header. HOSE VALVE A geta or globe vale having one of Its ends externally threaded to one of the hase thread standards in use in the USA, Thase valves are used for vehicular and frenater connetions. ISOLATING VALVE An on/off vale isolating 2 pte of equipment or & process from pipig, KNIFE-EDGE VALVE A singled singlosot gate valve (side gate) with a knifeedged di MIXING VALVE regulates the proportions of two inflows to produce a contralig ovtfow. INON-RETURN VALVE Any type of stop-check vale—ste 3.1.7 PAPER-STOCK VALVE A single-ise single-set gate valve (slide gate) with knifleadgad or notched dise used to raglato flow of paper slury oF other fibrous say PRIMARY VALVE See ‘Foot vale, this soction REGULATING VALVE Any valve used to aust flow. ROOT VALVE (1) A valve used to isolate a pressure element a instrument from a fine of vos, (2) A valve placed at the bagianng of brane from a header ‘SAMPLING VALVE Small valve provided for drawing off fluid. See 3.1.8. [SHUTOFF VALVE An on/off valve placed in tines to or ftom equipment, for the purpom af stopping and starting flow. SLURRY VALVE A knife-edge vale used to contol flow of non-abresive slurs. [SPIRAL-SOCK VALVE A valve used to contr flow of powders by mesns of ‘9 twistable foie tobe or sock. STOP VALVE Ain oroff valve, usally globe vave THROTTLING VALVE Any valve used to closly regulate flow in the just-opan position, VACUUM BREAKER A specisl seating valve, or any valve sutebie for vacuum service, oparatad manually or automatically, installed to admit gos {usually atmaspharie ai?) inca © voeuum o° lovepressure space. Such valves are installed on nigh point of piping or vals to permit draining, and sometimes to prevent siphoning. UNLOADING VALVE Seo 3.2.2, under ‘Unloading and figure 6.23. QUICK.ACTING VALVE Any on/off valve apily operable, either by man: ual fever, pring, of by piston, solenoid o aver ith hea-fusibalnkrlesing ‘2 woight which in fling operates the valve. Oui ating valves ara desirable inlinesconvoyng flarmableliquids, Unsuitable for water o for Hiqud sorvice in ganeal without a cushioning deve (hydraulic accumulator, ‘pulsation pot 1a ‘standpipe) to protest ping fam shock. Soe 3.1.2, under “Quiekcting operatrs for nan fotary vale PUMPS & COMPRESSORS 32 ums 324 DRIVERS, Electr motore ara the most Frequentiy used divers. Larger pumps may be ven by steam, gas, or dese-engines, or by turbines oman L [nr NOTES Wa echen ty etd eB er PosrTive SUCTION HEAD (NPS) rasa £10 gas were ot a a nc es ees PUMP SELECTION GUIDE CHART 3.3, aieaee | eee ‘TYPES OF PUMP |A pump is « device for moving tui from one place to another thru pipes for channels Chart 3.3, a sletion guide for pumps, puts vatious types of pump used industrially inca ive catagories, sed an operating principle. In feammon retarenee, the ters centrifuge, rotary, Sew, and reciprocating ‘ara sad, Chart 33 is nat comprehensive: pumps utliaing other principles ‘a in us About nine ovt of ten pumps used in industry are ofthe contri fugel type. The following information is given to enable an estimate to be made of required total head, pump size, capacity, and horsepower for planning purposes, Data in the Guide permit estimating pump requirements fr waver systems. PUMP “TOTAL HEAD’ |A pumo imparts energy tothe pumped liquid. This enray i ble to reise the Figud toa height, or “head. The ‘otal ead” of a pump fn fei the eneroy fin ftsb) imparted by the pump to each pound of liquid In piped systems, fart ofthe foal head i used to avercome Friction inthe piping, which resis ina pressure drop (or “heads. For a centrifugal pump, tho same total head can be imparted 10 all igi of comparable vszsity, and is indopendent of the lquid’s density: tho required Giving power increases with density, Figure 3.3 relates the total head provid ‘8 by the pump to the hepdloses in the pumped systom. PRESSURE & "HEAD" Jn US customary unis, rasure (p ) in PSI is related to head (A in fe BUPSI) = (AANT4A) = {S.6.)M(2.31), wore dis liquid donsity in nM Gnd S.G. i specific gravity. Atmosphere. pressure at sea lave i equal 10 7 PSIA, the pressre gontated by 9 34M height of water. VELOCITY HEAD Usually the liquid being pumped is stationary before entering the suction piping, and some power i absorbed in accelerating it to the suction line velocity. This causes @ small ‘velocity head’ loss (usually about 1 f) and ‘may bo found from table 32, which is applicable to liquid of any density, Ifthe velocity head is read a fet of the liquid concerned. VELOCITY & VELOCITY HEAD Taate a2 Flow rate, liquid velocity and cross-sections! area (at right angles to flow) se elated by the formule: (varia (1169) Kay Flow rate in cubi fot porsacond = Flow rate in US gallons per minute = where: = liquid velocity in fet per second 4 = cross sectional ares in square inches (table -1) POWER CALCULATIONS 18.6. = specific gravity of the pumged liquid, H = total heed infest of the ‘pumped liquid, and p= pressure drop in PS, then: (GPMNUANIS.G) _ (GPM) 3960 174 Hydraulic horsepower = CHART SURE 35 TABLE The mechanical efficiency, e, of a pump is defined as the hydraulic horse ovr (poner transferred to the pumped liquid) divided by the brake horse: war (gener applied to the diving shaft ofthe pur) 1H the pump is driven by an electric mator which has @ mechanical ef loncy em, the eletiity demand is: scomnenis.c.r (310K elem) (cPmiiet Kitomatt (KW) = Mee) Otte, estimates of brake horsepower, eletriity demand, otc, must be made without proper knowiedye of the efficiencies To obtain stints, tha mech anizal efficiency of centrifugal pump may be assumed to be 60%, and that tf enelactric moter 80%, ‘COMPRESSORS, BLOWERS & FANS. a22 ‘Compresed sit and gs deta. Editor Gis C.¥. (Ingersoll-Rand) ‘Ar rocoives. Section 1910-169 of the Code of Faderal Regulations; CFR. Occupational Safety and Heth Adminstration (OSHA) CCompcesars aro usd to supoly high-pressure sir for plant use, to preswurize refrigerant vapors for cooling systams, to liquefy gses, etc. They ae ated by thir maximum output presure and the number of cubic feet per minute ‘ofa gashandled ata specified speed or paver, stated at ‘standard conditions, 60 F and 14.7 PSIA (not at compresed volume, 60 Fis aceptod es standard temperature by the gs industry. “The term ‘compressor is usally reser for machines doveloping hgh press usin closed syst, and the txms blower’ an "an or machines working st low pressures open-endes systems. acnine DISCHARGE PRESSURE RANGE ComPRESSOR | 15:hru 20,000 PSIG, snd higher sLoweR 1 thew 15 PSIG FAN Up to 1 PSIG laboot 30, water) COMPRESSING IN STAGES ‘Gases {inetuding air een be compressed in one or more operations termed ‘stages’. Each stae can handle a practicable increase in presure—before temperature increase due 10 the compression necessitates cooling the gs Cooling betwen stages i effected by pasing the gas thru an intercooler. Staging parts high presures, and lower discharge temperatures, with reducod stesas on the compressor, TYPES OF COMPRESSOR RECIPROCATING COMPRESSOR Air or other gs presurized in cyinders by reciprocating pistons. If the compressor i lubricated, the outfaw may be contaminated by ol. If an oilfree outflows i requied, the pistons may be fitted with graphite or teflon piston rings. Flow i pulsating ROTARY SCREW COMPRESSOR Alt or other gas enters pockets formed between mating rotor ands casing wall. The pockets rotate aay from ‘the inet, taking tho ga toward the discharge end, The rotors do not touch each other or the casing wal, Outflow is uncontaminated in th “éy type” ‘of machin, in which poner is applied to both rotors thru externa timing (ius. In the ‘wet type, paver is applied to one rotor, and bath rotors are separated by an ol film, which contaminates the discharge. Flow is uniform. ROTARY VANE COMPRESSOR resembles the rotry vane pump shown in chart 33. Variation in th volume enclosed by adjacent vanes as thoy rotate produces compression. Ample lubrication is requited, which mey introduce Contamination. Flow is uniform. ROTARY LOBE COMPRESSOR consists of to synchronized led rotors ‘wring within casing, in the same vay a6 the pump show in chart 3.3 {under ‘spurgar” type). The rotors do not touch each other or the casing No lubrication suse within the casing, end the outflow is not contaminated, Flow isuniform. This machine is often refered to as ‘lower’. DYNAMIC COMPRESSORS resemile ges turbines acting in reverse. Both axial flow machines end centrifugal machines with eda low) are avilable Centrifugal compressors commonly have ether one oF 190 stages. Axial Compressors have at least two stages, but seldom more than 18 stages. The outflow is nat cantaminate. Flow is uniform, LIQUID RING COMPRESSOR This type of compressor consists of # single Imult-bladed rotor which turn within casing of approximately elliptic eros sectian. A controled volume of fqui inthe casing is thrown to the casing well with rotation of the vanes. This liquid serves bath to compress and to seal, Inlet and outlet pats ocatd in the hub communicate with the pockets formed between the vanes ad th iquid ring. Thase compressor hae special ‘avantopes: wet gses and liquid carryover including hydrocarbons which are troublesome with other compressrs are ealy handle. Additional cling is seldom required. Condenitle vepor can be recovered by using liquid similar ta that inthe rng, Flow is uniform EQUIPMENT FOR COMPRESSORS. INTERCOOLER A hest exchanger used for coling compresad ges between Stages. Air must not be cooled Below the daw point (at the higher pressure) ‘9s moisture wl interfere with lubrication and cause wearin tha next stage AFTERCOOLER A heat exchanger used for cooling ges aftr compression is completed, {Fair is being compressed, ching permits removal of much of the moisture, DAMPENER or SNUBBER; VOLUME BOTTLE or SURGE DRUM Réci- roceting compressors create pulsations inthe air or gos which may cause the 52s |ReURE [4 VALVES ON THE PRD ‘© Show and tag process and service valves with size and identifying num ba if applicable. Give presaure rating if eiferont fram line specification ‘¢_lndicate any vas that have tobe locked open ar lockad cased © Indieste powered operators ‘SHOWING INSTRUMENTATION ON THE P&ID Signabiead drafting symbols shown in chart 6.1 may be used, and the ISA scheme for dasignating instrumentation is described in § 8, Details of inctrument piping and conduit are usually shown on separete instrumant instalation drawings. ‘© Show all instrumentation onthe PBID, for and including these items: ftement or sensor, signa ead, rice flange asombly, transmitter con two, vacuum breaker, flame arrestor, ve gage, sight ols, flow indica tor, lief valve, rupture dis, safety vahe. The lst thre tems may be tagged with sot pressures) also ‘© Indicate local or bosrd-mauntin of instruments by th symbol—reer to the labeling scheme in 8.54 INSULATION & TRACING Insulation on piping and equipment is shown, together with the thickness required, Tracing requirements ae indicate, Refer to BE, CONTROL STATIONS Control stations are dscusod in 8.1.4, Control vas er indicated by press tute rating, instrument identifying number and size-see figure 6.16, forex ample PAID SHOWS HOW WASTES ARE HANDLED Drain, funnel, relief vaves end other equipmant handing wastes are shown ‘on the P&ID. If an extensve system or wastetreatment facility i involved, it should be shown on a separate P&ID. Wastes and effluents are discussed in 6.13, SERVICE SYSTEMS MAY HAVE THEIR OWN P&:ID Process equipment may be provided with various services, such as stoam for heating, weter or refrigerant for cooing, or air fr oxidizing, Plant or equi ‘mont providing these services is usually dasrbed on sperte ‘service PID’ ‘A save line such 9s a steam fine entering process PAD is given ‘hallow ‘arrow line designation taken ftom the sevice PBID. Returning service lines ‘ate desgneted in tho some vey. Refer to figure 5d UTILITY STATIONS Stations proviing steam, comprasod ait, and vater, a shown, Refer to B15. LINE DESIGNATION SHEETS OR TABLES 525 ‘hase shets are tabulated lists of tines and information about them. The numbers of the fines are usually listed at the right of the sheet. Other Columns fist line sie, material of constuction (using company’s specification toe, if ther is one), conveyed fluid, presure, temperature, flow rate, test pressure, insulation or jacketing (if toquird), and ccrnetad lines (which will usually be branche) ‘Tha sheets are compiled and kept up-to-date by the proest group, taking all the information from the P&D. Copies ere supplied to the ping group for raforence. (On smal projets involving ony fw tne ine designation shests may not be used. Its useful to edd @ note on the P&ID stating the numbers of the last Tne and lst valve used, ‘VIEWS USED FOR PIPING DRAWINGS 526 “Two typs of view ao usd (0) ORTHOGRAPHIC ~ PLANS ANO ELEVATIONS (2) PICTORIAL ~ ISOMETRIC VIEW AND OBLIQUE PRESENTATION Figure §§ shows how building would eppesr in these different views. PRESENTATIONS USED IN PIPING ORAWINGS. ricune ss PICTORIAL Pian views ae more common than elevatianel views. Piping layout is developed in plen view, and elevational views and section details are added for elaity here necasary. PLANS & ELEVATIONS PICTORIAL VIEWS Jn complex piping systems, where orthographic viws may not easly us ‘rate the design, pictorial presantation can bo usid for clarity. In either isomeric or oblique presentations, lings not horizontal or vertical on the ‘rowing ao usually drawn at 30 degrees tothe horizontal Obique presentation haste advantape that it canbe distorted or expanded to ‘how area ofa plant, ete. more clay then an isometric view. It is not commonly used, but cen be useful for diagramatic work, Figure 6.6 ilustraes how circular shapes viewad at different anges are ap proximated by means of @ SS-dogte ellipse template. Isometric trplates ‘or vals, et, ae available end nest drawings can be rapid produced with them. Orthographic end isometric templates can be used to produce an blique presentation ELEVATION PLAN, ELEVATION, ISOMETRIC & OBLIQUE PRESENTATIONS OF A PIPING SYSTEM Figute 5.7 is used to show tho presentations usod in drafting, Isometric and oblique drawings both clearly show the piping arrengoment, but the plan view fails to show the bypass loop and vale, end the supplementary tlavation ke naded PIPING DRAWINGS ARE BASED ON OTHER DRAWINGS S27 ‘The purpose of piping drawiogs i to supply detailed information to enable a plant to be built, Prior to making piping drewings, the site plan and equipment arengement drawings are prepared, end from these two drawings the plot plan is derived. Thao thice drawings ave used as the bass for developing the pining drawings. SITE PLAN “The piping group produces a ite plan to smal sale (inch to 30 oF 100K for example). It shows the whole site including the boundaries, roads, railroad spurs, pavement, buildings, process plant ares, large structures, str te ares, effluent ponds, waste dispose, shiping and lading areas. "rue" (geographic) and ‘assumed or ‘plant’ north are marked and their angular ‘separation shown—see figure 5.11 oatique ‘24 27 FIGURES 55-57 KEY PLAN ‘A “key plan’ is produced by adapting the ste pln, dividing the area of the ‘ite into smaller areas identified by key lett or numbers. A small simplified inset ofthe key plan is added to plot plans, and may be edded to piping and other drawings for roferance purposes. The subject erea ofthe perticuar Grawing is hatched or shaded, at shown in figure 5.8. Figures DRAWING SHEET SHOWING KEY PLAN & MATCHLINE Ya i ste ENGINEERING EQUIPMENT ARRANGEMENT DRAWING Under projeet group supervision, the piping group usally makes several viable arrngoments of equipment, seeking an optimal dsign that atsies| races requirements, Often, prelimivay piping studies are necasary in order tw establish equipment coorinsts, 'A design aid for positioning equipment is to cut out sealed outlines of equipment from stiff paper, whith can be moved sbaut on a plan view of ‘the acea involved, (Hf multiple units of the some type are tobe used, xecaxing the equipment outlines is faster.) Another method which i useful for areas ‘whore mathed study or investigational reports are needed is described in 44.13 under ‘Photographic layouts. PLOT PLAN When tha equipment arrangement drawings are approved, they are developed Into ‘plot plans’ by the edition of dimensions and coordinates to locate all mejor items of equipment and structures, North and east coordinats of the extremities of building, and centelines of ‘Moahwork or ather architectural constructions should be shown on the plot plan, preleraby at the wast and south ends ofthe installation. Boh ‘plant north’ and tue north should be shown sue figure 6.11, Equipment coordinates are ususly given to the centerlines. Coordinates for ‘bumps ace given to the oanteline ofthe pump shaft and ether tothe Faca Of the pump foundetion, orto the centarine of the dscherge port. Updated copies of the above drawings are sent to the civil, structural and lctical or other groups involved inthe design, to inform tham of requie- ‘ments asthe design develops VESSEL DRAWINGS \When the equipment arrangement has been appraved end the piping arrange ‘ment determined, small dimensioned drawings of process vesals are made (on shoets 8% x 11 oF TT x 17 inches) in order to fix nozzles and their Dvantations, manholes, ladders, otc. These drawings are then sent to the vendor whe makes the shop detail drawings, which ara examined by the project engineer and sant to the piping group for checking and approval Vessel drawings need not be to scale. (Figure 6.14 is an example ves rowing) DRAWINGS FROM OTHER SOURCES Piping drawings should be corclated with the following drawings from other ‘design groups and from vendors, Ponts tobe checked ar isto Architectural drawings: ‘© Outlines of wali or sings, indicating thickness {© Floor penetration for stairway, its elevators, ducts, dais, et. {© Posians of doors and windows Civil engineering drawings: ‘© Foundstions, underground piping, drains, ete. Structuabstet drawings: 1 Postons of steal clures supporting next higher floor ovel 4 Sinparig sutures ssh ovohend cranes, morris, platforms ‘© Wall brecing, where pipes maybe taken thr walls Heating, ventilating & air-conditioning (HVAC) drawings: ‘8 Paths of ducting ad rising ducts, fan room, plenum space heaters, ete. Electrica drawings: © Postins of, metar consol cones, switch, janetin boxes and control panels ‘© Major conduit or wiring runs (inetuing buried runs) ‘Positions a ights Jnstrumentaton drawings: Instrument panel end console locations Vendors’ drawings: © Dimensions of equipment ‘¢ Positions of nozzle, flange type and pressure rating, instruments, ee ‘Mechanical drawings: ‘© Positions and dimensions of macanieal aquipmant such as conveyors, chutes, et. Piped Services needed for mechanical equipment. PIPING DRAWINGS. 528 Process equment and ping sytens have priority, rawings listed on the preceding page must be reviewed for compatibility withthe developing piping design Pertinent background details (Grav faintly) from these drawings help to avoid interferences. Omission of such detall from the piping drawing often leads to the subsequent ciscovery that pipe has boon routod thru a brace, stairway, doorway, foundstion, duct, mechanical equipment, motor control conte, fitefightng equipment, etc Completed piping drawings will also show spool umbers, if this part of the [ob is not subcontracted — sve 5.29. Electrical and instrument cables are not shown on piping drawings, but trays to hold the cables are Indicated—for example, se figure 6.3, point (8). isnot alvays posible for the piping drawing to follow exactly the lgicel ‘arrangement of the P&ID. Sometimes lines must be routed with siferant junction sequence, en fine numbers may be changed. During the preliminary Piping studies, economies andpreticble improvements may be fund, an the P&ID may be modified to take these into account, However, its nat the piping designers ob ta soek ways ta change the PD. SCALE Piping is arranged in plan viow, usually to 3/8 int stale, ALLOCATING SPACE ON THE SHEET © Obtein the drawing number and fil in the ttle black atthe bottom right comer ofthe shost ALLOCATING SPACE ON A DRAWING SHEET Fioure so — {© On nonstandard sheets, Jove 2 1% 10 Zinc margin atthe left edge of the sheet, to allow fling on a'stck. Standard dravaing sheets usually have this margin {© On drawings showing plan view, place a north arrow atthe tap let corner ofthe shet to incicete plant narth-sea figure 6.11 © Do not draw in the are above the title blck, a this space is allocated to the bill of matsril, orto guneral notes, bret descriptions of cheng, and the tte and numbers of reference drawings ‘© 1f plans and elevations are small enough to go on the sme sheet, draw the plan at the upper lft side ofthe sheet and elevations to the right and bottom of i. shown in figure 58 BACKGROUND DETAIL ‘© Show background detail s discused in 6.2.8 under ‘Piping deawing It is sometimes canvaniont to draw outlines on the rovers side of the ‘rowing sheet © After background detsils have been dotermined, itis best to make @ Brinton which nozzles on vessels, pumps, et, to be pipod can bo marked in ro pencil. Utility stations can also be established. This wil Indioate areas of major usage andthe moet convenient location forthe beaders. Obviously, at times there will be a number af alternate utes offering comparabie advantages PROCESS & SERVICE LINES ON PIPING DRAWINGS ‘© Take line numbers from the P&ID. Refer to 5.2.4 under ‘Flow lines on PRID's for information on numbering ins. Include line numbers on all vious, and sirowhzeds showing direction of flow ‘© Draw ll pipe ‘single tine’ unless special instructions have been given for drawing ‘double line’, Chart 6.1 gives line thicknesses (ul size) © Line numbers re shown aint line, thus ‘© Take tines continued on another sheet to 8 matching, and thave code with tine numbers only. Show the continuation sheet numbers on matchines-seo figure 88 ‘© Show where changes in tine materia specification accu. The changes sully indicated immediatly downstraam of a flange of a valve or equipment sree {© Show a definite break ina ine crossing behind enctherline-sea Rolled fl under "Plan view piping drawings this scion |FOURes (5859 ‘© 1Fpipesianves are required thru floors indicate where they are necded tnd inform the group leader for transmitting this information to the soups} concerned (© Indicate insuation, and show wht ‘roced-see chart 5:7 lines are electrically or stare FITTINGS, FLANGES, VALVES & PUMPS ON PIPING DRAWINGS ‘¢ The following itor shauld be labeled in ore view only: tees and ells rolled at 45 degrees (se example, this pae),shortratus el, reducing sll, eccentric reducer and eccentric swage (note on plan views whether ‘top at’ or “bottom flat), concentric reducer, concentric swage, nonstenderd or companion flange, reducing tee, special items of tuusuel matorial, of pressure rating different from that of the system, ste, Refer to charts §3, 54 and 6.5 for symbol usage Draw the outside diameters of fanges to scale ‘Show valve identification number fram P&ID Label control vahes to show: size, pressure cating, dimension over lan (55, and valve instrument number, from the P&lD-se figure 6.15 Draw vlve handets to scale with valve stem fully extended IK a whe is chain-operated, note distance of chain from operating foot, which for safety should be approximately 34 © For pumps, show outline of foundetion and nazzes pal LEGS & STEAM TRAPS. Driplogs ao indicated on relevant piping drawing plan views. Unies identi, 8 operate deal is drann foreach dripleg. The trap is indicated onthe drip: leg piping by 2 symbol, and refered to separate tap detail or datasheet. “The trap detail drawing should show all nocesary valves, strainers, unions, fc, required at th apse figuras 6.43 and 6.44, Tha piping shown on the dvpleg dots should indicate whsther condensate 1s to be taken to » header for reuse, or run to wast. The dasign nots in 6.10.5 iscus ripley details for stam fines in which condensate forms continuously. Refer to 6.109 also, INSTRUMENTS & CONNECTIONS ON PIPING DRAWINGS ‘© Show location for each instrumentation wth encircled instrument ‘number taken from the P&ID. Refer to 65:3 and chart 5.2 ‘© Show similar isolating valve arrangements on instrument connections ss “typical detail, unless covered by standard company detail shoot VENTS & DRAINS Refer to 6.11 end figure 6.47. Pure suPPORTS Refer 106.22, and char 6.7 for symbols, PLAN VIEW PIPING DRAWINGS ‘© Draw plan views foreach floor of the plant. These viws should show ‘what the layout wal look fike between adjacent floors, viewed from shove, or at the elevation thru which the plan view i cut © IF the plan viw will not fit on one sheet, present it on two or more heats, using metclines to lnk the drawings. See figure 6.8 ‘© Note the elevation below which a plan vow ie shown-for exemple, ‘PLAN BELOW ELEVATION 15'-0" *. For clarity, both elevations ‘an be stata: “PLAN BETWEEN ELEVATIONS 30°-0" & 15'—0"" (© If. 2 ta oF elbow is “role” at 45 depres, note as shown in the view wiere the fitting is rolled out ofthe plane ofthe drawing sheet "ROLLED ELL ‘ROLLED’ TEE 9 ‘© Figute 5.10 shows how inescan be broken to give sufficient information without drawing other views © Indicate requize fel welds ELEVATIONS (SECTIONS) & DETAILS 18 Draw elevations and details to clarify complex piping or piping hidden in the pen view © Donnot drow dota! that can be deseribed by 2 note © Show only ss many sections a nacessary. A sation does ‘complete cross section ofthe plan © Draw to a large scale any part needing fuller detail Enlarged details ate preferably drawn in avilable spaoe on elovational drawings, end Should be crossreferenced by the applicable dtal and drawing num bes) ‘© Identify sections indizated on plan views by letters (ue chart 5.) and details by numbers. Letters I end O are not usa a this an lead to con fusion with numerals. If more than twentyfour sections are needed the letter identification can be broken down thus: A1A1, A2-A2, 84-84,..... and s0 on "© Donot section plan views looking toward the bottom ofthe drawing shoot have tobe ‘© Figure 5.10 shove how to break lines 10 give suficiont informtion whilst voiding drawing another viw or section [SPOOL FABRICATION. FanrrnrnrnrcmarichhsonsRs tones storan wwoDEN” LINES rioune 510 ane Seno Deanne seccrang | ERs onrmentr co es SoS | wae 4 l = ——— roereiry ay une NUMBER PLAN tr etevarion, ern andy i} Cconetondog ELEVATION (orPLAN PIPING FABRICATION DRAWINGS~"IS0S" & "SPOOLS’ 529 ‘The two most common methods for producing piping designs for @ plant ‘ate by making ether plan én elation drawings, or by constructing scaled ‘model. For fabricating welded piping plans and elevations ae sent directly to 2 subcontractor, usually related toes a ‘shop febrcstor'=if a model is used, somatic drawings (rterrad to as “isos are sent insted, somatic views are commanly used in prefbricating parts of buttwelded Piping systems. Isos showing the piping to be proferiated are sent tothe shop fevioator. Figure 6.15 isan example of such an io. — ‘The proabricated parts ot the piping system ae termed ‘spook, described tnder ‘Spool, this section. The piping group sither produces iss showing the requted spools, or marks the pining to be spooled on plans and elevations depending 0 whethar or not & mode is used (as shown in chart 5.10) From these drawings, the subcontractor makes deta drawings termed “spool sheets. Figure 6.17 is an example spoot sheet. ISOMETRIC DRAWINGS, oF 1508" ‘An iso usually chavs 8 conplete tine from one piece of equipment to snother-se0 figure 5.15, tt gis al information necessary fr fabricstion nd erection a piping, sos are usvelly drown fechend, but the various cuns of pipe ittings and valves should be coughly in proportion for easy understanding. Any one line (that i, all the piping with the same line number) should be dann ‘on the minimum number of iso shoots. f continuation sheets ate needed, bras the tna at natural breakpoints such as flanges (excop orifice flanges), ‘wold etfitings, oF fed wold requied for instalation. Items ond information to be sown on an so include: ‘© North row (plant nor‘) © Dimensions and anges (¢Fefernce umber of slan drawing from which iso is made (unless ‘modal i used), line sunber, direction of flo, isulation and tracing ‘# Equipment numbers and tocations of equipment (by centetines) (© dentiy all items by se of an understood symbol, and amplify by 8 description, as necesry ‘+ Give detais of any flanged nozzles on equipment to which piping has ‘to be connected, if the flange is diferent from the sesfiation for the connected piping Sie and type of every valve © Si2o, pressure ating and instrument number of contol valves ‘# Number, location and arientation for each instrument connection ‘Shop and field wal. Indicate limits of shop and fied fabrication |soshaet continuation numbers ‘Unions required fr installation and maintenance purposes (On screned and socket welded assemblies, valva handwhee! positions eed not be shown (© Noterals of constuction © Locetion of vonts, rans, nd traps © Locations af supports, identified by pipesupport number “The following information may also be given: ‘© Requirements for sto rliving, sel weing, pickling, ining, coating, ‘or other special teatmant ofthe ine Drawing style to be followed is shown in the example iso, figure 6.18, which dlaplays some of the above points, and gives others 2 shaded notes, An fo may show more than one spool spots ‘A spool isan assmbly of fittings, anges and pie that may be preabrcsted. 1 does not include bolts, gaskets, valves oF instruments. Straight milleun lengths of pipe over 20 ft are usally not included in@spo0, a such langths may be velded in the system on erection {an the iso, this is indicated by noting the lang, end stating “BY FIELO’) “Tho size of spool is limited by the febrcstor’s available meons of tens- portation, and a spoat is usually contained within 3 space af dimensions 40 ft x 10 fx 8 f, The maximum pormissible dimensions may be obtained {om the fabricator. FIELD-FABRICATED SPOOLS Some States in the USA hve a trades agreement that 2-inch and smaller carbon-stel piging must be fabricated at the site. This eule is sometimes extended to piping larger than Zinc ‘SHOP-FABRICATED SPOOLS All llaypoaks, and spools with 3 or more welds made from 3-inch (occasion ally inch) and larger carbor-stel pipe are normally ‘shop fobicatad’. This i, fericated in the shop fabricators workshop, either at his plant or at the site. Spools with fower welds ere usually made in the fil. Large diameter piping, being mare dificult to handle, often necastates the ‘us of jige snd tomplatas, and is more economically produced in a workshop. SPOOL SHEETS ‘A spool shoot is an orthographic drawing of a spool made by the piping tonttactor either from plans and slavaions, or from an ise chart 6.10. Each spool sheet shows only one type of spool, and:~ 0 a Instructs the welder for fabricating the spoo! Lists the cut lengths of pipe, fittings and flanges, ete. needed to make the spool Gives materials of construction, and ony special teatment of the finished piping Indicates how many spools ofthe some type are required @ a NUMBERING 1505, SPOOL SHEETS, & SPOOLS Spool numbers are allocted by the piping group, and eppesr on al Dining drawings, Vaious methods of numbering can’be used as fong as identification is eaily made, A suguested method follons:— Iso sheets can bo identified by the tine number of the section of fine thet shown, followed by a siquntial number. For example, te fourth iso sheet ‘showing a spool to be part of @ line numbered 74/BZ/6/412/23 could be identified: 74/82/6/412/23-4 . —— Both the spoct end the spoo! sheet can be identified by number or letter using the io shoot number a6 @ profs. For exemple, the numbering of ‘spool sheos relating to iso sheet 74/BZ/6/412/23-8 could be ayazieiat2i2a—41, 74/azI6/#12/23~-4-2, or TA/BZ/6/812/23-4-A, 74/82/6/412/23-4-., .... “The full ine number need nat be used if @ shorter form would suffice for identification. ate, Spool numbers are aso retertd to as ‘mark numbers. They are shown on ‘sae and on the following:— (1) Spool sheets—as the sheet number (2) The Tebricatedspoot-so it canbe related to drawings oF iss (3) Piping drawings~plans end elevtions DIMENSIONING 53 DIMENSIONING FROM REFERENCE POINTS 531 HORIZONTAL REFERENCE When proposed plant ste is surveyed, a geographic reference point is utilized from which measurements to boundaries, roads, buildings, tanks, fte., can be made, The geographic reference point chosen is usually an officially established one. “The fines of latitude and longitude which define the geographic reference point are nat used, a a ‘plant north (ee figure 6.11) is established, paral to stuctual stehwork, The direction closest to true north is chosen for the ‘plant north “The coordinates of the southwest comer of the plant in figure 6.11, a ‘efered to ‘plant north’, are N 110,00 and E 200.00. Sometimes coordinates such as those above may be wtten N 1410 and 2400. The frst coordinate is ead a "ene hundrad plus 10 ft north” and the second es “two hundred plus zero ft ast”. This is system used for ‘Waverse survey, and is more correctly eprlied to highways, ralloads, ot Coordinates are used to locate tanks, ves, major equipment and structural stool In the open, these items are located directly with spect to @ ge0- ‘srapic reference point, but in buildings ard structures, can be dimensioned ‘ram the building sta. ‘The US Department of Commerce's Coes: and Geodetic Survey hes estab- lished a large numbor of cefeross for latitude end longitude, and for fevations above sea level, These are termed ‘gandetic control stations Control stations for horizontal reference (ttude and longitude) are referred ‘02s ‘tlanguition stations’ or ‘traverse sitions’, et. Control stations for vertical reference ae referred to as ‘benchmarks. Latitude and longitude hhave not been established for all benchmarks ‘A goodatic control station i marked with 2 metal dise showing identity ‘and date of establishment. To provide stable lotions for the oss, they axe set into tops of ‘monuments’, mounted in holes dillad in bedrock or laig firmly-mbedéed boulders, or affixed 10 a slid stucture, such we & building, bridge, ec ‘The peonraphic postions ofthese stations can be obtained from the Director, US Coast and Geodetic Survey, Rockville, Maryland 20852, VERTICAL REFERENCE efor any buidng or eecting begins, the sito is leveled (‘graded’) with fearth-moving equipment. The ground is made a lt as practicable, and after leveling is termed finished grade’ ‘The highest graded point js termed the “high point of finished grad (HPF), andthe horizontal plane passing they i s made the vertical reference lane or ‘datum’ from which plant elevations ae given. Figure 6.12 shows that thishorizontal plana is given a als" or nominal etevation, usually 100, ‘and isnot refered to meen sa evel, ‘The 100 ft nominal elevation ensues that foundations, basements, buried pipes and tanks, et. will have positive elavations. ‘Minus elevetion, which would be a nuisance, re thus avoided, Large plants may hve several aress, ach having its own high point of finished grode, Nominel grade elevation is measured fram » benchmark, iustratad in figure 8.12, DIMENSIONING PIPING DRAWINGS 532 DRAWING DIMENSIONS~& TOLERANCES MAINTAINED IN ERECTED PIPING On plot: Dimensions on piping drawings are normally maintained within the limits of plus or minus 1/16th inch, How tis tolaranc is mat doas not concern the designer. Any necessary allowences to ensure that dimensions ere meintained ara made by the fabricator and erctar (contacto) (Off plot: Dimensions are meintined as closely a precicable ty the erctor. WHICH DIMENSIONS SHOULD BE SHOWN? Sufficient dimensions should be given for positioning equipment, fo fabri ‘ating spools and for erecting piping, Duplication of dimonsions in diferent views should be avoided, as this may easly lead to eror if atterations are made, FIGURES 5185.12 ‘Besically the dimensions to show are ae 2 | cewtenunerortanceracet | womeson [Fars 4 | uanae race to ruanae races | nonsranoan ure? Figure 5.19 iluststs the use of thee types of dimensions. PLAN VIEW DIMENSIONS. Pian views eanvey most of the dimensional informatio, and may aso show ‘imersions for elevations in the absence of an elovstional view or section. VERTICAL VIEW ELEVATIONS & DIMENSIONS (n piping cravings, elevations may be given asin table 82 SHOWING ELEVATIONS Lt ~ ‘gi. ag BURIED PIPE USERNAMES fTHdLe 5.2] MISCELLANEOUS ELEVATIONS. me ee L (ree GUIDELINES FOR DIMENSIONING ALL PIPING DRAWINGS 5.33, ‘Show ll key dimensions, including elevations and coordinates ‘© Show dimensions outside of th drawn view unless unavoidable do not ‘elute the picture © Drow dimension linge unbrokon with 9 fina lina. Write the dimension just ebove a horizontal fine. Write the dimension of a vertical tine sideways, preferably atthe ft. Its usual to terminate the lina with arrovieads, and thes ar prelerable fr isos. The obique des shown are quicker and are suitable for plans and elevations, especially ifthe imarsions ae cramped ‘© fa ares of dimensions is to be shown, string them together as shown in the sketch. (Do not dirrnsion ftom a common referenc in 28 in ‘machine drawing) Show the overall dimonsion of the string of dimen- sions if this dimension wl be of repested interest [a | = l= fe ‘© Do not omit a signifcane dimension other than ‘iting makeup", even ‘though it may be easily calulated ~ see ‘fitting makeup’ thissection ‘© Most piping under nah is screwed or socketweléed and assembled st the ste (ld run). Thoraforo, give only those dimensions necesary to ‘ute such piping clear of equipment, other obstructions, and thu walls, end to locate anty those items winoe safe pzitioning or acces abiltys important to the process fe Must furs vo we sted to Ue tet sates ua ch Dee sions which cannot or need not be statod to ths precision are shown with aplusorminussign: 8-7", 18'-3", etc © Dimensions under two fost are usually marked in inches, and those ‘over two feet in foot and inches. Some companies prefer to mark all dimensions over one foot in fost and inches ‘© Atwompt to round off non-critical dimensions to whole fot and inches. Reser fectons of inches for dimensions reuirng his precision PLANS & ELEVATIONS-GENERAL DIMENSIONING POINTS Fesarve horizontal dimensions for the plan view Undarina all uvoF scale dimensions, or show as inchart 8.8 a certain piping arangerent is repeated onthe some drawing, it issu ficient to dimension the piping in one instance and note the other appearances es "TYP" (typical). This situation eccurs where similer ‘pumps ae connected toa common header. For anather example 2 ‘the pump base in figure 6.17 © Do not duplicate dimensions. Do not repeat them in diferent views DIMENSIONING TO JOINTS. © Donot trminete dimensions at a welded or screwed joint © Unless necessary, do not dimension to unions, i-Ene couplings oF any thar items that are not critical to constuction or operation of the Piping (© Whare flanges meat iti usual to show a small gop betwaen dimension lines to indicate the gasket. Gaskets should be covered in the piping specification, with gasket type and thicknes steed. Refer to the panel ‘Dratng vebo’, preceding chart 8.6. ft © As nearly all flanged joins have gaskets, @timeseving prooedure is to rote flenged joins without gaskets (for example, ee 3.1.8 under ‘Butterfly vohe'), The fabricator and erector can ba alertod to the road for gaskets elsewhere by 8 general note onal piping drawings: "GASKETS AS SPECIFICATION EXCEPT AS NOTED” FIGURE 513 TABLE 52 FITTING MAKEUP. 1 a number of items of standard dimensions ae grouped together itis un necessary 10 dimension ach itm, a the febrcator knows the sizes of snd axd fittings and equipment. I is nesesary, however, to indeate that the overall dimension is "fitting makoup’ ty’ the special crass symbol, ot preferably by writing the overall gimension. Any nonstandard item inated between standard items should be dimensioned FrrTing maxsuP SYMBOL Uaorscd * om || ome DIMENSIONING To VALVES 1 Locate flanged and welding-nd ves with ANSI standard dimensions by dimensioning to tair cantar. Mast gate and globe valves ar stan ads table V-1 © Dimonsion nonstandard flanged valves as shown in the panel opposite chart 58, Although a standard exists for control vals, feceto-face dimensions are usualy given, as it s posible to obtain them in non standard sizes ‘© Stender flanged check vales need nat be dimensioned, but if location ‘simportant, dimension to te flange facts) © Norsflanged values are dimensioned to thelr contr or stam DIMENSIONING TO NOZZLES ON VESSELS & EQUIPMENT © In plan view, 8 ngzze is eimensioned to its fee from the contarine ot te equipment its on © In-eevation, a nozzles canting is ether given its awn elevation ovis dimersioned from another reerene, In tha absence of an alevetional vow, nozzle eltions ean be shown on the plen view DIMENSIONING 1505 534 In order to cleriy show all dimension, the best aspect of the piping must be determines, Freedom to extend lines an spread the piping without regard to sale is great help in showing isometcc dimensions. The basic dimensions set out in 532, 53.3, andthe uidelias in §:2.9 apply. Figure 5.15 illustrates the main requtemant of a itometie includes @ dimensioned offset. Figur 5.18 shows how ot crsioned. caning, and in sets ae dim ‘© _Dimansfn in te same way as plans and elevations ‘€ Give sufiient dimensions forthe fabricatar to make the spool deawings see figure 5.17, BinteNSIONS REGUINCD BY VENDON (Rete t0 5.2.71 ee Gye i --@ ee aka ENGINEERING COMPANY EXAMPLE ‘180° oa [FIGURES [1085.5 © DIMENSIONING SPOOLS (WELDED ASSEMBLIES) 58 Allowencs for weld spscing (root gap is «shop setup problem and should not be considered in making asiembly drawings or detailed sketches, The Pipe Fabrication Insitute recommends that an evaall dimension is shown which isthe sum ofthe nominal dimensions ofthe component parts ‘A spool sheet deals with only one design af spool, and shows complete imonsional detail, tits materiel for making the sp00, end specifies how ‘many spans af that type ate eequied. Figure 6.17 shows how a spool from figure 5.16 would be dimensioned, ‘Ns L C —— el ee CHECKING & ISSUING DRAWINGS 5a RESPONSILITIES 54a PEID's, process flow diagrams and line designation shoots are checked by engineers nthe project group. Excoptforspoo!drowings, al piping drawings are checked by the piping group. thogrephie spool drawings produced by the piping fabricator are not usuly checked by the piping group, except for ‘critica spools, such a spon for ‘overseas shipment and intrest spools Usually an experienoad designer within the piping group is given the task of checking. Some companies employ persons specially as design checker ‘Tho chocke’s responsibilities are set out in 4.1.2 CHECKING PIPING DRAWINGS 542 Print of dawings ae checked and corrected by marking with colored pencis. ‘Ares to bs corected on the drawing are usually marked in red on the print, Correct eres and dimensins are usually markad in yall. Checked dawings tobe changed shouldbe returned to ther originetor when- ‘ever positle, for amendment. A new print is supplied tothe checker with ‘the origin “marked up’ print for ‘beckehacking ISSUING DRAWINGS 543 ‘Areas of erawing awaiting further information or decision are ringed clearly ‘on the reverse side and labeled ‘HOLD'~rofer to chart 88. (A black, rad, of vallow china marker is suitable for film with slick finish on the reverse side.) Changes o° revisions are indicated on the fronts of the sheets by @ small ‘wiangle inthe area of the revision, The revision number is marked inside the ‘wiangle,notad above the title biock (or in an allocated pane) with descrg- tion of the rvision, rauirad initials, and data. The evsion number may be part ofthe craving number, or it may follow the drawing number (prefered rmethod—soe figure 6.17). The daving as frst isued is numbored the ‘zero’ ‘A érawng is issued in theee stages. The first issue is ‘FOR APPROVAL’, by ‘managemant o clint. The sand isueis'FOR CONSTRUCTION B10: wien vendors ae invitod to bid for equipment and work contracts. The third issue fs FOR CONSTRUCTION’ folowing avarding ofall purchase orders and contrects, Drewings may be reissued st each stage if significant changes ‘ae made, Minor changes may be mede after the thicdstege (by agreement ‘on cost and extent of work) but major changes may involve al three stages of issue, (CHECKING PIPING DRAWINGS (PLANS, ELEVATIONS, & 1808) aa Points tobe checked onal piping drawings include the flowing Title of drawing ‘Numbor of issue, and revision umber Orientation: North arrow against plot plan Inclusion of pepe sale i drawing isto be photographically reduced) Equipment numbers and their appearence on piping drewings “That comoet ienttcaton appears on all ines inal views Line materiel specification changes ‘Agreement with specifications and agreement with other drawings ‘That the drawing includes reference number(s) and titas) to any other relevant ravings ‘That all dimensions re eoract ‘© Agieament with cartitiad vendor’ crewings for dimensions, nozale trentation, manholas and ladders That facatofece dimensions and pressure ratings sre shown forall nonstandard flanged items Location end identification of instrument connections Provision of tne vents, drains, traps, and tracing. Check that vents a at all high points and drains ‘at all ow points of ins for hydrastatic test Driplegs shouldbe indested end detailed. Traps should be ident fied, and piping detaited ‘©The following its should be labeled in oneview only: tees and lls rolled at 45 deges (see exemple in 6:28), shortredus el, raducing il, eccentric reducar and eccentric swage (note on plan views whether ‘ap flat’ or ‘bottom lt’), concentric reducer, concentric swage, nonstandard or companion flange, reducing tee, special items of unusual material, of pressure rating different fram thet ofthe system, ste, Refer to charts 5.3, 6.4 and 8.5 for symbol usige That insulation hasbeen shown at requited by the PID Pipe support lacation with support numbers That all anchors, dummy legs and welded supports ae shown “That the stress groups requirements have been met That al field welds are shown Correctness of sale Coorinetes of equipment against pot plan Piping arrangoment against PAID roquiroments Possible intcforences ‘Adequacy of clearances of pining fram steelwork doors, windows and brates, ductwork, equipment and maja electric apparatus, including control consoles, cables from motor contol eonters (MC's), and fire fighting equipment. Check secesibilty for operation and maintenance ‘© That floor and wall penetration are shown corecty ‘© Accessibilty for operation and maintenance, and thet adequate man: holes, hatches, covers, dropout end handling aes, et. have been provided FFoundetion drawings with vendors’ equipment requirements List of materiel, if any. Lista items should be identified onc, either fan the plan or the sevation drawings ‘That suction letters 280 withthe saction markings on th plan view ‘That drawings include nacesary matchlie information ‘Appearance of necesary continuation sheet numbers) “That spool numbers appear corractly Presence of al requited signatures —— ‘This furthar point should be chocked on iss: © Agresment with mace! “Those further points should be checked! on spool sheets ‘© That materiel is completely std and described © That the required numberof spools of identical type is noted INSTRUMENTATION (As shown on P&ID's) 55 “This scton briefly describes the purposes of instruments snd explain how instrumentation may be read from PRID's. Piping drawings will ls show the connection (coupling, etc.) to line or vessel. However, piping drawings should show only inuments connected to (or located in) piping and vessels ‘Tha only purpose in ading nsrumontation to piping drawing sto identity the connection, orifca plate or equipmant to be installed on ori the piping, and to cortlate the piping draing to the PB. INSTRUMENT FUNCTION ONLY IS SHOWN 581 Instrumentation isshown on proces diagramsand piping dranings by symbols. ‘The functions of intrurens re show, not the instruments, Only the pri ‘mary connection to @ vessel a lne, or devices installed in tne (suchas fice plates and control vals) are indicated, ‘There is some uniformity, among the larger companies at last, in the way in ‘which instrumentation is shown, Thae ea willingness to adopt the recom: ‘mendations ofthe Instrument Society of America, but adharenc snot always ‘The ISA standard is $6.1, titled “Instrumentation symbols end iden- Compliance withthe ISA schemes to same extent intamatianal. This i bene {ical when drawings go from one country to anther, as there is thon no dif culty in understanding te instrumentation on INSTRUMENT FUNCTIONS. 582 Although instruments are used for many purposs, thir basic functions are few in suber: (1) To sense a ‘condition’ of the process material, mast commonly it pressure, tmperatura flow rate or level. These ‘conditions ar termed prociss variables. The piace of equipment thet does the sensing is ‘wrmed a ‘primary element, ‘senso’ or ‘detector’ (2) To transmit» measure of the process variable fom a primary element. (3) To indicate 2 measure of 8 process variable ta the plant operator, by ‘showing the massured value by a eal and pointer, pen snd paper all or {git display. Another form of indicators an alarm which givs audible 1 visual warning when a process vrablasuch as tamporature aparoaches an unser undesired value (4) To record the messure of & proves varisble. Most recorders are lectricaly-operated per-and-peper-‘oll types which record either the instantaneous value ortho average over a time period (5) To contrat the process variable, An instrument initiating this funtion is termed a ‘controller’. A controller sutens or changes the value of the process variable by sctuating a inal control elment’ (ths element is usally vaio, n proces piping Many instruments combine two oF more of thes ive functions, and may aso have mechanical pars inteprted — the commonest example ofthis is the salf-contanad contol valve (sue 3.1.10, under ‘Presure regulator’, and chart 31). HOW INSTRUMENTATION IS IDENTIFIED ‘The mostused instruments are pressure and temperature gages ( and are shown 9s in figure 6.18 (a) and (b). An example ‘instrument Tdontitication number’ (or ‘tag eurnbor) is shown in figure 6.18 (c). The belloon around the number is usually drawn 7/1B-nch diameter 2 a 'n figure 5.18, Tend“ denote proces vaiablos pressure, temperature, ‘and flow respectively.’ and ‘G" show the type of instrument; indicator ‘and gage respectively, Table 5.3 gives ater letter denoting process vrible, type of instrument, etc. The number 8, labeled “loop number isan example sequential number (allocated by an instrumentation engines) INSTRUMENT MOUNTING, [BI MULTIPLE:FUNCTION INSTRUMENTS ssa ‘A harizontel line inthe ISA talloon shows tht the instrument performing {hw function is to be “bears mouated” ina eonsle, etc, Absence ofthis line shows ical mounting none the piping, vessel, et, a ul 88 88 Toe ISA scheme shons insure function, oot instruments. Howes,» ‘multe-tunetion inteumant can be indiated by drawing the balloons show Ing the separate functions so that the cices touch, Somes, @ multinlefunetion instrument will be indicated by a single talloon symbol, with a function idetitcaion, such as "TAC’ for a temp- erature recordet- nexdccdnesozra-aamm@2ne> ‘QUALIFYING LETTER AFTER TNE PROCESS VARIALE LETTER THE QUALIFYING LETTER IS USED: When the tference bate two veut of ‘he roves vores aie en the proce aril tobe same (tes befod of tine. For example, flow ‘te ante simmer io pve for volume TOTAL RATIO nen thes of two valve of the prose ‘nano’ To snot hand operated ornate righ To snot irsrument ation ona at so Stale ofthe proses aie Low To denote insrumsnt sean on “ow sat {rive of the proce variate LISTING PIPING MATERIEL ON DRAWINGS 56 Inthe enginering construction industry, itis usual for piping components to be given @ code number which appears in the piping spcifiction. In companies not primarily engaged in plant construction, materiel is fequantly Tstod on arewings, DIFFERENT FORMS OF LIST 50a “This lists usually ttl Uist of materia, or preferably, “ist of materi, items of hardware are refered to. ‘Parts lit and Bill of materia’ are atanate hesings Either a seperate list can be made for materiel! on several drawings, or each Aroning shet can include ist far items on the particular drawing. Lists on Sraniogs ore writen in the space sbove the ttle block. Colurmn headings normally used forthe fist are SUGGESTED LISTING SCHEME 562 Vessls, pumps, machinery and instruments are normally listed separately ‘rom piping hardeare. However, iti not uncommon, on smal projets or revamp work, t0 list all materiel on a drawing TT conveyance: To poops | Pin ge ony toronto fora fw Saar » agers Inne ae, eins, ver Srprameot fiat | Fomwes_| Pome stor |S pmechonieal mean om the td | al Eorece gorseramene ‘walang ote peck sng fr ee Hophazard listing of items makes reference troublesome. Tho schome sug ‘gested in chart 5.11 is based on the duty ofthe hardware and canbe extended to Hstng equipment if desired. lems of higher pressure rting and larger size ‘an be fisted Fist within each clas, LISTING SPECIFIC ITEMS sea Under the heading DESCRIPTION, afton on drawings the sie ofthe item i ‘tata first, A typical ardor is: SIZE (NPS), RATING (cles, schedule cumber, tc}, NAME (of itom), MATERIAL (ASTI or other material speciation), and FEATURE (design featur. Descriptions are best headed by the NAME cf the item, followed by the SIZE, RATING, FEATURE(S), and MATERIAL. Asmatrial listings are commonly handled by date-procesing equipment, beginning the description of an itm bby name is of asistence in banding the dete, The desription for ‘ioe is detalles, © NAME: State‘PIPE” © size Specify nominal pipe size, Se 2.1.3 and tables P- © RATING: Specify wall thickness as either a schedule number, a ‘manufacturers’ weight, te SetablesP-1, SCH schedule, STD standard, XS="extastiong, XXS= doubleextra strong, API= Amarcan Petroleum Institute. © FEATURE: Specify design festure(s) unless covered by ® pipe specification for the project. Pipe is available seamless or with a welded seam— ‘axamples af designations are: SMLS = seamless, FEW = ‘urnacebuttwelded, ERW = electric resistance. welded GALY = galvanized. Specify ends: T&C = throadad and coupled, BE = bovled end, PE = pain end, © MATERIAL: Carbonstee! pipe is often orderad to ASTM AS or ‘A106, Grede A or B. Other speifictions are given in tables 75nd 2.1, POINTS TO CHECK WHEN MAKING THE LIST 50 See that all items in thelist have been given a sequential item number © Label the items appearing on the piping drawings withthe item number ‘rom thelist. Wite the itam number in a circle with a Fine ina a artow pointing to the item on the drawing. Each tem in the st of matarial i Indieatd in this way onca onthe plan or elevetional piping drenings Verity that all data on the ist agree with (1) Requements sat out in piping drawn (2) Availabe harcvare inthe manufacturer’ catalogs DESIGN OF PIPING SYSTEMS : Including Arrangement, Supporting, Insulation, Heating, Venting and Draining of Piping, Vessels and Equipment ARRANGING PIPING 61 GUIDELINES & NOTES 61a Simple arrangements snd shart linet minimize pressure drops and lower ‘pumping costs Designing piping so that the arangemant is“ to mechanical or thermal movemant-eler to fig Piping, this section, lowbl’ reduces streses due and ‘Stress on Inside butidigs, piping is usnly arrenged parallel to building steelwork to simplify supporting and improve appesrance, urside buildings, piping can be arenged: (1) On pipracks, (2) Near grade ‘an sogpers. (3) In trenches. (4) Vertically against stsiwork or lage items of equipment. PIPING ARRANGEMENT © Use stndard avalabla ims wherever possible © Da not use mites une directed t9 do sa run piping under foundation. (Pipes may be run under gre © Piping may have to go thu canerote floors or wal. Establish these paint of penetration as rly as posible and infer the group concar (4 {architectural or evil) to avoid cutting existing reinforcing bars © Preferably lay piping such as fines to outside storage, loading and receiving foie, et grata on pipe sleepers (se figure 6.3) if there is no possibilty of futu roads or site development © Avoid burying stom ines thet pocket, due to the dificuty of collect inp condensate, Steam lines may be run below grade in trenches Drovided with covers or [for short runs) in sleses © Lines that are usualy buried ince drains an tines bringing in wate oF oss. Whore long cod winters freeze the soil, burying limes below pa Frost fine may avoid she foszing af water and solutions, saving ‘he expense of tracing long horizontal parts ofthe lines © Include removable flanged spools to id maintenance, especialy at Dumps, turbines, and other equipment that will have to be removed for overhaul © Take gas and vepor branch lines from taps of haaders where itis necessary to reduce the chence of drawing off condenste (i pesant) sediment which mey damage rotating equipment # Avoid pocketing finas-srange pining sa that lines drain beck into equipment or into lines that can be deainad ‘© Vent all high points and drain al low points on ina ~ seo figure 6.47, Inkeate vents and drains using symials in chaet 57. Caeaulyplaced drains and volved vents permit lines to be easly deined or purged during shutdown periods: this sespecilly important in fogzng climates fond can reduce winterizing costs ARRANGE FOR SUPPORTING ‘© Group tne in pipenays, where practicable ‘© Support piping from ovaread, in preference to underneath ‘© Run piping beneath platforms rather than over them REMOVING EQUIPMENT & CLEANING LINES © Provide union- and flanged joints as naessary, and in edition use crass instead of elbows, to permit ramaving materia that may solidify CLEARANCES & ACCESS © Route piping to obtain adequate clearance for malntsining and remo ing equipment Locate within reach, or make accesible, al equipment subigct to perio dic operation or inspection — with special reference to check valves, Dressure clit valves raps, strainers and instruments 4¢ Take care to not obstruct access ways — doorways, eszape pana, tuck ways, alloys, lifting wal, ete © Position equipment with adequate clocance for operation and aint france. Clearances often adopted ara given in table 6.1. In some ‘reumstances, these cearanees may bo inadaquate—for exemple, with, Shellndube heat exchangers, space must be provided to permit, Withdrawal of the tubes fom the sell CLEARANCES & DIMENSIONS] MINIMOM CLEARANCES HORZONTAL Opetig ace soud eqipwent + CLEARANCES: Comin ot tnd were ‘hawecon (1) Stag tack (2) caret wack Manley rebate VERTICAL ___ Over way, pf, o operating ae GLEAMANCES: Oye saieny| ‘var igh point of lan rsd: (Q) Minor eae (2h rode verte from tp af una HORIZONTAL DIMENSIONS. th of ata tore Wh af eerted way ay Width af ung of fie ltr See chat P2, VERTICAL DIMENSIONS aan, Tap of oe, lor, ost: (1) Lowe ait 2 pe TABLE 6.1 Mason oat Woes Seale 2 endenat P2 Steger flanges, with 12nch minimum elerance from supporting steel Keep field welds and other joints et last inches from supporting steel, building siding or other obstruction, Allow raom for th joint tobe made ‘© Allow room for loops and othr pipe arrangement to cope with expan- sion by early consultation with staff concerned with pine stressing, Notify the structural group of any aditiona tel requied to support such oops ‘THERMAL MOVEMENT Maximum and minimum lengths of a pipe cun wll errespond to the tempers ture extremes to which it issubjected. The amount of expansion or shrinkage im steel per degree change in temperture(cooticient of expansion’ is ap Droximately the sare ~ tat i, the expansion from 40F to 41F is about the same as from 132 F to 133 F, or from 179 F to 180 F, ete. Chart 6.1 gives ‘changes in line length fr changes in ramperatre. T g 8 Temperance F) (© Ensure very hot lings are not cun adjacent to ies carving temperature sensitive fluids, or elsewhere, where heat might be undesirable ‘© Establish sufficiant headroom for ductwork, essntalelactical uns and at least two elevations for pipe run north-south and east—wist (asad on clearance of largest lines, steelwork, ductwork, et.—sae figure 6.49) ‘© Elevations of lines ore usually changed when changing horizont nection where tines ae grouped topeter or ar ina congested aoe, 50 5 nat to block space where future lines may have to be outed 048 Expansion (inches per 100 ft) Tan os Aeannte snawan fo eumeaaTone OFTEN CEPT Ne en STRESSES ON PIPING F FLEXIBILITY THERMAL STRESSES Changs in tonpetueof pia ue wie o—B 14 ee .. ~—E—rti‘“<“<«*@™”™*™*s—C—s™C changes in length of the piping, This expansion or contraction in turn eoues strains in piping, supports and atachad equipment. SETTLEMENT STRAINS Foundation of large tanks and heavy equipment ‘may stta or tit slightly in the cours af time, Connected piping and equip Soe cr eae tet ‘mont nat on #comman faundation wil be stressed by the dsplaoement unless Pewloaon maw eas the piping it arranged in a contiguetion flexible enough to accommodate multisleplane movement. This problem should nat aris in new construction hut could acer in madification toa plant unit r proces. FLEXIBILITY IN PIPING “To raduce strains in piping caused by substantial thermal movement, exible uy ny ee wi ace and expansion joints may be usod. However, th use of thes joins may be overaaes minimized by arranging piping ina tlexble manner, a illustrated in figure 6.1 Pipe can flex in a direction perpendicular to its length: thus, th longer an offset, or the deeper 8 foop, tho mare flexibility i gsinad COLD SPRING Cold springing of tins should be avoided if an alternate method canbe used. A ine ray be cold sprung to reduce the empiitude of movement from thermal expansion or contrsction in order: (a) To redune stress on connec pistes tions. (6) To void an intorfrence, CARAT Figure 6.2 schematically illustratet he use of cold springing for both pur 61 poses. Cold springing in example (e} consists of meking the branch in the ingiceted cold postion, which divides thermal mavemant between tho cold and hot pasitions. In example (b) the cold spring is made equal to the ‘thermal movement ovo sominaine Ficune 62 FIGURES soem | rere — a pa (on In the folowing example, cold springing i employed solely to ceduce a tres 1 long pine connected by 2 SO-deste elbow and fange to 8 nozzle may tn heating expand so thet it imposes aloud an the nazle in excess ofthat recommended. Assume that piping to the nozle has bean installed st ambient temperature, and thatthe pipe expands 0.75 inch when at materi! flows thea it pottog a otra (sideways) lad of 60D fh on the nozle. 1 the pipe had 0.378 inch ofits length removed before connection, the room ‘temperature tral ood on therzzlawould be about 300i instead of zea), and the not load would be redured to about 300 Ib “Tho ection of the expansion taken up can be varied. A cold spring of 50% Df the expansion between the temperature extremes gives the most benefit in reducing stress. Cold springing is not recommended if en alternate solution an be uted Rafer ta te Code or Pressure Piping ANSI B31 and to table 72. RESISTANCE OF PIPING To FLOW All piping has rxstance 10 flow The smaller the flow cress section and the more abrupt the change in direction of flow, the greater is the resistence and Inss of prosure. For 2 particular fine size the resistance i ‘roportonal ta the length of pipe, and the resistance of fitings, vals, etc may bo expressed 9s 8 Tength of pipe having the same raistance to flow. Table F-10 gives such equivalent lengths of pipa for fittings, valves, et. “Table F-11 gives prasure drops for water flowing thru SCH 40 pipe at various rates. Charts to determine the economic siza (NFS) of piping are ven inthe Chemical Engineer's Handbook and other sources. Problems of resistance to flow can be quickly solved with the aid of the sligetule caleuster obtainble from Tube Tums Divsion of Chametron Corporation, PO Box 32160, Louse, KY 40232, PIPERACKS, ez ‘8 “penay’ ithe space allocated for routing svat poral adjacent ins. & ‘piperack’ fs structure inthe pipenay for carrying pipes and i usually fb tatod from stl, or canerete and steel, consisting of connected shaped frames termed “pens on top of wbich the pipes rst. The vetcal members of the bents ate termed ‘stanchions. Figure 6.3 shows two piperacts using this form of constuction, one af which i eouble-dackad’. Piperacks for nly two oF three pipes are made from "T'shaped members, tomed “torhead suppor Piperocks ace expensive, ut are nicesary or artanging tho min process and serves lines araund the plant site. They ace mada use af in secondary ways, Prinepally 10 provide a protested location for ancillary equipment Pugs, utility stations, manifolds, firefighting and first aid stations can bo Tocoted under the piperack. Lighting and ater fixtures canbe ited to stan chions, Air-cooled heat exchangors ean be supported above the pipsrock ‘The smallest size of pipe run on a piperack without additional support is tuually 2 neh 1 may Be mare evonaric to change proposed smal ines to inch pipe, or to suspend them from inch oF larger ins, insteod of providing additional support. ‘Toble $1 and charts -2 give sess and support date for spans of harizontel ie. KEY FOR FIGURE 6.3 © 2ONOT AUN 1G OVER STARCHIONS AS THIS WILL PREVENT ADDING SRA ACTS BERGEN RAP, W HERCENF OF Fnac MMOTHCSEE {6} manures way HAVE INSULATION LOCALLY REMOVED AT SUPPORTS PERG SROSLEN with Pipes CEAVING. THESRIPEMAY. ALTERNATELY, er ay eee Eilers Ee Tue Ouse See OO ARAL GREIe Se Seana are OUELPHS ERLE SRE Meare OF iti Sy Gabe S0ut be 17 WENES OR MORE MOOE caaaE OTE (0) uanenrpoacice 5 10 seace RENTS 20-25 FEET APART. THIS SPACING 19 gy cueanance NpeRNEATH TH peRnck Is DETERUNED by “ ‘ Bur caanor ERED AE A Seat 19 SS ge US POPS ITF NORE SR ‘SRA EEL, ISUNR EN aR ATATN® wo res

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